Video index
1. Recognizing Captain Merla and Mobile Vaccination Team Y2 for their dedication to the City of Laredo and District 7. In a time when the community needed to get our essential workers vaccinated, they devised a plan to create a drive-up clinic where the trucking and trade industry could conveniently receive their vaccinations located on FM1472. Through their efforts over 24 weeks, they have safely vaccinated 31,535 individuals, making our community and essential workers safer.
I.1. Appointment by Council Member Vanessa Perez to replace Tricia Cortez with to the Redistricting Commission.
XV.D.3. Discussion with possible action on the City/County Agreement for the use of effluent water at the County Casa Blanca Golf Course, and any other matters incident thereto.
XI.40. Consideration to award contract number FY21-104 to the lowest responsive responsible bidder to provide landscaping services for the Sames Auto Arena. The contract amount shall be announced/determined at City Council Meeting and is subject to future appropriations. Funding is available in the Sports Venue -Sales and Community Fund.
XI.51. Healthy and Safe Consideration to authorize the lease of six (6) vehicles from Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the total amount of $98,559.36 for a twelve ( 12) month term for City of Laredo Health Department operations. Funding is available through the COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant , Public Health Workforce Grant, COVID-19 Vaccination Capacity Grant.
XI.55. Consideration to renew a one ( 1) year professional services contract FY19-088 with ComPsych Corporation, Chicago, Illinois to provide an Employee Assistance Program ( EA P) and to authorize the City Manager to execute all contract documents. This program allows employees to receive confidential assistance in many areas without having to access their medical benefits. The City of Laredo provides EAP coverage to approximately 2,6 15 employees plus their dependents. The types of services provided are : confidential counseling (stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, grief, etc.), financial planning, legal support, smoking cessation to name a few. It is estimated that the program will incur a cost of approximately $47,383.80 per year. The contract is based on a fee of $ 1.51 per active employee per month. Contract has a five (5) year price rate guarantee and is subject to future appropriations. The term of this contract was for a period of two years and has option to be renewed three (3) additional one (1) year periods. This is the first of three extension periods. Funding is available in the Risk Management fund - Human Resources Employee Health and Wellness Division.
XI.60. 2021 -R-21 7 A resolution to nominate a Council Member/Person as the City of Laredo's candidate to the Webb County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 year term as per Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code; and directing the City Secretary to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chief Appraiser of the Webb County Appraisal District before October 15, 2021.
XI. 67. Status update on current COVID-19 information as presented by Local Health Authority, Health Director and Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC); and any other matters incident thereto. (Part 1 of 2)
XI. 67. Status update on current COVID-19 information as presented by Local Health Authority, Health Director and Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC); and any other matters incident thereto. (Part 2 of 2)
XV.F.3. Discussion with possible action regarding the re-opening of recreation centers for all, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.71.1. Discussion with possible action on status of amusement machine business (maquinitas) ordinance since last amended, in regards to permits issued by district, revenue collected, enforcement actions, impact on community, and possible changes to ordinance, and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.66. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.68. Discussion with possible action to request clarification on the use of $50,000.00 ap proved at the 2022 Budget Workshop as to whether to use for a Spay & Neuter Voucher Program and/or In-House Surgeries.
Items XIV.69 & 70
XV.B.1 . Discussion with possible action to cancel the Council approved Bruni Plaza Renovations and rescind selection or architects related to said project, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.B.2. Discussion with possible action to d esignate the Old Federal Court House, 2 nd floor as the new Senior Fitness Center and public library branch, and any other matters incident thereto
XV.B.3. Update on the Junked Vehicle Ordinance to better protect the public health and welfare of residents and strengthen correspond ing code enforcement efforts with possible action, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.C.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed H ump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 500 France Ct.
XV.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed H ump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 2501 Cedar • 1700 Plum Street
X.V.E.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the S pecial Provision of the S peed Hum p Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 5413 Campos Drive
X.V.E.2. Discussion with possible action to initiate an inquiry on all K9 deaths within the past two years, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr, and Council Member Vanessa Perez)
X.V.F.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the street sweeping schedule, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.F.2. Discussion with possible action regarding the street resurfacing program and monies allocated to sidewalks, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.G.1. Discussion with possible action on amending Chapter 18 (licenses, permits and miscellaneous business regulations) of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new Article V I II for purposes of establishing a permitting process for privately owned homes in residential areas for any event in which they are being rented to the general public for a fee, in an effort to protect the health and safety of the guests, adjacent landowners, and community at large, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.G.2. Discussion with possible action on the existing policy regarding the public's use of city owned recreational fields and facilities, and the status of the license agreements with all youth and adult sports league organizations who have duly registered with the parks department for exclusive field usage, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-S ponsored by Council Mem ber Ru ben A. G utierrez, J r. )
IV.C.1. Discussion with possible action on the creation of a policy to mandate advance notice and communication to the City Council by any official, officer, or employee of the City with special knowledge of an impending event of significance within the City of Laredo, including but not limited to, the issuance of public health orders, visits by a state or national elected official, dedications, awards, pinning, and other activities hosted by departments, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
III.2. Status report on retaining a consultant to assess the underserved hospital and medical needs in our city, and any other matters incident thereto.
IV.A.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the parking requirements for multi-family R2, R3, and B1 zones, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben A. Gutierrez, Jr.)
IV.A.2. Discussion with possible action to have subdivisions assess their design and street connectivity, and plan for existing and future streets to include an entrance with a separate exit, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.)
IV.B.1. Discussion with possible action to modernize our payment system for Transit patrons, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vanessa Perez)
Sep 20, 2021 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Recognizing Captain Merla and Mobile Vaccination Team Y2 for their dedication to the City of Laredo and District 7. In a time when the community needed to get our essential workers vaccinated, they devised a plan to create a drive-up clinic where the trucking and trade industry could conveniently receive their vaccinations located on FM1472. Through their efforts over 24 weeks, they have safely vaccinated 31,535 individuals, making our community and essential workers safer.
I.1. Appointment by Council Member Vanessa Perez to replace Tricia Cortez with to the Redistricting Commission.
XV.D.3. Discussion with possible action on the City/County Agreement for the use of effluent water at the County Casa Blanca Golf Course, and any other matters incident thereto.
XI.40. Consideration to award contract number FY21-104 to the lowest responsive responsible bidder to provide landscaping services for the Sames Auto Arena. The contract amount shall be announced/determined at City Council Meeting and is subject to future appropriations. Funding is available in the Sports Venue -Sales and Community Fund.
XI.51. Healthy and Safe Consideration to authorize the lease of six (6) vehicles from Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the total amount of $98,559.36 for a twelve ( 12) month term for City of Laredo Health Department operations. Funding is available through the COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant , Public Health Workforce Grant, COVID-19 Vaccination Capacity Grant.
XI.55. Consideration to renew a one ( 1) year professional services contract FY19-088 with ComPsych Corporation, Chicago, Illinois to provide an Employee Assistance Program ( EA P) and to authorize the City Manager to execute all contract documents. This program allows employees to receive confidential assistance in many areas without having to access their medical benefits. The City of Laredo provides EAP coverage to approximately 2,6 15 employees plus their dependents. The types of services provided are : confidential counseling (stress, anxiety, depression, relationships, grief, etc.), financial planning, legal support, smoking cessation to name a few. It is estimated that the program will incur a cost of approximately $47,383.80 per year. The contract is based on a fee of $ 1.51 per active employee per month. Contract has a five (5) year price rate guarantee and is subject to future appropriations. The term of this contract was for a period of two years and has option to be renewed three (3) additional one (1) year periods. This is the first of three extension periods. Funding is available in the Risk Management fund - Human Resources Employee Health and Wellness Division.
XI.60. 2021 -R-21 7 A resolution to nominate a Council Member/Person as the City of Laredo's candidate to the Webb County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 year term as per Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code; and directing the City Secretary to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chief Appraiser of the Webb County Appraisal District before October 15, 2021.
XI. 67. Status update on current COVID-19 information as presented by Local Health Authority, Health Director and Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC); and any other matters incident thereto. (Part 1 of 2)
XI. 67. Status update on current COVID-19 information as presented by Local Health Authority, Health Director and Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC); and any other matters incident thereto. (Part 2 of 2)
XV.F.3. Discussion with possible action regarding the re-opening of recreation centers for all, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.71.1. Discussion with possible action on status of amusement machine business (maquinitas) ordinance since last amended, in regards to permits issued by district, revenue collected, enforcement actions, impact on community, and possible changes to ordinance, and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.66. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.68. Discussion with possible action to request clarification on the use of $50,000.00 ap proved at the 2022 Budget Workshop as to whether to use for a Spay & Neuter Voucher Program and/or In-House Surgeries.
Items XIV.69 & 70
XV.B.1 . Discussion with possible action to cancel the Council approved Bruni Plaza Renovations and rescind selection or architects related to said project, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.B.2. Discussion with possible action to d esignate the Old Federal Court House, 2 nd floor as the new Senior Fitness Center and public library branch, and any other matters incident thereto
XV.B.3. Update on the Junked Vehicle Ordinance to better protect the public health and welfare of residents and strengthen correspond ing code enforcement efforts with possible action, and any other matters incident thereto.
XV.C.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed H ump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District II Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 500 France Ct.
XV.D.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed H ump Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 2501 Cedar • 1700 Plum Street
X.V.E.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the S pecial Provision of the S peed Hum p Installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. • 5413 Campos Drive
X.V.E.2. Discussion with possible action to initiate an inquiry on all K9 deaths within the past two years, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr, and Council Member Vanessa Perez)
X.V.F.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the street sweeping schedule, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.F.2. Discussion with possible action regarding the street resurfacing program and monies allocated to sidewalks, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.G.1. Discussion with possible action on amending Chapter 18 (licenses, permits and miscellaneous business regulations) of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new Article V I II for purposes of establishing a permitting process for privately owned homes in residential areas for any event in which they are being rented to the general public for a fee, in an effort to protect the health and safety of the guests, adjacent landowners, and community at large, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.V.G.2. Discussion with possible action on the existing policy regarding the public's use of city owned recreational fields and facilities, and the status of the license agreements with all youth and adult sports league organizations who have duly registered with the parks department for exclusive field usage, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-S ponsored by Council Mem ber Ru ben A. G utierrez, J r. )
IV.C.1. Discussion with possible action on the creation of a policy to mandate advance notice and communication to the City Council by any official, officer, or employee of the City with special knowledge of an impending event of significance within the City of Laredo, including but not limited to, the issuance of public health orders, visits by a state or national elected official, dedications, awards, pinning, and other activities hosted by departments, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
III.2. Status report on retaining a consultant to assess the underserved hospital and medical needs in our city, and any other matters incident thereto.
IV.A.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the parking requirements for multi-family R2, R3, and B1 zones, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben A. Gutierrez, Jr.)
IV.A.2. Discussion with possible action to have subdivisions assess their design and street connectivity, and plan for existing and future streets to include an entrance with a separate exit, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.)
IV.B.1. Discussion with possible action to modernize our payment system for Transit patrons, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vanessa Perez)
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