Video index
I. CALL TO ORDER *A portion of this video is without audio*
VII.4. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Redistricting Plan of the City of Laredo; providing for the redistricting of the eight (8) City Council Districts within the City of Laredo; and any matters incident thereto.
V.1. Public Hearing and Introduction of an Ordinance approving and adopting the Redistricting Plan of the City of Laredo; providing for the redistricting of the eight (8) City Council Districts within the City of Laredo; and providing for publication and effective date.
VII.5. Appointment by the City Council of an Acting City Manager in accordance with section 3.04 of the Laredo City Charter, with possible action.
VII.6. Discussion with possible action on the selection of the next City Attorney and/or to include retaining separate independent counsel to assist the Mayor and City Council and/or City Management Team on reviewing and evaluating all pending operational and legal matters, and all other matters incident thereto.
VIII.7.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the hiring of an independent, credentialed, and qualified auditor to determine whether the City of Laredo has been properly and legally procuring contracts as per the Texas Procurement Act (and/or other related local, state, and federal statutes) and to establish best practices to avoid actual or potential violations of the aforementioned acts and statutes, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-sponsored by Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
Jan 24, 2022 Special City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
I. CALL TO ORDER *A portion of this video is without audio*
VII.4. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Redistricting Plan of the City of Laredo; providing for the redistricting of the eight (8) City Council Districts within the City of Laredo; and any matters incident thereto.
V.1. Public Hearing and Introduction of an Ordinance approving and adopting the Redistricting Plan of the City of Laredo; providing for the redistricting of the eight (8) City Council Districts within the City of Laredo; and providing for publication and effective date.
VII.5. Appointment by the City Council of an Acting City Manager in accordance with section 3.04 of the Laredo City Charter, with possible action.
VII.6. Discussion with possible action on the selection of the next City Attorney and/or to include retaining separate independent counsel to assist the Mayor and City Council and/or City Management Team on reviewing and evaluating all pending operational and legal matters, and all other matters incident thereto.
VIII.7.1. Discussion with possible action regarding the hiring of an independent, credentialed, and qualified auditor to determine whether the City of Laredo has been properly and legally procuring contracts as per the Texas Procurement Act (and/or other related local, state, and federal statutes) and to establish best practices to avoid actual or potential violations of the aforementioned acts and statutes, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-sponsored by Council Member Alyssa Cigarroa)
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