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Additional Item 1
XVI.117.C.2. Recognizing Ricardo "Cuate" Santos for his 39 years of service to the City of Laredo as photographer for the Laredo Morning Times and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.A.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the speed hump installation policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project. a. Speed hump on Nueces Loop b. Speed hump on 3100 Vicente
XVI.117.C.1. Recognizing Mr. Jeffrey J. Miller, Laredo International Airport Director, for his inclusion as a recipient of Airport Business Magazine's Top 40 Under 40 Award. On November 24, 2020, Airport Business Magazine recognized Mr. Jeffrey J. Miller for his service and continued leadership in the aviation industry by including him as a top leader in the aviation industry under the age of 40.
XVI.117.C.3. Discussion with possible action to dedicate the K. Tarver Pocket Park in memory of Armando Cisneros and the Crime Stoppers Bldg. in District IV in memory of Estela Quintanilla, as amended; and any other matters incident thereto.
IX 29 - IX 33
XI 35 - XI 51
XII.57. Consideration to appoint a Mayor Pro Tern as per Ordinance 201 1-0-029 and whose term shall start January 19, 2021 through November 15, 2021, and any matters incident thereto .
XII.59. Ratification of the submission of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program payment information and acceptance of award terms and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. The program under this grant will provide Emergency Rental Assistance to eligible low to moderate income families/individuals im pacted by COVID- 1 9 pandemic.
XII.62. Authorizing the City Manager to develop plans for a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) proposal by Majestic Realty for Port Grande a $1 billion 2 , 000-acre master- planned logistics and commercial development based on non-binding ter ms sheet. The Tax Increment Financing (TIF) project is a public-private partnership plan that would use a share of new ad-valorem taxes produced from the projects improvements to fund public infrastructure costs spread over a 30-year period. A creation ordinance, project and financing plan, and full development agreement must by ap proved by City Council before the TIRZ is fully established.
XII.63. Consideration to rescind the selection of the top consultant Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., Dallas, Texas RFQ FY19-ENG-001 for the City of Laredo Municipal Waterpark. There is no financial impact.
XII.64. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agree ment (ROW CSJ#0086-01 -096) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) to contrib ute Rig ht of Way funds (Fixed Price) for the segment on SH 359 from 4.06 miles E of Loop 20 to 8.935 miles E of Loop 20 in the total amount of $139,482.00, being the City's participation ( 10%) for acquisition of Rig ht of Way ( R.O.W.) $79, 006.00 and reimbursable utility adjustments $60,476.00 respectively along State Highway 359 to make certain highway im provements. First payment of $ 1 5, 000.00 is due on March 1 , 202 1 and four additional annual payments of $31, 1 20.50 due through Ma rch 1 , 2025. Funding is avai l able in the Cap ital Gra nts Fund.
XII.80. Motion to accept, establish and to implement the Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) and Health Maintenance Organization (H MO) plan rates for employees who retire after February 1, 202 1; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
Additional Item 2
XVI.117.E.3 & F.1
Citizen comments
VI.1. Invitation to watch the annual State of the City Address on KGNS and Telemundo, Wednesday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m., as well as on the City of Laredo's Public Access Channels and Facebook Page.
VII.10. Appointment by Council Member Vanessa J. Perez of George Altgelt to the Ethics Commission.
Additional Item 3
VIII. Public Hearing 1 - 5
VIII. Public Hearing 6 - 18 & 20 - 28 (Part 1 of 2)
VII 14 & VII 19
VIII. Public Hearing 6 - 18 & 20 - 28 (Part 2 of 2)
X.34. & XIII.109
XVI.117.E.1 . Discussion with possible actio n o n supporting a Resolutio n callin g on President Elec t Josep h R . Biden , Jr . t o immediatel y declare a moratoriu m o n borde r wall construction i n the Laredo Sector an d hal t th e government's condemnation of public land s an d private propert y fo r borde r wal l construc t ion , directin g the City Manage r t o presen t sai d Resolutio n t o the incoming Secretary o f the Department o f Homelan d Security ( O HS ) an d t o member s o f the O H S transitio n team , an d any other matter incident thereto. ( R esolution Attached) (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pet e Saen z an d Council Member Mercuri o Martinez , Ill)
Items XIII.108 & XIII.110
Items XIII.111 & XIII.112
Items XV.115. & XV.116.
XVI.B.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the speed hump installation policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project.
XVI.B.2. Discussion with possible action on the overpass on Cuatro Sur to expedite construct possibly 2025, and any other matters incident thereto
XVI.117.D.1. Discussion with possible action on the status of the Texas Department of Transportation's Loop 20 overpass project, specifically on Jacaman and Del Mar, with a time frame, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.D.2. Status Report on the Water Master Plan, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.D.3. Discussion with possible action to amend the Airport Advisory Board ordinance to change the attendance requirements, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.E.2. Discussion with possible action on directing the City Manager to explore the feasibility and all potential funding sources for the establishment of an effective street maintenance and repair program in an effort to protect the public investment on all City streets and thoroughfares, and any other matter incident thereto.
XVI.117.F.3. Status report with possible action on the plan ned ren ovati on by the new owner of the structures and p roperties located at 220 1 Bri stol Road in La redo, Texas commonly known as the Dellwood Apartments, and any other matter incident thereto .
XVI.117.F.2. Discussion with possible action on the establishment of a Port of Entry Advisory Committee com posed of rep resentatives of the local port industry to be charged with advising the Ci ty Council on all port transpo rtatio n-rel ated matters to be used in co nsiderati on for th e fo rm u lation of pol icies that concern the Ci ty of Laredo Bridge System, and any oth er matter i ncid ent thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben Gutierrez, J r., Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez and Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
XVI.117.G.1. Discussion with possible action to implement an annual Public I n put Survey ahead of the FY 2 1 -22 budg et workshops in an effort to engage the community on their need s and capture their feed back, in a quantitative format, and any other matters incident thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vanessa J. Perez)
Jan 19, 2021 City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Additional Item 1
XVI.117.C.2. Recognizing Ricardo "Cuate" Santos for his 39 years of service to the City of Laredo as photographer for the Laredo Morning Times and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.A.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the speed hump installation policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project. a. Speed hump on Nueces Loop b. Speed hump on 3100 Vicente
XVI.117.C.1. Recognizing Mr. Jeffrey J. Miller, Laredo International Airport Director, for his inclusion as a recipient of Airport Business Magazine's Top 40 Under 40 Award. On November 24, 2020, Airport Business Magazine recognized Mr. Jeffrey J. Miller for his service and continued leadership in the aviation industry by including him as a top leader in the aviation industry under the age of 40.
XVI.117.C.3. Discussion with possible action to dedicate the K. Tarver Pocket Park in memory of Armando Cisneros and the Crime Stoppers Bldg. in District IV in memory of Estela Quintanilla, as amended; and any other matters incident thereto.
IX 29 - IX 33
XI 35 - XI 51
XII.57. Consideration to appoint a Mayor Pro Tern as per Ordinance 201 1-0-029 and whose term shall start January 19, 2021 through November 15, 2021, and any matters incident thereto .
XII.59. Ratification of the submission of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program payment information and acceptance of award terms and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. The program under this grant will provide Emergency Rental Assistance to eligible low to moderate income families/individuals im pacted by COVID- 1 9 pandemic.
XII.62. Authorizing the City Manager to develop plans for a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) proposal by Majestic Realty for Port Grande a $1 billion 2 , 000-acre master- planned logistics and commercial development based on non-binding ter ms sheet. The Tax Increment Financing (TIF) project is a public-private partnership plan that would use a share of new ad-valorem taxes produced from the projects improvements to fund public infrastructure costs spread over a 30-year period. A creation ordinance, project and financing plan, and full development agreement must by ap proved by City Council before the TIRZ is fully established.
XII.63. Consideration to rescind the selection of the top consultant Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., Dallas, Texas RFQ FY19-ENG-001 for the City of Laredo Municipal Waterpark. There is no financial impact.
XII.64. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agree ment (ROW CSJ#0086-01 -096) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) to contrib ute Rig ht of Way funds (Fixed Price) for the segment on SH 359 from 4.06 miles E of Loop 20 to 8.935 miles E of Loop 20 in the total amount of $139,482.00, being the City's participation ( 10%) for acquisition of Rig ht of Way ( R.O.W.) $79, 006.00 and reimbursable utility adjustments $60,476.00 respectively along State Highway 359 to make certain highway im provements. First payment of $ 1 5, 000.00 is due on March 1 , 202 1 and four additional annual payments of $31, 1 20.50 due through Ma rch 1 , 2025. Funding is avai l able in the Cap ital Gra nts Fund.
XII.80. Motion to accept, establish and to implement the Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) and Health Maintenance Organization (H MO) plan rates for employees who retire after February 1, 202 1; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
Additional Item 2
XVI.117.E.3 & F.1
Citizen comments
VI.1. Invitation to watch the annual State of the City Address on KGNS and Telemundo, Wednesday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m., as well as on the City of Laredo's Public Access Channels and Facebook Page.
VII.10. Appointment by Council Member Vanessa J. Perez of George Altgelt to the Ethics Commission.
Additional Item 3
VIII. Public Hearing 1 - 5
VIII. Public Hearing 6 - 18 & 20 - 28 (Part 1 of 2)
VII 14 & VII 19
VIII. Public Hearing 6 - 18 & 20 - 28 (Part 2 of 2)
X.34. & XIII.109
XVI.117.E.1 . Discussion with possible actio n o n supporting a Resolutio n callin g on President Elec t Josep h R . Biden , Jr . t o immediatel y declare a moratoriu m o n borde r wall construction i n the Laredo Sector an d hal t th e government's condemnation of public land s an d private propert y fo r borde r wal l construc t ion , directin g the City Manage r t o presen t sai d Resolutio n t o the incoming Secretary o f the Department o f Homelan d Security ( O HS ) an d t o member s o f the O H S transitio n team , an d any other matter incident thereto. ( R esolution Attached) (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pet e Saen z an d Council Member Mercuri o Martinez , Ill)
Items XIII.108 & XIII.110
Items XIII.111 & XIII.112
Items XV.115. & XV.116.
XVI.B.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the speed hump installation policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project.
XVI.B.2. Discussion with possible action on the overpass on Cuatro Sur to expedite construct possibly 2025, and any other matters incident thereto
XVI.117.D.1. Discussion with possible action on the status of the Texas Department of Transportation's Loop 20 overpass project, specifically on Jacaman and Del Mar, with a time frame, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.D.2. Status Report on the Water Master Plan, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.D.3. Discussion with possible action to amend the Airport Advisory Board ordinance to change the attendance requirements, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.117.E.2. Discussion with possible action on directing the City Manager to explore the feasibility and all potential funding sources for the establishment of an effective street maintenance and repair program in an effort to protect the public investment on all City streets and thoroughfares, and any other matter incident thereto.
XVI.117.F.3. Status report with possible action on the plan ned ren ovati on by the new owner of the structures and p roperties located at 220 1 Bri stol Road in La redo, Texas commonly known as the Dellwood Apartments, and any other matter incident thereto .
XVI.117.F.2. Discussion with possible action on the establishment of a Port of Entry Advisory Committee com posed of rep resentatives of the local port industry to be charged with advising the Ci ty Council on all port transpo rtatio n-rel ated matters to be used in co nsiderati on for th e fo rm u lation of pol icies that concern the Ci ty of Laredo Bridge System, and any oth er matter i ncid ent thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben Gutierrez, J r., Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez and Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
XVI.117.G.1. Discussion with possible action to implement an annual Public I n put Survey ahead of the FY 2 1 -22 budg et workshops in an effort to engage the community on their need s and capture their feed back, in a quantitative format, and any other matters incident thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vanessa J. Perez)
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