Video index
Mayor's Recognitions
77.A.1. Discussion with possible action on enforcement process and hours of operation for City Parks and property to deter vandalism, unauthorized use, and any matters related thereto.
77.D.1. Discussion with possible action to assist the Boys & Girls Club with urgent repairs of the building and any other matters incident there to. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben Gutierrez, Jr.)
77.E.1. Discussion with possible action to accept the Laredo Healthy Food System Plan, presented by the Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability and the Laredo Food Policy Council and any other matters incident thereto.
77.C.1. Discussion with possible action to adopt the RMA River Road Alignment Study results into our Future Land Use Map, Thoroughfare Plan, Comprehensive Plan and any plan used when considering development, zone change, and plat requests in this corridor, and any other matters incident thereto
Citizen comments
32. Consideration for approval of amendment No. 1, an increase in the amount of $848,500.00 to include schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction phase administration to the professional services contract with Able City, LLC, Laredo, Texas, for the Plaza Theater Renovation Project Phase II. Current contract amount with this amendment is $1,086,800.00. Funding is available in the Capital Improvement Fund.
52. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for professional services with Dr. Victor Lopez, DVM for community veterinary services to include spay and neuter surgeries, vaccinations, and any other related matters at the Laredo Animal Care Services Department from August 1, 2023, to August 1, 2025, in the amount not to exceed $75,000.00. This agreement and term renewal is contingent on funding availability. Funding is available in Animal Care Services- Petco Love Grant, contingent upon approval of Ordinance 2023-0-144.
54. Consideration to award a three (3) year service contract FY23-061 to Troon Golf, Scottsdale, Arizona in an annual amount of $108,000.00 for base management with a two point five percent (2.5%) CPI increase each year. Contract allows for a ten percent (10%) performance base incentive fee on reduction of subsidy (operating loss) of the golf course. This contract is for operating and managing the Max Mandel Municipal Golf Course to include: a retail golf course, pro-shop, banquet room facilities, the restauranVgrill, practice and driving range facilities, maintenance of facilities, storage facilities, related equipment and furniture located on the golf course. This contract is subject to future appropriations and may be extended for three, additional three(3) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available in the Max Mandel Golf Course Fund.
64. Submission and approval of the 2023 Certified Appraisal Roll from the Webb County Appraisal District for the development of the City's tax roll; acceptance of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate Calculations Worksheets for Tax Year 2 023; recommend to propose a tax rate of $0.533945/$10 0 value; setting the date of September 11, 2023 to hold the Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance for the proposed tax rate.
Items 69 & 71
73 . Discussion with possible action on on going audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
75. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct to consult with the City Attorney concerning contemplated litigation regarding the Honeywell Energy Savings Performance Contract Phase 1 Assurance Acceptance and return to open session for possible action if necessary.
76. Discussion with possible action to set goals, priorities, and performance measures for the City Manager; and any other matters incident thereto.
Aug 07, 2023 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Mayor's Recognitions
77.A.1. Discussion with possible action on enforcement process and hours of operation for City Parks and property to deter vandalism, unauthorized use, and any matters related thereto.
77.D.1. Discussion with possible action to assist the Boys & Girls Club with urgent repairs of the building and any other matters incident there to. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Ruben Gutierrez, Jr.)
77.E.1. Discussion with possible action to accept the Laredo Healthy Food System Plan, presented by the Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability and the Laredo Food Policy Council and any other matters incident thereto.
77.C.1. Discussion with possible action to adopt the RMA River Road Alignment Study results into our Future Land Use Map, Thoroughfare Plan, Comprehensive Plan and any plan used when considering development, zone change, and plat requests in this corridor, and any other matters incident thereto
Citizen comments
32. Consideration for approval of amendment No. 1, an increase in the amount of $848,500.00 to include schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction phase administration to the professional services contract with Able City, LLC, Laredo, Texas, for the Plaza Theater Renovation Project Phase II. Current contract amount with this amendment is $1,086,800.00. Funding is available in the Capital Improvement Fund.
52. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for professional services with Dr. Victor Lopez, DVM for community veterinary services to include spay and neuter surgeries, vaccinations, and any other related matters at the Laredo Animal Care Services Department from August 1, 2023, to August 1, 2025, in the amount not to exceed $75,000.00. This agreement and term renewal is contingent on funding availability. Funding is available in Animal Care Services- Petco Love Grant, contingent upon approval of Ordinance 2023-0-144.
54. Consideration to award a three (3) year service contract FY23-061 to Troon Golf, Scottsdale, Arizona in an annual amount of $108,000.00 for base management with a two point five percent (2.5%) CPI increase each year. Contract allows for a ten percent (10%) performance base incentive fee on reduction of subsidy (operating loss) of the golf course. This contract is for operating and managing the Max Mandel Municipal Golf Course to include: a retail golf course, pro-shop, banquet room facilities, the restauranVgrill, practice and driving range facilities, maintenance of facilities, storage facilities, related equipment and furniture located on the golf course. This contract is subject to future appropriations and may be extended for three, additional three(3) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available in the Max Mandel Golf Course Fund.
64. Submission and approval of the 2023 Certified Appraisal Roll from the Webb County Appraisal District for the development of the City's tax roll; acceptance of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate Calculations Worksheets for Tax Year 2 023; recommend to propose a tax rate of $0.533945/$10 0 value; setting the date of September 11, 2023 to hold the Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance for the proposed tax rate.
Items 69 & 71
73 . Discussion with possible action on on going audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
75. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct to consult with the City Attorney concerning contemplated litigation regarding the Honeywell Energy Savings Performance Contract Phase 1 Assurance Acceptance and return to open session for possible action if necessary.
76. Discussion with possible action to set goals, priorities, and performance measures for the City Manager; and any other matters incident thereto.
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