Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Communiques 1. Presentation by The Southwest Shootout (SWSO) on their annual regional poetry competition that invite teams and individual poets from the southwest region of the United States. This event changes host cities every year. This year, Laredo will be hosting a two-day poetry festival where 10 teams and 16 individuals from New Mexico, Louisiana and Texas will come together on Friday and Saturday, June 23rd & 24th in Historic Downtown Laredo. The culmination of the event is the Final Stage where the winners from Friday's events will compete for a second time to be named 2017 SWSO Champions at LCC's Guadalupe & Lilia Martinez Fine and Performing Arts Center.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Jose C. Gonzalez to the Board of Adjustments. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Joe Maldonado to the Economic Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Minerva Villarreal to the Facility & Naming Committee. 5. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Angelica Trevino to the Animal Care Facility Advisory Committee.
MOTIONS Consideration for acceptance of the Neighborhood Recreational Swimming Pool (5,330 S.F.) at Bartlett Avenue Soccer Field Complex located at 6002 Thomas Avenue as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $58,820.00 to Sunset Pools, Inc., Laredo, Texas, in association with South Texas Testing Laboratories, Inc., Laredo, Texas, Aquatic Excellence, Georgetown, Texas, and Williams Architects/Aquatics, Itasca, IL. Final construction contract amount is $1,176,400.00. Funding is available in the 2009 CO, 2010 CO., 2014 CO., and 2015 CO.
Authorizing the Interim City Manager to grant a public firework display permit for the Tres Laredos park on July 4, 2017. The technicians for this display will be Magic in the Sky.
STAFF REPORTS 3. Presentation by the Laredo Development Foundation regarding the economic development activities including events, prospects and any other matters incident thereto, with possible action. 4. Status report on the proceeds from the sale of the Civic Center in the amount of $15,951,737.00 and its financial reporting as requested by City Council on May 22, 2017. 5. Presentation by Internal Audit on the summary results and recommendations of unannounced cash and inventory audits conducted from October 2016 through March 2017.
Item X Request by Council Member Roberto Balli
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Discussion with possible action to call a Special Council Meeting for presentations from designers/architects to present qualifications to Council on Boulevard of the Americas and any matters related thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action for a mural ordinance for downtown, District VIII, and other districts wishing to participate. 3. Discussion with possible action for redesign of the street around the "Four Corners" that are Park St., Santa Maria Ave., Garden St. and San Bernardo Ave. to improve parking, improve sidewalks, add cycling lanes, and enhance school spirit with decorative school cross-walks. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.) 4. 2017-R-70 Recognizing the threat of global climate change, supporting efforts to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and committing to continue to implement and utilize strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.)
Item X Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez
1. Discussion with possible action on a Pet Adoption Event on July 2, 2017.
Item X Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.
1. Status update with discussion and possible action on the Laredo Energy Arena naming rights contract; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to go out on request for proposals for a water park project in partnership with a private investor and/or exploring other recommended or adequate possibilities and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez and Council Member Vidal Rodriguez) 3. Discussion with possible action to implement a start time of 5:00 p.m. before each regular Council meeting to address all recognitions and presentations and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Roberto Balli) 4. Designating and creating Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, Number Three, in the City of Laredo, and making the necessary findings of public benefit and public purpose to support the creation of the zone in District IV in the City of Laredo for the purpose of development and any other matters incident thereto.
Items X Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma & XI
1. Discussion with possible action on directing Interim City Manager to establish procedures to place a vendor on temporary suspension if under criminal investigation, or to debar a vendor for just cause from consideration for award of contracts, or from acting as a subcontractor, sub-consultant, or supplier under future city contracts and any matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action on directing Interim City Manager to create an SOP or MOU to establish better inter-operability and radio communications with local, state and county law enforcement agencies during emergencies and critical incidents and any matters incident thereto. XI. ADJOURNMENT
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Communiques 1. Presentation by The Southwest Shootout (SWSO) on their annual regional poetry competition that invite teams and individual poets from the southwest region of the United States. This event changes host cities every year. This year, Laredo will be hosting a two-day poetry festival where 10 teams and 16 individuals from New Mexico, Louisiana and Texas will come together on Friday and Saturday, June 23rd & 24th in Historic Downtown Laredo. The culmination of the event is the Final Stage where the winners from Friday's events will compete for a second time to be named 2017 SWSO Champions at LCC's Guadalupe & Lilia Martinez Fine and Performing Arts Center.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Jose C. Gonzalez to the Board of Adjustments. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Joe Maldonado to the Economic Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Minerva Villarreal to the Facility & Naming Committee. 5. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Angelica Trevino to the Animal Care Facility Advisory Committee.
MOTIONS Consideration for acceptance of the Neighborhood Recreational Swimming Pool (5,330 S.F.) at Bartlett Avenue Soccer Field Complex located at 6002 Thomas Avenue as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $58,820.00 to Sunset Pools, Inc., Laredo, Texas, in association with South Texas Testing Laboratories, Inc., Laredo, Texas, Aquatic Excellence, Georgetown, Texas, and Williams Architects/Aquatics, Itasca, IL. Final construction contract amount is $1,176,400.00. Funding is available in the 2009 CO, 2010 CO., 2014 CO., and 2015 CO.
Authorizing the Interim City Manager to grant a public firework display permit for the Tres Laredos park on July 4, 2017. The technicians for this display will be Magic in the Sky.
STAFF REPORTS 3. Presentation by the Laredo Development Foundation regarding the economic development activities including events, prospects and any other matters incident thereto, with possible action. 4. Status report on the proceeds from the sale of the Civic Center in the amount of $15,951,737.00 and its financial reporting as requested by City Council on May 22, 2017. 5. Presentation by Internal Audit on the summary results and recommendations of unannounced cash and inventory audits conducted from October 2016 through March 2017.
Item X Request by Council Member Roberto Balli
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Discussion with possible action to call a Special Council Meeting for presentations from designers/architects to present qualifications to Council on Boulevard of the Americas and any matters related thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action for a mural ordinance for downtown, District VIII, and other districts wishing to participate. 3. Discussion with possible action for redesign of the street around the "Four Corners" that are Park St., Santa Maria Ave., Garden St. and San Bernardo Ave. to improve parking, improve sidewalks, add cycling lanes, and enhance school spirit with decorative school cross-walks. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.) 4. 2017-R-70 Recognizing the threat of global climate change, supporting efforts to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and committing to continue to implement and utilize strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.)
Item X Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez
1. Discussion with possible action on a Pet Adoption Event on July 2, 2017.
Item X Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr.
1. Status update with discussion and possible action on the Laredo Energy Arena naming rights contract; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to go out on request for proposals for a water park project in partnership with a private investor and/or exploring other recommended or adequate possibilities and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez and Council Member Vidal Rodriguez) 3. Discussion with possible action to implement a start time of 5:00 p.m. before each regular Council meeting to address all recognitions and presentations and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Roberto Balli) 4. Designating and creating Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, Number Three, in the City of Laredo, and making the necessary findings of public benefit and public purpose to support the creation of the zone in District IV in the City of Laredo for the purpose of development and any other matters incident thereto.
Items X Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma & XI
1. Discussion with possible action on directing Interim City Manager to establish procedures to place a vendor on temporary suspension if under criminal investigation, or to debar a vendor for just cause from consideration for award of contracts, or from acting as a subcontractor, sub-consultant, or supplier under future city contracts and any matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action on directing Interim City Manager to create an SOP or MOU to establish better inter-operability and radio communications with local, state and county law enforcement agencies during emergencies and critical incidents and any matters incident thereto. XI. ADJOURNMENT