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XVI.57.A.1. Discussion with possible action on status and impact of the "Laredo CARES Act Workforce Training Program" in collaboration with Laredo College; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma)
XVI.57.E.1. Discussion with possible action regarding increasing Municipal COVID Protocols during holidays; and any other matters incident thereto.
Citizen Comments
VIII. Public Hearings
XIII.54. Status update on the 2021 State Legislative Agenda for the 87th Texas Legislative Session; and any other matters incident thereto.
X.16. 2020-O-152
XII.24. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultants for RFQ FY20-ENG-014 general architectural services for existing buildings, facilities, other amenities and proposed construction projects FY2020-2021 & FY2021-2022 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Professional service agreements will be issued per project upon funding available for a one (1) year term with one (1) option for a one (1) year renewal for a total term of two (2) years. Contracts will be awarded for small projects and funding will be less than $50,000.00 per project per vendor in the respective budget account. Eight (8) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, October 9, 2020, at 4:00 P.M. and staff recommends the selection of the following top consultants. There is no financial impact at this time.
XII.25. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultants for RFQ FY20-ENG-015 general civil engineering services for construction projects FY2020-2021 & FY2021-2022 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Professional service agreements will be issued per project upon funding available for a one (1) year term with one (1) option for a one (1) year renewal for a total term of two (2) years. Contracts will be awarded for small projects and funding will be less than $50,000.00 per project, per vendor, in the respective budget account. Fifteen (15) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, October 9, 2020, at 4:00 P.M.and staff recommends the selection of the following top consultants. There is no financial impact at this time.
XII.34. 2020-R-184
XII.42. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a park improvement agreement with 359 IP Development, Inc., a developer of the Southern Development Subdivision, and the City of Laredo for the purposes of allowing the developer to construct park amenities that fulfill the requirements of Section 24-56 in lieu of payment, the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. The developer will coordinate with the City on the amenities to be constructed and which will, upon completion, be conveyed to the City for municipal and recreational purposes.
XVI.57.F.3. Discussion with possible action to add additional lighting and cameras to the Mike Doyle Hike and Bikeway due to the recent maniaco that has been exposing himself and groping women along the trail and an update by the Laredo Police Department as the status of the investigation; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.57.F.2. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize El Metro staff to complete the bus stop located on Farias Street at Juarez Street to include a Shelter/Canopy; and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District VII Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total Estimated Project Cost ~ $1,750.00.
XVI.57.F.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the status of the City Attorney's investigation regarding the use of'Association Business Leave" by the Laredo Fire Fighters' Union/FirePAC/"La Union" and the costs to the city tax payers for that use of leave, including but not limited to the back-filling of those shifts by senior firefighters; and whether the aforementioned organizations illegally distributed food based on politics instead of actual need; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pete Saenz and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
XIII.55. Discussion with possible action on possible polling locations for the runoff election; and any other matters incident thereto.
Nov 16, 2020 City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
XVI.57.A.1. Discussion with possible action on status and impact of the "Laredo CARES Act Workforce Training Program" in collaboration with Laredo College; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma)
XVI.57.E.1. Discussion with possible action regarding increasing Municipal COVID Protocols during holidays; and any other matters incident thereto.
Citizen Comments
VIII. Public Hearings
XIII.54. Status update on the 2021 State Legislative Agenda for the 87th Texas Legislative Session; and any other matters incident thereto.
X.16. 2020-O-152
XII.24. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultants for RFQ FY20-ENG-014 general architectural services for existing buildings, facilities, other amenities and proposed construction projects FY2020-2021 & FY2021-2022 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Professional service agreements will be issued per project upon funding available for a one (1) year term with one (1) option for a one (1) year renewal for a total term of two (2) years. Contracts will be awarded for small projects and funding will be less than $50,000.00 per project per vendor in the respective budget account. Eight (8) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, October 9, 2020, at 4:00 P.M. and staff recommends the selection of the following top consultants. There is no financial impact at this time.
XII.25. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultants for RFQ FY20-ENG-015 general civil engineering services for construction projects FY2020-2021 & FY2021-2022 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Professional service agreements will be issued per project upon funding available for a one (1) year term with one (1) option for a one (1) year renewal for a total term of two (2) years. Contracts will be awarded for small projects and funding will be less than $50,000.00 per project, per vendor, in the respective budget account. Fifteen (15) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, October 9, 2020, at 4:00 P.M.and staff recommends the selection of the following top consultants. There is no financial impact at this time.
XII.34. 2020-R-184
XII.42. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a park improvement agreement with 359 IP Development, Inc., a developer of the Southern Development Subdivision, and the City of Laredo for the purposes of allowing the developer to construct park amenities that fulfill the requirements of Section 24-56 in lieu of payment, the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. The developer will coordinate with the City on the amenities to be constructed and which will, upon completion, be conveyed to the City for municipal and recreational purposes.
XVI.57.F.3. Discussion with possible action to add additional lighting and cameras to the Mike Doyle Hike and Bikeway due to the recent maniaco that has been exposing himself and groping women along the trail and an update by the Laredo Police Department as the status of the investigation; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.57.F.2. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize El Metro staff to complete the bus stop located on Farias Street at Juarez Street to include a Shelter/Canopy; and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District VII Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total Estimated Project Cost ~ $1,750.00.
XVI.57.F.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the status of the City Attorney's investigation regarding the use of'Association Business Leave" by the Laredo Fire Fighters' Union/FirePAC/"La Union" and the costs to the city tax payers for that use of leave, including but not limited to the back-filling of those shifts by senior firefighters; and whether the aforementioned organizations illegally distributed food based on politics instead of actual need; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pete Saenz and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
XIII.55. Discussion with possible action on possible polling locations for the runoff election; and any other matters incident thereto.
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