Recognition and Communication (Part 1 of 2)
The Mayor will be presenting the following: 2. Recognizing Amici Bad Boys Karate for their success at the US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championship held on June 30-July 1, 2017 at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. 3. Recognizing the Laredo Chapter of the National Hispanic Institute on their first-ever Stream-a-than. The event consisted of eight hours of debates and discussions, ranging from topics such as the environment to local crime, and a myriad of other topics that are prevalent to today's society. The event was live-streamed for the community to watch, and donate if they chose to. The purpose of the stream-a-than was to raise funds for members of the National Hispanic Institute to attend a competition in Austin, Texas known as the Great Debate. There, they will showcase their speaking abilities and represent our beloved community.
Recognition and Communication (Part 2 of 2)
1. Invitation by Mr. Enrique Gonzalez, President of the Laredo Licensed U.S. Customs Brokers Association who will host a South Border Conference and would like to invite the Mayor and City Council Members and all Laredo to come and join them on October 25-28, 2017.
Citizen Comments (Part 1 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Request by Council Member Roberto Balli Discussion with possible action for the City of Laredo to intervene in the lawsuit involving Senate Bill 4 as a plaintiff joining the City of El Cenizo and LU LAC vs. the State of Texas. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
Request by Council Member Roberto Balli Discussion with possible action for the City of Laredo to intervene in the lawsuit involving Senate Bill 4 as a plaintiff joining the City of El Cenizo and LU LAC vs. the State of Texas. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion with possible action on City of Laredo Municipal Court outstanding citations and warrants, to include possible allocation of Warrant Officers; and any other matters incident thereto. (Presentation by Judge Rosie Cuellar)
Citizen Comments (Part 2 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND PRESENTATIONS Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action on enforcement and public awareness of City Ordinance No. 2016-0-157 for the safe passage of bicycles by motor vehicles, and any other matter related thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Charlie San Miguel and Council Member Roberto Balli) (This item replaces item 58 F 4 from Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
VI. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tern pore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Drug and Alcohol Commission. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. Supplemental Item I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. Replacement of Planning & Zoning Commissioner by Council Member George Altgelt. 2. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Cordelia Flores to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Joe Barron to the Transportation & Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
Public Hearing allowing interested persons to comment on the 2017-2018 One Year Action Plan which identifies the projects proposed to be funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The City anticipates receiving $3,401,417.00 in 43rd Action Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, $847,266.00 through the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and $309,407.00 through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). An additional $2,800.00 is anticipated to be received through CDBG program income, $72,200.00 in Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan funds, and $160,000.00 in HOME program income. The following projects are proposed to be funded: community Development Administration $672,939 Housing Rehabilitation Administration $284,384 Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (Pl) $469,612 Code Enforcement $508,573 Graffiti Removal Program $47,382 Downtown Senior Recreational Program $161,327 El Eden Park Improvements $540,000 Ochoa/Sanchez Park Improvements $100,000 District IV Sidewalks $80,000 Ponderosa Park Improvements $100,000 De Llano Park $80,000 Distric VII - Bike Lanes $180,000 District VIII - Bike Lanes $ 180,000 TOTAL $3,404,217 Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Administration $9,172 Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Program $63,028 TOTAL $72,200 HOME FUNDS HOME Program Administration $84,536 Downpayment Assistance Program $160,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance $390,050 CHDO $127,590 Infill Housing $245,590 TOTAL $1,007,266 ESG FUNDS ESG Program Administration $23,062 Emergency Shelter - Shelter Operations $85,000 Emergency Shelter - Essential Services $45,000 Street Outreach $10,000 Rapid Rehousing $78,345 Homelessness Prevention $60,000 HMIS $8,000 TOTAL $309,407 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 2-D, Block 2, Ramirez Business Park, located at 502 South Creek Dr., from B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). ZC-50-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District II 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lot 1, Block 1, Bruni at Fiesta Subdivision, located at 102 Altamar Dr., Suites 7 and 8. ZC-51-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Conditional Use Permit. Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District II 4. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 12.35 acres out of Tract QMM Investments, LLC., Abstract 283, Porcion 23 L. Sanchez, located south of Flecha Ln. and west of F.M. 1472, from AG (Agricultural District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). ZC-54-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 5. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 42.95 acres out of Tract QMM Investments, LLC., Abstract 283, Porcion 23 L. Sanchez, located south of Flecha Ln. and west of F.M. 1472, from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). ZC-55-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 6. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning W one-half of Lot 1, Block 229, Western Division, located at 1308 Scott St., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the zone change and applying for a CUP instead. Therefore the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. ZC-52-2017 District VIII 7. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 8.10 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Flecha Lane and West of FM 1472 (Mines Road), from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-45-2017 Staff does not support this application and Planning & Zoning recommends approval of the zone change. District VII 8. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 3.859 acres out of Porcion 24, T. Rodriguez, OG, Abstract 268, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located South of International Blvd. and West of Springfield Ave., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Commercial District). ZC-42-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 9. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance closing the section of De La Garza Lane between Ocean Drive and Wye Oak Street to motorized vehicular traffic and continuing its use as a pedestrian and bike way; providing for publication and effective date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 10. Authorizing the public sale for the "Surface Only" of 6.9441- acre tract to AEP Texas Inc., sole bidder in the amount of $1,500,000.00. The said tract is legally described as a 6.9441-acre parcel, out of a 70.6155-acre tract, recorded in volume 395, pages 442-454, Official Public Records of Webb County, Texas situated in Porcion 23 (A-283), Leonardo Sanchez, Original Grantee, in the County of Webb, Laredo, Texas.
FIRST AND FINAL READINGS 13. 2017-0-090 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo Texas, Amending Chapter 6, Animals and Fowl, Article VII, of the Code of Ordinances by adding Section 6-125 Creating an Animal Neglect Registry and Section 6-126 Creating an Offense and Providing for a Penalty; Providing that this Ordinance shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication; and Declaring an Effective Date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCE An Ordinance of the City of Laredo Texas, Amending Chapter 6, Animals and Fowl, Article VII, of the Code of Ordinances by adding Section 6-125 Creating an Animal Neglect Registry and Section 6-126 Creating an Offense and Providing for a Penalty; Providing that this Ordinance shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication; and Declaring an Effective Date. (This item replaces item 13 from Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES14. 2017-0-074 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1027, Eastern Division, located at 1701 Norton St., from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-32-2017 District 111 15. 2017-0-075 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 4, Block 1, The Plantation Subdivision, Unit 2, located at East of Rae's Creek Dr. (Private), and South of Country Club Blvd., from RSM (Residential Suburban Multi-Family District) to R-1 (Single Family Residential District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-35-2017 District VI 16. 2017-0-076 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for an Ice Cream Parlor Selling Wine Infused Ice Cream (Alcohol), on Lot 1A, Block 1A, McPherson Acres Development, Unit I, located at 5702 McPherson Rd. Suite 1; providing for publication and effective date. ZC-37-2017 District V 17. 2017-0-077 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, Cuatro Vientos Sur Commercial, Unit 1, located at 3120 La Pita Mangana Rd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-38-2017 District I 18. 2017-0-078 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit Ill, located at 3301/3319 Lomas Del Sur Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-39-2017 District I 19. 2017-0-079 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1, and 2, Block 1, San Isidro/McPherson Subdivision, Phase IV, Cantera Court, located at 9802 McPherson Rd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-46-2017 District VI 20. 2017-0-080 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the South 46.3' of Lot 4, Block 533, Western Division, located at 2301 Vidaurri Ave., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to R-3 (Mixed Residential District). ZC-31-2017 District VI 11 21. 2017-0-081 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Khaledi Heights Subdivision, located at 10002 and 10012 Bob Bullock Loop, from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). ZC-33-2017 District VI 22. 2017-0-082 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1A, Block 1A, McPherson Acres Development, Unit I, located at 5702 McPherson Rd., Suite 5. ZC-43-2017 District V 23. 2017-0-083 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 12 and the West% of Lot 11, Block 1207, Eastern Division, located at 2102 Green St., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to R-2 (Multi Family Residential District). ZC-48-2017 District 111 24. 2017-0-084 Amending the Laredo Land Development Code, Article IV, Section 24.63.2, Permitted Land Uses by adding Tattoo Parlors to Permitted Uses in A-E, B-1, CBD, B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts; providing for publication and effective date. 25. 2017-0-085 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Billboard on 0.0367 acres on Lot 4-A, Block 8-A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision, located at 8602 McPherson Rd. ZC-27-2017 District VI 26. 2017-0-086 Amending the City of Laredo FY16-17 annual budget by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $62,167.63 respectively, in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. The revenues are for lease purchase proceeds related to the financing with AT&T Capital Services, Inc. for the acquisition of equipment and IP Flex services to upgrade the Laredo Police Department's 21 year old phone system. 27. 2017-0-087 An ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Article V, Boards, Commissions, Councils, etc., of the Code of Ordinances by adding Division 5, Section 2-250 formalizing the establishment and creation of the Fine Arts and Culture Commission and by adding Section 2-251 providing for authority and duties; approving the establishment of a Mural Arts Grants Program; adopting rules and procedures for evaluation of mural grant applications and allocation of funds; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. 28. 2017-0-088 Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Equipment Premises Temporary License Agreement between the City of Laredo and Texas Telecommunications, LLC, for equipment space at 1501 Water Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas and subject to an existing License Agreement between the Parties for use of the existing communications tower. Term of the Temporary License Agreement is one (1) year commencing April 7, 2017 and ending April 6, 2018; with a six (6) month renewal option. The annual license fee will be $12,500.00 and the license fee for the renewal term will be $6,250.00, if exercised. 29. 2017-0-089 An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date.
30. 2017-R-72 Authorizing the City Manager to accept the contract amendment from the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) in the amount of $171,000.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Women's Health Preventive Services and Family Planning for the term period from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019. 31. 2017-R-73 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a contract from the Health and Human Services Commission for Title V Child Health and Dental Services in the amount of $69,750.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department Child and Dental Preventive Patient Care and Prevention Services for the term period from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018.
32. Submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget as per Article VI, Section 6.02, Submission of Budget, which states that "At least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year, the City Manager shall present to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message." 33. Submitting the Proposed 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as per Article VI, Section 6.05 of the City Charter, which states that that "the City Manager shall prepare and submit a five (5) year capital program at least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year." 34. Authorizing the City Manager to amend contracts with the following providers for medical services for the City of Laredo Health Department Healthy Texas Women and Family Planning Programs in the amounts and terms stipulated below and renewable for an additional two (2) years, contingent on funding availability. Funding is available through the Health Department budget. 35. Consideration to renew contract number FY15-037 to provide temporary employee contracts to the following bidders: 1. Elite Employment Services, Laredo, TX, as the primary vendor; and 2. At Work Personnel Services, Knoxville, TN, as the secondary vendor. Currently both vendors provide the City of Laredo with a labor pool for those departments that might require temporary staffing throughout the fiscal year. All services will be secured on an as needed basis and the estimated contract amount for this fiscal year would be approximately $2,600,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This is the last extension. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 36. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into and execute lnterlocal Agreements between the City of Laredo and Webb County Sheriff's Office, Jim Hogg County Sheriff's Department, Starr County Sheriff's Office, Zapata County Sheriff's Office, Rio Grande City Police Department, Roma Police Department, Jim Hogg County Appraisal District, Zapata County Appraisal District, and Starr County Planning Department for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and Database Maintenance services for the period of September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019. 38. Adopting the following schedule of hearings and proceedings for voluntary annexations for calendar year 2017. August 18, 2017 - Application submittal deadline for requests for voluntary annexation. September 18, 2017 - Council authorization to draft annexation agreement and service plan for submitted annexation requests. October 2, 2017 - First public hearing before City Council on proposed annexations (Noticed by publication on September 15th; not less than ten (10) or more than twenty (20) days before the hearing). October 16, 2017 - Second Public hearing before City Council on proposed annexations (Noticed by publication on September 29th; not less than ten (10) or more than twenty (20) days before the hearing). November 2, 2017 - Planning and Zoning Commission review of proposed annexation and proposed zoning designations. November 20, 2017 - Introduction of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed (Not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days from the date of public hearings. Proposed effective date of annexation January 1, 2018). December 4, 2017 - Final reading of annexation ordinances. 39. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with RZ Communications, the only authorized dealer, for the acquisition of one hundred and ten (110) Zebra Mobile Printers, in the amount of $142,569.60. With this purchase, the remainder of the Patrol police units will be retrofitted to be compatible with the e-citation module. Funding is available in the Municipal Court Department budget. 41. Consideration to reject all the submittals received for RFQ FY17-022 Design-Build Services for the Riverbank Drive Connection Project. Funding for this project is available in the 2016 C.O. 43. Consideration to award annual service contract FY17-046 to the sole bidder Fox Truck World LLC., San Antonio, TX, in an amount up to $150,000.00 for the purchase of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) truck parts and service for the City's automated side loader trucks. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract may be extended for four (4) additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement. All services will be secured on an as needed basis. The City shall provide the parts. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 44. Consideration to authorize the purchase of one (1) Broce self propelled sweeper from Cooper Equipment, San Antonio, Texas in the amount of $61,342.90. The purchase of this sweeper for the Parks & Leisure Services Department shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. This sweeper is a new piece of equipment and shall be used to maintain and clean the Chacon Trail and parking areas for all the City's parks. Funding is available in the 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation Bond proceeds. 45. Consideration to award a two year contract FY17-044 to CABCO Auctioneering Services, Laredo, Texas for auctioneer services for the sale of city surplus vehicles and equipment; CABCO's auctioneer (commission) fee is 20% of the gross sales. The intent of this contract is to conduct turn key public auctions, in accordance to Laws of the State of Texas (TX Department of License and Regulation), for disposal of surplus items on an as needed basis. 46. Consideration to authorize the purchase of two (2) backhoes from Nueces Power Equipment, Laredo, Texas in the total amount $159,571.87 for the Public Works Department. These new backhoes will be replacing units 4170 (17 years old) and 4121 (11 years old) which have already reached their useful life. The purchase of this equipment shall be made utilizing the HGAC (Houston Galveston Cooperative Purchasing Program). Funding is available in the 2013 & 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations. 47. Consideration to authorize the purchase of three (3) Ford F-250 crew cab trucks and one (1) Ford F-150 regular cab truck in the total amount of $105,531.00 from Silsbee Ford, Silsbee, Texas through the GoodBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program's contract pricing. These trucks are replacement vehicles for units #2301, #2416, and #1969 which have already reached their useful life. The Ford F-150 is a new unit. All the trucks will be assigned to the Parks & Leisure Department for operations. Funding is available in the 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation Bond proceeds. 48. Consideration to authorize the purchase of two (2) gator utility vehicles, one ( 1) compact utility tractor, one (1) loader, one (1) lift cutter from John Deere Government & National Sales, of Cary, North Carolina in the total amount $60,819.31 for the Laredo Bridge System. The 2 gators are replacement units and tractor is a new addition; the purchase of this equipment shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. Funding is available from the 2017 Bridge Fund. 49. Consideration to award contract number FY17-047 to the sole bidder S,C.C. Pure Materials, Laredo, Texas in amount up to $500,000.00 for the purchase of the following paving, and construction materials: a. Flexible base Type D - Crushed Concrete, F.0.B. Public Works or Utilities Department Compound Job Site - $17.50/ton b. Flexible base Type D - Crushed Concrete, F.O.B. Vendors Plant, Picked up by City Trucks - $14.50/ton This contract is for the purchase of materials required for all city paving and construction projects. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution.This contract has four extension periods. All materials shall be purchased on an as needed basis utilizing the Public Works Department, Utilities Department, and construction project budgets. 50. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of June 2017, represent a decrease of $586.97. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 51. Consideration for acceptance of the South Laredo 36" Sanitary Sewer Collector Assessment Project to Ace Pipe Cleaning, Inc.and approval of Final Change Order No. 1, an increase in the amount of $21,605.85 to adjust items and quantities of work actually done in place with 313 additional working days. Also, authorizing the release of retainage in the amount of $17,609.35 and payment in the amount of $151,326.85 for a total Final Payment amount of $168,936.20. Final contract amount is $503,513.85 and total contract time is 358 working days. Funding is available in the 2014 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond. 52. Consideration for acceptance, release of retainage in the amount of $16,849.00, approval of change order No. 1 for an increase in the amount of $11,410.00 for a total final contract amount of $179,900.00, for a final payment in the amount of $28,259.00 to Romo Contractors LLC. for Masonry Wall for Utilities Fleet Parking Facility. The construction contract time was extended for an additional fifty (50) working days in this change order. The new contract time is one hundred and forty (140) working days. Funding for this contract is in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
32. Submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget as per Article VI, Section 6.02, Submission of Budget, which states that "At least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year, the City Manager shall present to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message." 33. Submitting the Proposed 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as per Article VI, Section 6.05 of the City Charter, which states that that "the City Manager shall prepare and submit a five (5) year capital program at least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year."
Consideration to authorize the purchase of an Indoor Video Display Equipment for the Laredo Energy Arena from Daktronics, Brookings, South Dakota in the amount of $929,922.80. The purchase of this video display equipment shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. This indoor centerhung display equipment will be replacing the original jumbotron which has been in use since the Arena first opened. Funding is available in Sports and Community Venue Fund.
Consideration to award contract FY17-042 for the Chacon Creek Hike/Bike Trail Maintenance to low bidder Romo Contractors, Laredo, TX for an amount of $85,900.00 per year. This is a two (2) year contract, subject to future appropriations and can be automatically renewed for two (2) additional years, if price remains the same and upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding for this contract is available in the Environmental Services Department Budget.
2017-0-089 An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCE 2. An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. (This item replaces item 29 from . Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
Authorizing the City Manager to award an Architectural and Engineering Services contract in the amount of $242,220.00 to Sepulveda Associates Architects, Inc., Laredo, Texas for the design, technical drawings, bidding documents, specifications, construction administration services with production printing, and as-built for the North Laredo Waste Water Treatment Plant Administration Building. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551,073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and 551.086 (Economic Development). XI B 37. Authorizing the City Manager to ratify the payment of the total amount of $93, 898.27 for past legal invoices and to authorize additional monies for legal services to the Firm of Greenberg Traurig, L.L.P., as it relates to the filing of the Petition Reply Brief on the Merits with the Texas Supreme Court on the validity of the City's Checkout Bag Reduction Ordinance in Case No. 16-0748. Funding is available in the City Attorney's General Fund. XII 56. Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the Interim City Manager for the positions of City Secretary and City Attorney, and any other matters related thereto. XIV 58 F 3. Discussion with possible action to determine whether to renew the lease of M&M Air Cargo and any issues incidental thereto.
Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the Interim City Manager for the positions of City Secretary and City Attorney, and any other matters related thereto.
Discussion with possible action to determine whether to renew the lease of M&M Air Cargo and any issues incidental thereto.
Recognition and Communication (Part 1 of 2)
The Mayor will be presenting the following: 2. Recognizing Amici Bad Boys Karate for their success at the US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championship held on June 30-July 1, 2017 at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. 3. Recognizing the Laredo Chapter of the National Hispanic Institute on their first-ever Stream-a-than. The event consisted of eight hours of debates and discussions, ranging from topics such as the environment to local crime, and a myriad of other topics that are prevalent to today's society. The event was live-streamed for the community to watch, and donate if they chose to. The purpose of the stream-a-than was to raise funds for members of the National Hispanic Institute to attend a competition in Austin, Texas known as the Great Debate. There, they will showcase their speaking abilities and represent our beloved community.
Recognition and Communication (Part 2 of 2)
1. Invitation by Mr. Enrique Gonzalez, President of the Laredo Licensed U.S. Customs Brokers Association who will host a South Border Conference and would like to invite the Mayor and City Council Members and all Laredo to come and join them on October 25-28, 2017.
Citizen Comments (Part 1 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Request by Council Member Roberto Balli Discussion with possible action for the City of Laredo to intervene in the lawsuit involving Senate Bill 4 as a plaintiff joining the City of El Cenizo and LU LAC vs. the State of Texas. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
Request by Council Member Roberto Balli Discussion with possible action for the City of Laredo to intervene in the lawsuit involving Senate Bill 4 as a plaintiff joining the City of El Cenizo and LU LAC vs. the State of Texas. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member Nelly Vielma)
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion with possible action on City of Laredo Municipal Court outstanding citations and warrants, to include possible allocation of Warrant Officers; and any other matters incident thereto. (Presentation by Judge Rosie Cuellar)
Citizen Comments (Part 2 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND PRESENTATIONS Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action on enforcement and public awareness of City Ordinance No. 2016-0-157 for the safe passage of bicycles by motor vehicles, and any other matter related thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Charlie San Miguel and Council Member Roberto Balli) (This item replaces item 58 F 4 from Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
VI. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tern pore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Drug and Alcohol Commission. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alejandro "Alex" Perez of to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. Supplemental Item I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. Replacement of Planning & Zoning Commissioner by Council Member George Altgelt. 2. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Cordelia Flores to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Joe Barron to the Transportation & Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
Public Hearing allowing interested persons to comment on the 2017-2018 One Year Action Plan which identifies the projects proposed to be funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The City anticipates receiving $3,401,417.00 in 43rd Action Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, $847,266.00 through the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and $309,407.00 through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). An additional $2,800.00 is anticipated to be received through CDBG program income, $72,200.00 in Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan funds, and $160,000.00 in HOME program income. The following projects are proposed to be funded: community Development Administration $672,939 Housing Rehabilitation Administration $284,384 Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (Pl) $469,612 Code Enforcement $508,573 Graffiti Removal Program $47,382 Downtown Senior Recreational Program $161,327 El Eden Park Improvements $540,000 Ochoa/Sanchez Park Improvements $100,000 District IV Sidewalks $80,000 Ponderosa Park Improvements $100,000 De Llano Park $80,000 Distric VII - Bike Lanes $180,000 District VIII - Bike Lanes $ 180,000 TOTAL $3,404,217 Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Administration $9,172 Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Program $63,028 TOTAL $72,200 HOME FUNDS HOME Program Administration $84,536 Downpayment Assistance Program $160,000 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance $390,050 CHDO $127,590 Infill Housing $245,590 TOTAL $1,007,266 ESG FUNDS ESG Program Administration $23,062 Emergency Shelter - Shelter Operations $85,000 Emergency Shelter - Essential Services $45,000 Street Outreach $10,000 Rapid Rehousing $78,345 Homelessness Prevention $60,000 HMIS $8,000 TOTAL $309,407 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 2-D, Block 2, Ramirez Business Park, located at 502 South Creek Dr., from B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). ZC-50-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District II 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lot 1, Block 1, Bruni at Fiesta Subdivision, located at 102 Altamar Dr., Suites 7 and 8. ZC-51-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Conditional Use Permit. Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District II 4. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 12.35 acres out of Tract QMM Investments, LLC., Abstract 283, Porcion 23 L. Sanchez, located south of Flecha Ln. and west of F.M. 1472, from AG (Agricultural District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). ZC-54-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 5. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 42.95 acres out of Tract QMM Investments, LLC., Abstract 283, Porcion 23 L. Sanchez, located south of Flecha Ln. and west of F.M. 1472, from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). ZC-55-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 6. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning W one-half of Lot 1, Block 229, Western Division, located at 1308 Scott St., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the zone change and applying for a CUP instead. Therefore the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. ZC-52-2017 District VIII 7. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 8.10 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Flecha Lane and West of FM 1472 (Mines Road), from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-45-2017 Staff does not support this application and Planning & Zoning recommends approval of the zone change. District VII 8. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 3.859 acres out of Porcion 24, T. Rodriguez, OG, Abstract 268, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located South of International Blvd. and West of Springfield Ave., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Commercial District). ZC-42-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VII 9. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance closing the section of De La Garza Lane between Ocean Drive and Wye Oak Street to motorized vehicular traffic and continuing its use as a pedestrian and bike way; providing for publication and effective date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 10. Authorizing the public sale for the "Surface Only" of 6.9441- acre tract to AEP Texas Inc., sole bidder in the amount of $1,500,000.00. The said tract is legally described as a 6.9441-acre parcel, out of a 70.6155-acre tract, recorded in volume 395, pages 442-454, Official Public Records of Webb County, Texas situated in Porcion 23 (A-283), Leonardo Sanchez, Original Grantee, in the County of Webb, Laredo, Texas.
FIRST AND FINAL READINGS 13. 2017-0-090 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo Texas, Amending Chapter 6, Animals and Fowl, Article VII, of the Code of Ordinances by adding Section 6-125 Creating an Animal Neglect Registry and Section 6-126 Creating an Offense and Providing for a Penalty; Providing that this Ordinance shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication; and Declaring an Effective Date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCE An Ordinance of the City of Laredo Texas, Amending Chapter 6, Animals and Fowl, Article VII, of the Code of Ordinances by adding Section 6-125 Creating an Animal Neglect Registry and Section 6-126 Creating an Offense and Providing for a Penalty; Providing that this Ordinance shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication; and Declaring an Effective Date. (This item replaces item 13 from Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES14. 2017-0-074 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1027, Eastern Division, located at 1701 Norton St., from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-32-2017 District 111 15. 2017-0-075 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 4, Block 1, The Plantation Subdivision, Unit 2, located at East of Rae's Creek Dr. (Private), and South of Country Club Blvd., from RSM (Residential Suburban Multi-Family District) to R-1 (Single Family Residential District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-35-2017 District VI 16. 2017-0-076 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for an Ice Cream Parlor Selling Wine Infused Ice Cream (Alcohol), on Lot 1A, Block 1A, McPherson Acres Development, Unit I, located at 5702 McPherson Rd. Suite 1; providing for publication and effective date. ZC-37-2017 District V 17. 2017-0-077 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, Cuatro Vientos Sur Commercial, Unit 1, located at 3120 La Pita Mangana Rd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-38-2017 District I 18. 2017-0-078 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit Ill, located at 3301/3319 Lomas Del Sur Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-39-2017 District I 19. 2017-0-079 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1, and 2, Block 1, San Isidro/McPherson Subdivision, Phase IV, Cantera Court, located at 9802 McPherson Rd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-46-2017 District VI 20. 2017-0-080 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the South 46.3' of Lot 4, Block 533, Western Division, located at 2301 Vidaurri Ave., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to R-3 (Mixed Residential District). ZC-31-2017 District VI 11 21. 2017-0-081 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Khaledi Heights Subdivision, located at 10002 and 10012 Bob Bullock Loop, from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). ZC-33-2017 District VI 22. 2017-0-082 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1A, Block 1A, McPherson Acres Development, Unit I, located at 5702 McPherson Rd., Suite 5. ZC-43-2017 District V 23. 2017-0-083 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 12 and the West% of Lot 11, Block 1207, Eastern Division, located at 2102 Green St., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to R-2 (Multi Family Residential District). ZC-48-2017 District 111 24. 2017-0-084 Amending the Laredo Land Development Code, Article IV, Section 24.63.2, Permitted Land Uses by adding Tattoo Parlors to Permitted Uses in A-E, B-1, CBD, B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts; providing for publication and effective date. 25. 2017-0-085 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Billboard on 0.0367 acres on Lot 4-A, Block 8-A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision, located at 8602 McPherson Rd. ZC-27-2017 District VI 26. 2017-0-086 Amending the City of Laredo FY16-17 annual budget by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $62,167.63 respectively, in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. The revenues are for lease purchase proceeds related to the financing with AT&T Capital Services, Inc. for the acquisition of equipment and IP Flex services to upgrade the Laredo Police Department's 21 year old phone system. 27. 2017-0-087 An ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Article V, Boards, Commissions, Councils, etc., of the Code of Ordinances by adding Division 5, Section 2-250 formalizing the establishment and creation of the Fine Arts and Culture Commission and by adding Section 2-251 providing for authority and duties; approving the establishment of a Mural Arts Grants Program; adopting rules and procedures for evaluation of mural grant applications and allocation of funds; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. 28. 2017-0-088 Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Equipment Premises Temporary License Agreement between the City of Laredo and Texas Telecommunications, LLC, for equipment space at 1501 Water Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas and subject to an existing License Agreement between the Parties for use of the existing communications tower. Term of the Temporary License Agreement is one (1) year commencing April 7, 2017 and ending April 6, 2018; with a six (6) month renewal option. The annual license fee will be $12,500.00 and the license fee for the renewal term will be $6,250.00, if exercised. 29. 2017-0-089 An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date.
30. 2017-R-72 Authorizing the City Manager to accept the contract amendment from the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) in the amount of $171,000.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Women's Health Preventive Services and Family Planning for the term period from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019. 31. 2017-R-73 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a contract from the Health and Human Services Commission for Title V Child Health and Dental Services in the amount of $69,750.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department Child and Dental Preventive Patient Care and Prevention Services for the term period from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018.
32. Submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget as per Article VI, Section 6.02, Submission of Budget, which states that "At least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year, the City Manager shall present to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message." 33. Submitting the Proposed 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as per Article VI, Section 6.05 of the City Charter, which states that that "the City Manager shall prepare and submit a five (5) year capital program at least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year." 34. Authorizing the City Manager to amend contracts with the following providers for medical services for the City of Laredo Health Department Healthy Texas Women and Family Planning Programs in the amounts and terms stipulated below and renewable for an additional two (2) years, contingent on funding availability. Funding is available through the Health Department budget. 35. Consideration to renew contract number FY15-037 to provide temporary employee contracts to the following bidders: 1. Elite Employment Services, Laredo, TX, as the primary vendor; and 2. At Work Personnel Services, Knoxville, TN, as the secondary vendor. Currently both vendors provide the City of Laredo with a labor pool for those departments that might require temporary staffing throughout the fiscal year. All services will be secured on an as needed basis and the estimated contract amount for this fiscal year would be approximately $2,600,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This is the last extension. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 36. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into and execute lnterlocal Agreements between the City of Laredo and Webb County Sheriff's Office, Jim Hogg County Sheriff's Department, Starr County Sheriff's Office, Zapata County Sheriff's Office, Rio Grande City Police Department, Roma Police Department, Jim Hogg County Appraisal District, Zapata County Appraisal District, and Starr County Planning Department for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and Database Maintenance services for the period of September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2019. 38. Adopting the following schedule of hearings and proceedings for voluntary annexations for calendar year 2017. August 18, 2017 - Application submittal deadline for requests for voluntary annexation. September 18, 2017 - Council authorization to draft annexation agreement and service plan for submitted annexation requests. October 2, 2017 - First public hearing before City Council on proposed annexations (Noticed by publication on September 15th; not less than ten (10) or more than twenty (20) days before the hearing). October 16, 2017 - Second Public hearing before City Council on proposed annexations (Noticed by publication on September 29th; not less than ten (10) or more than twenty (20) days before the hearing). November 2, 2017 - Planning and Zoning Commission review of proposed annexation and proposed zoning designations. November 20, 2017 - Introduction of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed (Not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days from the date of public hearings. Proposed effective date of annexation January 1, 2018). December 4, 2017 - Final reading of annexation ordinances. 39. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with RZ Communications, the only authorized dealer, for the acquisition of one hundred and ten (110) Zebra Mobile Printers, in the amount of $142,569.60. With this purchase, the remainder of the Patrol police units will be retrofitted to be compatible with the e-citation module. Funding is available in the Municipal Court Department budget. 41. Consideration to reject all the submittals received for RFQ FY17-022 Design-Build Services for the Riverbank Drive Connection Project. Funding for this project is available in the 2016 C.O. 43. Consideration to award annual service contract FY17-046 to the sole bidder Fox Truck World LLC., San Antonio, TX, in an amount up to $150,000.00 for the purchase of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) truck parts and service for the City's automated side loader trucks. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract may be extended for four (4) additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement. All services will be secured on an as needed basis. The City shall provide the parts. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 44. Consideration to authorize the purchase of one (1) Broce self propelled sweeper from Cooper Equipment, San Antonio, Texas in the amount of $61,342.90. The purchase of this sweeper for the Parks & Leisure Services Department shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. This sweeper is a new piece of equipment and shall be used to maintain and clean the Chacon Trail and parking areas for all the City's parks. Funding is available in the 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation Bond proceeds. 45. Consideration to award a two year contract FY17-044 to CABCO Auctioneering Services, Laredo, Texas for auctioneer services for the sale of city surplus vehicles and equipment; CABCO's auctioneer (commission) fee is 20% of the gross sales. The intent of this contract is to conduct turn key public auctions, in accordance to Laws of the State of Texas (TX Department of License and Regulation), for disposal of surplus items on an as needed basis. 46. Consideration to authorize the purchase of two (2) backhoes from Nueces Power Equipment, Laredo, Texas in the total amount $159,571.87 for the Public Works Department. These new backhoes will be replacing units 4170 (17 years old) and 4121 (11 years old) which have already reached their useful life. The purchase of this equipment shall be made utilizing the HGAC (Houston Galveston Cooperative Purchasing Program). Funding is available in the 2013 & 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations. 47. Consideration to authorize the purchase of three (3) Ford F-250 crew cab trucks and one (1) Ford F-150 regular cab truck in the total amount of $105,531.00 from Silsbee Ford, Silsbee, Texas through the GoodBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program's contract pricing. These trucks are replacement vehicles for units #2301, #2416, and #1969 which have already reached their useful life. The Ford F-150 is a new unit. All the trucks will be assigned to the Parks & Leisure Department for operations. Funding is available in the 2014 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation Bond proceeds. 48. Consideration to authorize the purchase of two (2) gator utility vehicles, one ( 1) compact utility tractor, one (1) loader, one (1) lift cutter from John Deere Government & National Sales, of Cary, North Carolina in the total amount $60,819.31 for the Laredo Bridge System. The 2 gators are replacement units and tractor is a new addition; the purchase of this equipment shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. Funding is available from the 2017 Bridge Fund. 49. Consideration to award contract number FY17-047 to the sole bidder S,C.C. Pure Materials, Laredo, Texas in amount up to $500,000.00 for the purchase of the following paving, and construction materials: a. Flexible base Type D - Crushed Concrete, F.0.B. Public Works or Utilities Department Compound Job Site - $17.50/ton b. Flexible base Type D - Crushed Concrete, F.O.B. Vendors Plant, Picked up by City Trucks - $14.50/ton This contract is for the purchase of materials required for all city paving and construction projects. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution.This contract has four extension periods. All materials shall be purchased on an as needed basis utilizing the Public Works Department, Utilities Department, and construction project budgets. 50. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of June 2017, represent a decrease of $586.97. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 51. Consideration for acceptance of the South Laredo 36" Sanitary Sewer Collector Assessment Project to Ace Pipe Cleaning, Inc.and approval of Final Change Order No. 1, an increase in the amount of $21,605.85 to adjust items and quantities of work actually done in place with 313 additional working days. Also, authorizing the release of retainage in the amount of $17,609.35 and payment in the amount of $151,326.85 for a total Final Payment amount of $168,936.20. Final contract amount is $503,513.85 and total contract time is 358 working days. Funding is available in the 2014 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond. 52. Consideration for acceptance, release of retainage in the amount of $16,849.00, approval of change order No. 1 for an increase in the amount of $11,410.00 for a total final contract amount of $179,900.00, for a final payment in the amount of $28,259.00 to Romo Contractors LLC. for Masonry Wall for Utilities Fleet Parking Facility. The construction contract time was extended for an additional fifty (50) working days in this change order. The new contract time is one hundred and forty (140) working days. Funding for this contract is in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
32. Submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Budget as per Article VI, Section 6.02, Submission of Budget, which states that "At least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year, the City Manager shall present to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message." 33. Submitting the Proposed 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as per Article VI, Section 6.05 of the City Charter, which states that that "the City Manager shall prepare and submit a five (5) year capital program at least sixty (60) days before the end of the fiscal year."
Consideration to authorize the purchase of an Indoor Video Display Equipment for the Laredo Energy Arena from Daktronics, Brookings, South Dakota in the amount of $929,922.80. The purchase of this video display equipment shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program. This indoor centerhung display equipment will be replacing the original jumbotron which has been in use since the Arena first opened. Funding is available in Sports and Community Venue Fund.
Consideration to award contract FY17-042 for the Chacon Creek Hike/Bike Trail Maintenance to low bidder Romo Contractors, Laredo, TX for an amount of $85,900.00 per year. This is a two (2) year contract, subject to future appropriations and can be automatically renewed for two (2) additional years, if price remains the same and upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding for this contract is available in the Environmental Services Department Budget.
2017-0-089 An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date.
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCE 2. An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Article VIII, Section 19-355 (Administrative Adjudication Of Stopping, Standing, Parking), of the Municipal Code of Ordinances by adding subsection (G) to provide for a review by the Administrative Hearing Officer of citations for parked in a disabled space issued on or after May 12, 2016, but before May 12, 2017; providing a repealing clause; providing for severability; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. (This item replaces item 29 from . Regular City Council Agenda A-2017-R-11)
Authorizing the City Manager to award an Architectural and Engineering Services contract in the amount of $242,220.00 to Sepulveda Associates Architects, Inc., Laredo, Texas for the design, technical drawings, bidding documents, specifications, construction administration services with production printing, and as-built for the North Laredo Waste Water Treatment Plant Administration Building. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551,073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and 551.086 (Economic Development). XI B 37. Authorizing the City Manager to ratify the payment of the total amount of $93, 898.27 for past legal invoices and to authorize additional monies for legal services to the Firm of Greenberg Traurig, L.L.P., as it relates to the filing of the Petition Reply Brief on the Merits with the Texas Supreme Court on the validity of the City's Checkout Bag Reduction Ordinance in Case No. 16-0748. Funding is available in the City Attorney's General Fund. XII 56. Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the Interim City Manager for the positions of City Secretary and City Attorney, and any other matters related thereto. XIV 58 F 3. Discussion with possible action to determine whether to renew the lease of M&M Air Cargo and any issues incidental thereto.
Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the Interim City Manager for the positions of City Secretary and City Attorney, and any other matters related thereto.
Discussion with possible action to determine whether to renew the lease of M&M Air Cargo and any issues incidental thereto.