FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 1. 2016-O-195 Repealing Ordinance 2016-O-171 authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents for the sale of the “surface only” of a 6.9441 Acre Tract to AEP Texas Central Company. The property was appraised at the fair market value of $1,437,000.00. The said tract is located along the North side of Mines Road just south of Las Cruces and legally described as an unimproved 6.9441 Acre Tract, recorded in volume 3905, pages 442-454, Official Public Records of Webb County, Texas situated in Porcion 23 (A-283), Leonardo Sanchez, Original Grantee, in the County of Webb, Laredo, Texas and more particularly described on attached, exhibit “A”.
RESOLUTIONS 2. 2016-R-152 Canvassing the returns of the Special Runoff City Election of the City of Laredo held on Saturday, December 17, 2016 for Council District IV; and approving the results.
MOTIONS 3. Consideration to award a contract to RGV Asbestos Removal, LLC, Weslaco, Texas in the total amount of $47,799.00 for the asbestos abatement on the Canseco House Property, located at 1415 Chihuahua St. RGV Asbestos Abatement proposal includes: asbestos of building, window glazing, asbestos roofing mastic and scrape/removal and lead free premier paint; RGV will be responsible for all state permits and related fees. Funding is available in the Canseco House Improvements - 2015 Bonds.
The City Council hereby reserves the right to go into executive session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the City Attorney or other legal counsel for the City, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item. 4. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071(1)(a) to consult with city attorney on pending and/or contemplated litigation in Cause No. 2016CVF002049 D4; Arianna Torres vs. Marcus Holliman, et al; 406th District Court, District Clerk, Webb County, Texas and return to open session for possible action. 5. Request for executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 for legal advice regarding consideration to be paid by the City for the purchase of real property located downtown, along Zaragoza between Main and Juarez, in order to avoid any detrimental effect that open session discussions would have on the City's ability to negotiate with third parties; and return to open session. VIII. ADJOURNMENT
FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 1. 2016-O-195 Repealing Ordinance 2016-O-171 authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents for the sale of the “surface only” of a 6.9441 Acre Tract to AEP Texas Central Company. The property was appraised at the fair market value of $1,437,000.00. The said tract is located along the North side of Mines Road just south of Las Cruces and legally described as an unimproved 6.9441 Acre Tract, recorded in volume 3905, pages 442-454, Official Public Records of Webb County, Texas situated in Porcion 23 (A-283), Leonardo Sanchez, Original Grantee, in the County of Webb, Laredo, Texas and more particularly described on attached, exhibit “A”.
RESOLUTIONS 2. 2016-R-152 Canvassing the returns of the Special Runoff City Election of the City of Laredo held on Saturday, December 17, 2016 for Council District IV; and approving the results.
MOTIONS 3. Consideration to award a contract to RGV Asbestos Removal, LLC, Weslaco, Texas in the total amount of $47,799.00 for the asbestos abatement on the Canseco House Property, located at 1415 Chihuahua St. RGV Asbestos Abatement proposal includes: asbestos of building, window glazing, asbestos roofing mastic and scrape/removal and lead free premier paint; RGV will be responsible for all state permits and related fees. Funding is available in the Canseco House Improvements - 2015 Bonds.
The City Council hereby reserves the right to go into executive session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the City Attorney or other legal counsel for the City, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item. 4. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071(1)(a) to consult with city attorney on pending and/or contemplated litigation in Cause No. 2016CVF002049 D4; Arianna Torres vs. Marcus Holliman, et al; 406th District Court, District Clerk, Webb County, Texas and return to open session for possible action. 5. Request for executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 for legal advice regarding consideration to be paid by the City for the purchase of real property located downtown, along Zaragoza between Main and Juarez, in order to avoid any detrimental effect that open session discussions would have on the City's ability to negotiate with third parties; and return to open session. VIII. ADJOURNMENT