Video index
Mayor's Recognitions
Citizen comments
53.A.1. Discussion with possible action of mitigation measures on Loop 20 to reduce vehicle speed and fatalities, and any matters related thereto
53.A.2. Discussion with possible action to address homelessness within the City of Laredo and long term planning to be incorporated within the City's strategic planning, and any matters related thereto. 1
XI.48. Presentation by the Laredo Commission for Women of their 2023-2024 Action Plan with possible action and any matters incident thereto.
53.I.1. Discussion with possible action to recognize Lie. Eduardo Garza-Robles on Uni-Trade's 35th Anniversary and for the many contributions in the areas of economic development, customs brokerage, and community involvement. 1
53.F.1. Discussion with possible action to recognize AVANTI Modeling School and the outstanding models that represented Laredo modeling on the runway at New York Fashion Week recently. The talented models are Valentina Jennings, Madison Brewster, Khloe Gonzalez and Kylie Martinez under Instructor Ivana Roosel Aker and Director Laura Cervantes and any other matters incident thereto.
53.G.1. Recognizing the Ligarde Elementary 5th grade volleyball team for being undefeated for the last two years, being named back to back 2023 City Champions and the Ligarde Elementary 3rd grade volleyball team and 3rd grade red volleyball team for being 2023 City Champions.
53.E.3. Discussion with possible action to implement measures that will restrict industrial traffic from utilizing Riverbank drive to connect to Flecha Lane, and any other matters incident thereto.
53.F.2. Discussion with possible action to direct the City Manager to have staff review the proposed expansion of Mangana-Hein road project in collaboration with TxDot and Webb County and to execute an interlocal agreement with Webb County; and any other matters incident thereto.
53.B.1. Presentation by the Rio Grande International Study Center's Laredo Climate Cohort on this year's capstone project and any matters incident thereto.
53.D.1. Discussion and Possible Action - Transitioning the Autism Coalition into an Advisory Committee for the Blue-Ribbon Committee for Persons with Disabilities. The Autism Advisory Committee would operate in an unofficial capacity and aim to be inclusive, representing individuals living with autism, parents, and advocates providing recommendations to the Blue-Ribbon Committee on Persons with Disabilities.
53.D.2. Discussion with possible action to work with TXDOT to evaluate and improve the following intersections to help improve mobility, traffic and safety concerns, and any other matters incident thereto. • Bristol and FM1472 • Riverbank and FM14 72 • Verde Blvd. and FM1472 • 1-69 frontage at Riverbank Dr. for a crosswalk
53.D.3. Discussion with possible action to implement measures that will restrict industrial traffic from utilizing Riverbank drive to connect to Flecha Lane, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.16. Discussion with possible action to appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore as per Ordinance 2011-0-029, and any other matters incident thereto.
53.C.1. Discussion with possible action to address the operational status of the Detox Center, including plans to hire a medical director, and any other incident matters thereto. (Co-sponsored by Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino, and CM Alberto Torres)
X.19. Consideration to award contract FY24-015 to the sole bidder, Victoria's Catering, Laredo, Texas, for an annual amount not to exceed $307,216.00 for providing meals for the detoxification department. The term of this contract is subject to future appropriations and will commence on December 1st, 2023; the contract shall be for a two-year period beginning at the date of execution, with an option to renew for two additional years. Funding for this contract is available in the ARPA budget.
53.C.2. Discussion regarding possible action to reappoint by resolution the following City of Laredo appointed board members of TIRZ #2, for a second two year term and reappoint the chair to its one-year term, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsor by CM Gilbert Gonzalez) 1. Joe Zuniga (Chair) 2. Olivia Varela 3. Edward Ochoa
53.C.3. Discussion with possible action to direct City Management and City Staff to hire current City vendors to maintain City property overgrown with grass, weeds and other physical and visual hazards when staff vacancies and heavy rains prevent maintenance being done in a timely manner, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsor by CM Gilbert Gonzalez and MPT Vanessa Perez)
Nov 20, 2023 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Mayor's Recognitions
Citizen comments
53.A.1. Discussion with possible action of mitigation measures on Loop 20 to reduce vehicle speed and fatalities, and any matters related thereto
53.A.2. Discussion with possible action to address homelessness within the City of Laredo and long term planning to be incorporated within the City's strategic planning, and any matters related thereto. 1
XI.48. Presentation by the Laredo Commission for Women of their 2023-2024 Action Plan with possible action and any matters incident thereto.
53.I.1. Discussion with possible action to recognize Lie. Eduardo Garza-Robles on Uni-Trade's 35th Anniversary and for the many contributions in the areas of economic development, customs brokerage, and community involvement. 1
53.F.1. Discussion with possible action to recognize AVANTI Modeling School and the outstanding models that represented Laredo modeling on the runway at New York Fashion Week recently. The talented models are Valentina Jennings, Madison Brewster, Khloe Gonzalez and Kylie Martinez under Instructor Ivana Roosel Aker and Director Laura Cervantes and any other matters incident thereto.
53.G.1. Recognizing the Ligarde Elementary 5th grade volleyball team for being undefeated for the last two years, being named back to back 2023 City Champions and the Ligarde Elementary 3rd grade volleyball team and 3rd grade red volleyball team for being 2023 City Champions.
53.E.3. Discussion with possible action to implement measures that will restrict industrial traffic from utilizing Riverbank drive to connect to Flecha Lane, and any other matters incident thereto.
53.F.2. Discussion with possible action to direct the City Manager to have staff review the proposed expansion of Mangana-Hein road project in collaboration with TxDot and Webb County and to execute an interlocal agreement with Webb County; and any other matters incident thereto.
53.B.1. Presentation by the Rio Grande International Study Center's Laredo Climate Cohort on this year's capstone project and any matters incident thereto.
53.D.1. Discussion and Possible Action - Transitioning the Autism Coalition into an Advisory Committee for the Blue-Ribbon Committee for Persons with Disabilities. The Autism Advisory Committee would operate in an unofficial capacity and aim to be inclusive, representing individuals living with autism, parents, and advocates providing recommendations to the Blue-Ribbon Committee on Persons with Disabilities.
53.D.2. Discussion with possible action to work with TXDOT to evaluate and improve the following intersections to help improve mobility, traffic and safety concerns, and any other matters incident thereto. • Bristol and FM1472 • Riverbank and FM14 72 • Verde Blvd. and FM1472 • 1-69 frontage at Riverbank Dr. for a crosswalk
53.D.3. Discussion with possible action to implement measures that will restrict industrial traffic from utilizing Riverbank drive to connect to Flecha Lane, and any other matters incident thereto.
X.16. Discussion with possible action to appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore as per Ordinance 2011-0-029, and any other matters incident thereto.
53.C.1. Discussion with possible action to address the operational status of the Detox Center, including plans to hire a medical director, and any other incident matters thereto. (Co-sponsored by Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino, and CM Alberto Torres)
X.19. Consideration to award contract FY24-015 to the sole bidder, Victoria's Catering, Laredo, Texas, for an annual amount not to exceed $307,216.00 for providing meals for the detoxification department. The term of this contract is subject to future appropriations and will commence on December 1st, 2023; the contract shall be for a two-year period beginning at the date of execution, with an option to renew for two additional years. Funding for this contract is available in the ARPA budget.
53.C.2. Discussion regarding possible action to reappoint by resolution the following City of Laredo appointed board members of TIRZ #2, for a second two year term and reappoint the chair to its one-year term, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsor by CM Gilbert Gonzalez) 1. Joe Zuniga (Chair) 2. Olivia Varela 3. Edward Ochoa
53.C.3. Discussion with possible action to direct City Management and City Staff to hire current City vendors to maintain City property overgrown with grass, weeds and other physical and visual hazards when staff vacancies and heavy rains prevent maintenance being done in a timely manner, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsor by CM Gilbert Gonzalez and MPT Vanessa Perez)
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