Video index
VI.1. Recognizing the Heat Volleyball Academy 14's volleyball club teams as they have both earned bids to compete in the 2021 USA Volleyball Girls Junior National Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada.
XVIII.56.C.2. Discussion with possible action on recognizing Anna B. Galo for her reappointment to the Texas Parks and Wild life Commission, and Laredo Pol ice Department Assistant Chief Miguel "Mike" Rodriguez Jr. for his appointment as Chairman of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, by Texas Govern or Greg Abbott, and any other matter incident thereto.
XVIII.56.D.3. Discussion with possible action to dedicate the dog park at Jovita ldar's " El Progreso" park, as "Sargeant Denzo Dog Park", and any other matters incident thereto.
XIV.35. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement with Webb County Sheriff's Office to allow Alternative Incarceration Program (AIP) individuals to assist the Laredo Animal Care Services with kennel worker duties on an as-needed basis.
II.B.1. Discussion with possible action to waive the entrance fee at Sister of Mercy Water Park on July 3, 2021 for those with special needs and their immediate family, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben A. Gutierrez, Jr.)
XVIII.56.B.2. Discussion with possible action to write an opposition letter/resolution to Governor Greg Abbott on not building a border wall along our area, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Items VIII.1 - VIII.10, I.1 & I.2
Citizen comments
Items IX.1 - IX.8
Items X.9 & X.10
XI.11. 2021 -0-1 1 4 Authorizing the renewal amendment to grant a non-exclusive franchise to Laredo Clean Sweep, Inc. D/B/A Southern Sanitation Services to use the present and future streets, avenues, alleys, roads, highways, sidewalks, easements and other public rights-of-way of the City of Laredo, Texas for purposes of constructing, maintaining and operating a commercial container refuse gathering and disposal service, setting forth terms and conditions to govern the franchise; providing for franchise payments; and providing a severability clause.
Items XII.12 - XII.16
Items XIII.17 - XIII.23
XIV.26. 2021 -R-1 50 Discussion and possible action on a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas intending to establish a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program for the City pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 399 (the "PACE Act"); to set a public hearing date, and any other matters incident thereto.
XIV.27. Isidro Northeast, Ltd. and San Isidro Southeast Ltd., of the surface only of a tract of land being a detention pond of Exhibit A approximately 13.04 acres, more or less situated in Porcion 22, City of Laredo, Webb Country, Texas being out of a 2,307.1165 acre (called 2,389.5 acres) known as the San Isidro Ranch being the same property conveyed to San Isidro Southeast, Ltd. by deed recorded in Volume 814, Page 836 of Webb County Deed Records, and Exhibit B, a 30.02 acre parcel of land, more or less, being out of 217.23 acres known as tract "A" called to contain 217. 14 acres, recorded in volume 3355, pages 170-178, official public records of Webb County, Texas herein provided as Exhibit A with the value of $2,500.00 and B with the value of $2,500.00. The property will be used for municipal drainage purposes. The ponds will be maintained by the City of Laredo.
XIV.29. Authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all documents necessary to accept as complete, release retainage, and approve final payment in the amount of $21,533.09 to RLI Insurance Co, for the CDBG Freddy Benavides Recreational (Sisters of Mercy) Water Feature (Lazy River) adjacent to the City of Laredo Cigarroa Recreation Center Swimming Pool at 2201 Zacatecas Street. There is an amount of $142,395.00 remaining including $71,000.00 plus $71,395.00 retainage. The remaining funds in the amount of $120,861.91 from the original contract will be used for other amenities at the site. Final contract amount is $1,498, 900.00. Funding is available in the Community Development Fund, Capital Improvements Fund, 2014 CO, 2015 CO and 2016 CO Issue.
XIV.30. Consideration for approval of the selection of the top ranked consultant for RFQ FY20-ENG-09 City of Laredo Corpus Christi Street Beautification Project (Cedar Avenue to Arkansas Avenue); and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract. A total of four (4) firms responded to the Request for Qualifications on May 20, 2021. There is no financial impact at this time. Item contingent upon approval to issue the 2021 Certificates of Obligation bond issue.
XIV.32. Consideration to award two-year contract FY21-068 to the following vendors:
XV.45. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.47. Consideration to change the City Council Meeting regularly scheduled for July 19 , 2021, to July 26, 2021, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.48. Request to set meeting date for Budget and CIP Submittal on July 26, 2021 and set Budget Workshop dates for August, with possible action.
XV.49. Discussion with possible action on funding and in-kind support for the 2021 PONY Annual Baseball Tournament ( Bronco and Palomino categories) that is expecting visitors from the U.S., Taiwan, Puerto Rico and Mexico from July 29 to Aug 2, 2021; and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.50. Discussion with possible action on standard project timeline of 90 days for completion, as well as set a new standard for when a project should commence once it is approved , and any other matters incident thereto.
XVII.52 - XVII.55
Items XVIII.56.A.1 & XVIII.56.E.3
XVIII.56.B.1 . Discussion with possi bl e action to secu re add itional g rapple trucks, pe rsonnel , and upg raded eq u i p ment in light of the recent storms, and any other matters i ncident thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez)
XVIII.56.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 100 Colorado • 6000 Vero Dr • (2) speed humps on Lucia Court (Part 1 of 2)
XVIII.56.D.2. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a " No Parking" sign on the 5300 block of Gallagher, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project.
XVIII.56.E.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the possible acquisition of a Doppler radar for the detection of local weather, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.E.2. Discussion with possible action to establish Laredo as a Purple Heart City, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.F.1. Discussion with possible action on establishing a "Don't Block the Box" Pilot Program on FM 1472 for targeted police enforcement of Section 545.302(a) of the Texas Transportation Code, in addition to the placement of signage, at critical intersections reminding drivers that it is unsafe to block intersections, causes of traffic congestion, and is ultimately illegal for any vehicle to enter an intersection unless they are able to travel all the way through, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.F.2. Discussion with possible action to include lighting and exercise equipment along the Mike Doyle Hike & Bike Trail, and any other matters incident thereto. Funding will be equally funded through District 6 & District 7 Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
XVIII.56.F.3. Discussion with possible action to authorize the City Manager to direct the City Traffic Director to coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and to perform a traffic study recommending a safe left-turn movement from northbound FM 1472 (Mines Road) to Wolf Creek Drive and to prevent vehicles from blocking the only ingress and egress to the Wolf Creek subdivision and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.G.1. Request for status, with possible actio n, on the presentation of the proposed improvements to the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone policy to the Economic Development Advisory Committee , and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.G.2. Discussion with possible action on authorizi ng the City Manager to negotiate a lease agreement with Laredo College Main Campus and Laredo College South Campus for the public use of ten nis courts, baseball fields, softball fields , and swimming pools, and any other matter incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Rudy Gonzalez, J r. and Council Member Vidal Rodriguez)
XVIII.56.G.3. Discussion with possible action on moving forward with the modification of the downtown parking fee structure pursuant to Ordinance No . 2018-0-050 in an effort to promote business commerce in the area, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.C.1 . Discussion with possible action on the adoption of a com mercial noise ord i n a nce for p u rposes of restricting the times that music and other loud sounds may be em itted from a bus iness when not associated with the normal operation of that busi ness, and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVIII.56.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 100 Colorado • 6000 Vero Dr • (2) speed humps on Lucia Court (Part 2 of 2)
XVIII.56.H.1. Discussion with possible action to autho rize the City Manager to direct El Metro General Manager to draft a South Circulator Pilot Program that connects non-serviced areas with existing bus routes, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.H.2. Discussion with possible action to waive the swimming pool entrance fee at Independence Hills Park during the Independence Day celebration, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.I.1. Discussion with possible action to allow a mu ral at the Carlos Rene & Raquel Ramirez WIC Clinic & Hope Center, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.I.2. Discussion with possible action on the sponsorship by the City of Laredo for the June 6th event at the Uni-Trade Stadium, and any other matters incident thereto. (C o-S p onsored by Counci l Member R uben A. Gutie rrez, J r.)
II.A.1. Discussion with possible action to draft a resolution to the Biden Administration to petition the specific allocation of COVID-19 vaccines from 500-million Pfizer vaccines the federal government will purchase to donate to the world, and to set Northern-Mexico, specifically Nuevo Laredo and other border communities, as a priority in an effort to expedite the re-opening of international bridges in a safe manner, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr., Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez, and Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
Jun 21, 2021 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
VI.1. Recognizing the Heat Volleyball Academy 14's volleyball club teams as they have both earned bids to compete in the 2021 USA Volleyball Girls Junior National Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada.
XVIII.56.C.2. Discussion with possible action on recognizing Anna B. Galo for her reappointment to the Texas Parks and Wild life Commission, and Laredo Pol ice Department Assistant Chief Miguel "Mike" Rodriguez Jr. for his appointment as Chairman of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, by Texas Govern or Greg Abbott, and any other matter incident thereto.
XVIII.56.D.3. Discussion with possible action to dedicate the dog park at Jovita ldar's " El Progreso" park, as "Sargeant Denzo Dog Park", and any other matters incident thereto.
XIV.35. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement with Webb County Sheriff's Office to allow Alternative Incarceration Program (AIP) individuals to assist the Laredo Animal Care Services with kennel worker duties on an as-needed basis.
II.B.1. Discussion with possible action to waive the entrance fee at Sister of Mercy Water Park on July 3, 2021 for those with special needs and their immediate family, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben A. Gutierrez, Jr.)
XVIII.56.B.2. Discussion with possible action to write an opposition letter/resolution to Governor Greg Abbott on not building a border wall along our area, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Items VIII.1 - VIII.10, I.1 & I.2
Citizen comments
Items IX.1 - IX.8
Items X.9 & X.10
XI.11. 2021 -0-1 1 4 Authorizing the renewal amendment to grant a non-exclusive franchise to Laredo Clean Sweep, Inc. D/B/A Southern Sanitation Services to use the present and future streets, avenues, alleys, roads, highways, sidewalks, easements and other public rights-of-way of the City of Laredo, Texas for purposes of constructing, maintaining and operating a commercial container refuse gathering and disposal service, setting forth terms and conditions to govern the franchise; providing for franchise payments; and providing a severability clause.
Items XII.12 - XII.16
Items XIII.17 - XIII.23
XIV.26. 2021 -R-1 50 Discussion and possible action on a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas intending to establish a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program for the City pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 399 (the "PACE Act"); to set a public hearing date, and any other matters incident thereto.
XIV.27. Isidro Northeast, Ltd. and San Isidro Southeast Ltd., of the surface only of a tract of land being a detention pond of Exhibit A approximately 13.04 acres, more or less situated in Porcion 22, City of Laredo, Webb Country, Texas being out of a 2,307.1165 acre (called 2,389.5 acres) known as the San Isidro Ranch being the same property conveyed to San Isidro Southeast, Ltd. by deed recorded in Volume 814, Page 836 of Webb County Deed Records, and Exhibit B, a 30.02 acre parcel of land, more or less, being out of 217.23 acres known as tract "A" called to contain 217. 14 acres, recorded in volume 3355, pages 170-178, official public records of Webb County, Texas herein provided as Exhibit A with the value of $2,500.00 and B with the value of $2,500.00. The property will be used for municipal drainage purposes. The ponds will be maintained by the City of Laredo.
XIV.29. Authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all documents necessary to accept as complete, release retainage, and approve final payment in the amount of $21,533.09 to RLI Insurance Co, for the CDBG Freddy Benavides Recreational (Sisters of Mercy) Water Feature (Lazy River) adjacent to the City of Laredo Cigarroa Recreation Center Swimming Pool at 2201 Zacatecas Street. There is an amount of $142,395.00 remaining including $71,000.00 plus $71,395.00 retainage. The remaining funds in the amount of $120,861.91 from the original contract will be used for other amenities at the site. Final contract amount is $1,498, 900.00. Funding is available in the Community Development Fund, Capital Improvements Fund, 2014 CO, 2015 CO and 2016 CO Issue.
XIV.30. Consideration for approval of the selection of the top ranked consultant for RFQ FY20-ENG-09 City of Laredo Corpus Christi Street Beautification Project (Cedar Avenue to Arkansas Avenue); and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract. A total of four (4) firms responded to the Request for Qualifications on May 20, 2021. There is no financial impact at this time. Item contingent upon approval to issue the 2021 Certificates of Obligation bond issue.
XIV.32. Consideration to award two-year contract FY21-068 to the following vendors:
XV.45. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.47. Consideration to change the City Council Meeting regularly scheduled for July 19 , 2021, to July 26, 2021, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.48. Request to set meeting date for Budget and CIP Submittal on July 26, 2021 and set Budget Workshop dates for August, with possible action.
XV.49. Discussion with possible action on funding and in-kind support for the 2021 PONY Annual Baseball Tournament ( Bronco and Palomino categories) that is expecting visitors from the U.S., Taiwan, Puerto Rico and Mexico from July 29 to Aug 2, 2021; and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.50. Discussion with possible action on standard project timeline of 90 days for completion, as well as set a new standard for when a project should commence once it is approved , and any other matters incident thereto.
XVII.52 - XVII.55
Items XVIII.56.A.1 & XVIII.56.E.3
XVIII.56.B.1 . Discussion with possi bl e action to secu re add itional g rapple trucks, pe rsonnel , and upg raded eq u i p ment in light of the recent storms, and any other matters i ncident thereto . (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez)
XVIII.56.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 100 Colorado • 6000 Vero Dr • (2) speed humps on Lucia Court (Part 1 of 2)
XVIII.56.D.2. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a " No Parking" sign on the 5300 block of Gallagher, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project.
XVIII.56.E.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the possible acquisition of a Doppler radar for the detection of local weather, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.E.2. Discussion with possible action to establish Laredo as a Purple Heart City, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.F.1. Discussion with possible action on establishing a "Don't Block the Box" Pilot Program on FM 1472 for targeted police enforcement of Section 545.302(a) of the Texas Transportation Code, in addition to the placement of signage, at critical intersections reminding drivers that it is unsafe to block intersections, causes of traffic congestion, and is ultimately illegal for any vehicle to enter an intersection unless they are able to travel all the way through, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.F.2. Discussion with possible action to include lighting and exercise equipment along the Mike Doyle Hike & Bike Trail, and any other matters incident thereto. Funding will be equally funded through District 6 & District 7 Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
XVIII.56.F.3. Discussion with possible action to authorize the City Manager to direct the City Traffic Director to coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and to perform a traffic study recommending a safe left-turn movement from northbound FM 1472 (Mines Road) to Wolf Creek Drive and to prevent vehicles from blocking the only ingress and egress to the Wolf Creek subdivision and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.G.1. Request for status, with possible actio n, on the presentation of the proposed improvements to the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone policy to the Economic Development Advisory Committee , and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.G.2. Discussion with possible action on authorizi ng the City Manager to negotiate a lease agreement with Laredo College Main Campus and Laredo College South Campus for the public use of ten nis courts, baseball fields, softball fields , and swimming pools, and any other matter incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Rudy Gonzalez, J r. and Council Member Vidal Rodriguez)
XVIII.56.G.3. Discussion with possible action on moving forward with the modification of the downtown parking fee structure pursuant to Ordinance No . 2018-0-050 in an effort to promote business commerce in the area, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.C.1 . Discussion with possible action on the adoption of a com mercial noise ord i n a nce for p u rposes of restricting the times that music and other loud sounds may be em itted from a bus iness when not associated with the normal operation of that busi ness, and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVIII.56.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy, and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 100 Colorado • 6000 Vero Dr • (2) speed humps on Lucia Court (Part 2 of 2)
XVIII.56.H.1. Discussion with possible action to autho rize the City Manager to direct El Metro General Manager to draft a South Circulator Pilot Program that connects non-serviced areas with existing bus routes, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.H.2. Discussion with possible action to waive the swimming pool entrance fee at Independence Hills Park during the Independence Day celebration, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.I.1. Discussion with possible action to allow a mu ral at the Carlos Rene & Raquel Ramirez WIC Clinic & Hope Center, and any other matters incident thereto.
XVIII.56.I.2. Discussion with possible action on the sponsorship by the City of Laredo for the June 6th event at the Uni-Trade Stadium, and any other matters incident thereto. (C o-S p onsored by Counci l Member R uben A. Gutie rrez, J r.)
II.A.1. Discussion with possible action to draft a resolution to the Biden Administration to petition the specific allocation of COVID-19 vaccines from 500-million Pfizer vaccines the federal government will purchase to donate to the world, and to set Northern-Mexico, specifically Nuevo Laredo and other border communities, as a priority in an effort to expedite the re-opening of international bridges in a safe manner, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr., Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez, and Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
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