The Mayor will be presenting the following: 1. Recognizing Lorenzo and Yolanda Cuesta, both Laredo natives, for their humanitarian efforts. Mr. Cuesta who is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, served in the Vietnam War and taught medics at Fort Sam Houston. Mr. Cuesta relocated to California where he found a love of parliamentary procedure and served the students of the State of California as a Professional Registered Parliamentarian. Ms. Cuesta worked as a Librarian in both Texas and California, where she implemented literacy programs for adults and children. She has been a leader in Soroptimist International serving women and children.
Citizen Comments (Part 1 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
2. Discussion with possible action regarding the proposed El Lift Services increase fro m $1 .25 to $3.50. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Charlie San Miguel) 25. 2017-0-123 As amended an ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Article XII (Transit System), Divisions 2 and 5, Sections 19-562(c) and 19-601.12, of the Code of Ordinances to increase fixed Transit Service Fares and Paratransit Fares; providing this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and providing an effective date of October 23, 2017.
Citizen Comments (Part 2 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Discussion and possible action regarding changes to the zoning ordinance to allow for the permitted parking of owner operators commercial vehicles so long as they can be parked completely with in the property of said owner operator.
Discussion with possible action on implementing a "Veteran of the Month" recognition during regularly scheduled City Council Meetings.
Citizen Comments (Part 3 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Items X 13, VII 1 - VII 3 & VIII 7
13. 2017-0-110 Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2013-0-114 of the City of Laredo and authorizing an increase of $0.25 per person for southbound pedestrian traffic and an increase of $0.50 per axle for southbound commercial traffic as further described in Exhibit "A" and hereby repealing all conflicting sections in all ordinances currently in effect. 1. Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Program of the City of Laredo with amendments. 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance adopting the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 by appropriating the proposed revenues, expenditures and balances reported therein for the year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, consistent with the financial plan described in said annual budget (see Exhibit "A") and motions approved by City Council at public workshop (see Exhibit "B") and authorizing the City Manager to implement said annual budget. 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Laredo Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, Section 18-2.2 letter (A), (B), (C) & (D), local permit fee for amusement redemption machine premises permit and increasing annual permit fee from $550.00 to $1,000.00 per machine/per year; clarification of expiration date, increasing the sealing fee from $550.00 to $1,000.00; clarification of posting of permit; repealing all ordinances in conflict; providing for severability, publication and effective date. 7. Second Public Hearing for the adoption of a tax rate of $0.637000 per $100 value for the Tax Year 2017. The tax rate will provide revenue for the general fund and debt service. The rate includes $0.491887 per $100 value for Maintenance and Operation and $0. 145113 per $100 value for Sinking Fund of the Debt Service and is estimated to generate a tax levy of $84,097,503.00. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the tax rate on September 11, 2017 at 12 Noon and September 18, 2017 at 5:30 PM at City Council Chambers located at 1110 Houston St.
8. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2, Article II, Division 6 (Pay Administration), of the City Code of Ordinance, specifically Section 2-87. 7(c)(12)a, by providing for a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) to the existing wage schedule and to all City employees, except Interns, Cooperative Education Program employees (CO-OPS), Elected Officials and employees subject to any Collective Bargaining Agreement; the adjustment to the existing wage schedule includes adjustment to the minimum pay to grades R23, R24, R25 and R26; providing for a repealing clause; and providing for an effective date of October 1, 2017. 9. An ordinance amending Chapter 20, Article II entitled "Presiding Municipal Court Judge" of the Laredo Code of Ordinances by amending section 20-19 to require the compensation of the presiding municipal court judge to be established by separate ordinance; and providing an effective date. 10. An ordinance increasing the annual salary of presiding Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar from $135,000.00 to $150,000.00; and providing an effective date. 11. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2, Article II, Division 6 (Pay Administration), of the City Code of Ordinance, specifically Section 2-87. 7, (c) (3a through e); by providing all City of Laredo employees a maximum 2% merit raise based on employee performance evaluations, except for Seasonal employees, temporary employees, Interns, Cooperative Education Program employees (CO-OPS), elected officials, and employees subject to any collective bargaining agreement; and providing for an effective date of October 1, 2017. 12. Amending Chapter 23 (Parks and Leisure Services Section 23-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Laredo to include baseball rental fees for the Uni-Trade Stadium. Rental fees to include the site fee $600.00 per day, Game Administrator fee $100.00 per day, Police Officer fee $400.00 per game, Score Board Operator fee $50.00 per game, Announcer fee $50.00 per game, Ticket Salesperson fee $35.00 per game, Ticket Collector fee $ 35.00 per game, Clerk fee $40.00 per
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Charlie San Miguel of Joe Edward Arciniega to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Elsa Rodriguez Arreguindegui to the Drug and Alcohol Commission.
2017-R-100 A resolution by the Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting a program under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement made pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 with Medline Industries, Inc., relating to the expansion of a warehouse facility; and providing an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement with Tracy 0. King, a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas for office space located in the McKendrick Ochoa Salinas Branch Library at 1920 Palo Blanco, and providing for an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for Oil and/or Gas Extraction and Production, plug/abandonment ) on 1.65 acre pad site out of 320 acre tract known as McNary-Warrior #1 Well, located north of Wormser Rd and west of Cuatro Vientos Rd. ZC-73-2017 Staff supports the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lot 7, Block 976, Western Division, located at 3802 San Bernardo Ave. ZC-49B-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. District VIII
The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any posted agenda item when authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and/or 551.086 (Economic Development). Following closed session, the open meeting will reconvene at which time action, if any, may be taken. 51. The City Council shall meet in executive session under Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel Matters, to discuss the compensation, terms and conditions of the City Manager's employment contract.
14. 2017-0-111 Amending Article VI [Investment Policy] of Chapter 2 [Administration] of the Code of Ordinances in order to: 15. 1. Incorporate minor changes to further clarify language on the Investment Policy and have Article VI of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances conform with Chapter 2256 of the Government Code, popularly known as "The Public Funds Investment Act" of the Texas Government Code; 2. Adjust / Update the current Broker / Dealer List and; 3. Provide for an effective date. 2017-0-112 Authorizing the City Manager to accept funds in the amount of $360,104.00 (as amended) from the South Texas 9-1-1 Regional Administration Division to cost share personnel at the Laredo Police Department Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in accordance with Section 771.0751 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and Rule 251.3 Use of Revenue in certain counties from the Commission on State Emergency Communications; and amending the FY2016-2017 General Fund budget of the City of Laredo by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $360,104.00 for Laredo Police Department Communications Division salaries.
Items X 16 - X 23, X 26 & X 27
16. 2017-0-114Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1, and 2, Block 3, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit I, and Lot 27, Block 3, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit XIII, located at 2501, 2511 & 2601 Lomas Del Sur Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-57-2017 District I 17. 2017-0-115 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 5, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 720 Chihuahua St., from R-0 ( Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-61-2017 District Ill 18. 2017-0-116 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 6, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 716 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-62-2017 District 111 19. 2017-0-117 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 7, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 706 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). District Ill 20. 2017-0-118 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning S. 50' of Lot 8, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 702 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-64-2017 District Ill 21. 2017-0-119 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning N. 88' of Lot 8, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 1115 Cedar Dr., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-65-2017 District Ill 22. 2017-0-120 Amending the Zoning Ordinance ( Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Services (Indoors) on Lot 4-A, Block 8-A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision Phase 1, located at 8602 McPherson Rd., Suites 104 and 105. ZC-69-2017C District VI 23. 2017-0-121 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the S. 67. 71' of Lot 5 and the S. 67. 71' of the E. 23.01' of Lot 4, Block 289, Western Division, located at 2002 Hidalgo St., from R-0 (Residential/ Office District) to CBD (Central Business District). ZC-67-2017 District VI 11 26. 2017-0-124 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, of the Code of Ordinances by enacting Article IX entitled "Open Data Policy," consisting of sections 2-405 through 2-410, regarding open data accessibility for the City of Laredo; reserving sections 2-411 through 2-420; providing that this Ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 27. 2017-0-125 Setting the new speed limits on section of Cuatro Vientos, between Cielito Lindo Boulevard and Mangana-Hein Road, within the City limits of Laredo, Webb County, Texas, to 65 miles per hour, as defined in the Texas Department of Transportation control section map CS0086-16, providing for the installation of appropriate signs to indicate new speed changes in the designated area; and providing for publication and effective date.
2017-0-122 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 350, Western Division, located at 11 Iturbide Street. ZC-68-2017C District VIII
All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (a) RESOLUTIONS 28. 2017-R-91 Ratifying the City Manager's Acceptance of a Grant from the South Texas Development Council (STDC)/Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in the amount of $53,184.00. Funds were used to purchase a glass pulverizer for beautification (landscape) efforts throughout the City. Funds for this grant are appropriated in the Environmental Services Fund. 29. 2017-R-92 Authorizing the acceptance of the surface estate for a drainage easement of the following tract and authorizing the City Manager to execute a donation agreement setting forth the terms of the drainage easement dedication. Said tract is described as follows: A tract of land containing 13,003 square feet of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 23, abstract 283, Leonardo Sanchez, original grantee, same being out of tract of land as conveyed to the Hidden Heaven Venture as recorded in volume 1774, pages 294-300, Webb County official public records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds provided in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B also known as the Hidden Heaven Tract. 31. 2017-R-95 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant in the amount of $76,374.00 from the Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance for funding the 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for the period of October 01, 2017 through September 30, 2020. The Bureau of Justice Assistance mandates that this grant be divided equally between the City of Laredo and Webb County, Sheriffs Office; $38, 187 will be allocated for the LPD Network Specialist and $38, 187 for Webb County Sheriffs Office operation enhancements. 32. 2017-R-98 Designating and creating a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, Number three (3) within the City of Laredo, and making the necessary findings of public benefit and public purpose to support the creation of the zone in District IV in the City of Laredo for the purpose of development. 33. 2017-R-99 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement to contribute right of way funds (fixed price) in the amount of $5,669,523.00, being the City's participation, for acquisition of right of way along Loop 20 (from South of International Blvd. To the junction of U.S. 59/U.S. Bus. 59) for a highway widening project (Row CSJ083). Funding: Annual Operational Budget or State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan.
2017-R-93 Resolution directing publication of notice of intention to issue City of Laredo, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, in one or more series, in the maximum principal amount of $17,500,000.00, for the purpose of: (1) planning, constructing, improving and repairing city streets and sidewalks, together with right-of-ways acquisition, and drainage, traffic and street signalization, railroad crossing, and lighting improvements; (2) constructing, renovating and improving city-owned buildings and parking lots, (3) acquiring municipal equipment and municipal vehicles for various city departments, to wit: City Administration, Health & Welfare Department, Engineering Department, Parks and Leisure Department, Public Safety Departments, and Public Works Department; (4) acquiring, constructing and improving municipal parks and recreational facilities; (5) purchasing land near or adjacent to the Rio Grande for recreational, environmental or drainage projects; and (6) paying legal, fiscal, and engineering fees in connection with such projects.
Discussion with possible action on status of construction of Hachar Road and any other related matters thereto.
Consideration that the City of Laredo enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Laredo Housing Authority and the owner of the Old Mercy Hospital Building to conduct a site analysis of the hospital building for the purpose of determining its potential for the development of affordable housing and to further conduct an independent appraisal of the building by a certified MAI (Member of Appraisal Institute) appraiser, with possible action.
36. Consideration for approval of amendment no. 2, an increase of $89,200.00 to Civil Engineering Consultants, Laredo, Texas, professional services contract with the Utilities Department for the San Francisco Xavier Phase I for additional work in conjunction with the EPC Project at the Outlet Mall for streets re-design, street drainage design, and construction assistance. Current contract amount with this amendment is $492,400.00. Funding is available in the 2016 C.O. Issue. 37. Consideration for approval of award of construction contract to the lowest bidder Romo Contractors, L LC., Laredo, Texas, in the amount of $47,900.00 (base bid plus additive alternates no. 1, 2, and 3) for the Slaughter Park Exercise Station Shade Structure with a construction contract time of ninety (90) calendar days; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all related contract documents contingent upon receipt and approval of insurance and bond documents. Completion date for the project is scheduled for December 2017. Funding is available in the CDBG 2016 Action Year Grant. 38. Consideration for approval to reject the bids received for the Canseco De Valle House Project since the bids were over the budget allotted and authorization to restructure the bid package with Frank Architects Inc., and to obtain proposals for award to either one general contractor, or to obtain various proposals for the different trades including Purchasing through a BuyBoard process. No financial impact. 39. Consideration for approval of the Bruni Plaza Building - Roof System Replacement as complete, approval of change order no. 1, a decrease of $10,123.20 for the balance of quantities actually constructed in place and to add sixty-three (63) calendar days to the construction contract time, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $28,531.88 to Argio Roofing and Construction, LLC., Rio Hondo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $276,768.80. Funding is available in the 2015 and 2016 CO. 40. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with sole source provider, Westnet lnc., Huntington Beach, California, in the total amount of $78, 687.09 for fire station alerting system equipment and software. This equipment and software is for the new fire station (Del Mar) specifically designed to reduce emergency response times. Funding is available in the 2016 Tax-Exempt C.O bond. 42. Consideration to renew the existing annual contract FY13-068 to Square E Engineering, Los Fresnos, Texas, in an amount up to $300,000.00 to provide services in the maintenance of all water and wastewater SCADA monitoring and electrical controls under preventative maintenance and emergency response objectives. Pricing is based on a flat hourly rate for management/professional, technician, system integrator, CAD draftsmen, and clerical services. There will be no price increase during this extension period. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the fourth of five (5) extension periods. Funding is available in the Water and Wastewater Operational Funds. 43. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program pricing to lnsituform Technologies, LLC., of Chesterfield, Missouri, for the rehabilitation of the 30" sewer collector located in the East side median of IH35 from Mines Road to Calle del Norte in the amount of $1,578, 335.00 and providing for 120 calendar days for completion. Funding is available in the 2015 Sewer Revenue Bond. 44. Ratification of incurred in-house project change orders on the rental of specialized heavy equipment from RDO Equipment in the amount of $102,224.33, the original purchase orders (8 P.O.'s) total amount was for $62,001.87 and the approval of a new change order for the termination of the project in the amount of $25, 606.22 for a total of $189,832.42. The delay is due to the rain events (24 days) and hard rock excavation. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond. 45. Ratification of change orders incurred for an in-house project on the rental of safety trench boxes and pump from United Rentals in the amount of $54,914.16. Original PO amount was $12,107.07; with this change order the amount will increase to $67,021.23. The additional rental expenses are due to the site conditions (i.e. rock excavation and rain delay). Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Bond. 46. Ratification of incurred in-house project change orders on the rental of specialized heavy equipment from Holt Cat Equipment in the amount of $46,662.16. Original purchase order amount was for $14,077.68; with these change orders, the total will increase to $60,739.84. The extended rental was due to rain delay (about 24 days) and rock excavation. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
50. Discussion with possible action to consider a first request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer James B. Boyd. XVI. ADJOURN
The Mayor will be presenting the following: 1. Recognizing Lorenzo and Yolanda Cuesta, both Laredo natives, for their humanitarian efforts. Mr. Cuesta who is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, served in the Vietnam War and taught medics at Fort Sam Houston. Mr. Cuesta relocated to California where he found a love of parliamentary procedure and served the students of the State of California as a Professional Registered Parliamentarian. Ms. Cuesta worked as a Librarian in both Texas and California, where she implemented literacy programs for adults and children. She has been a leader in Soroptimist International serving women and children.
Citizen Comments (Part 1 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
2. Discussion with possible action regarding the proposed El Lift Services increase fro m $1 .25 to $3.50. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Charlie San Miguel) 25. 2017-0-123 As amended an ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Article XII (Transit System), Divisions 2 and 5, Sections 19-562(c) and 19-601.12, of the Code of Ordinances to increase fixed Transit Service Fares and Paratransit Fares; providing this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and providing an effective date of October 23, 2017.
Citizen Comments (Part 2 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Discussion and possible action regarding changes to the zoning ordinance to allow for the permitted parking of owner operators commercial vehicles so long as they can be parked completely with in the property of said owner operator.
Discussion with possible action on implementing a "Veteran of the Month" recognition during regularly scheduled City Council Meetings.
Citizen Comments (Part 3 of 3)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Items X 13, VII 1 - VII 3 & VIII 7
13. 2017-0-110 Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2013-0-114 of the City of Laredo and authorizing an increase of $0.25 per person for southbound pedestrian traffic and an increase of $0.50 per axle for southbound commercial traffic as further described in Exhibit "A" and hereby repealing all conflicting sections in all ordinances currently in effect. 1. Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Program of the City of Laredo with amendments. 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance adopting the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 by appropriating the proposed revenues, expenditures and balances reported therein for the year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, consistent with the financial plan described in said annual budget (see Exhibit "A") and motions approved by City Council at public workshop (see Exhibit "B") and authorizing the City Manager to implement said annual budget. 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Laredo Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, Section 18-2.2 letter (A), (B), (C) & (D), local permit fee for amusement redemption machine premises permit and increasing annual permit fee from $550.00 to $1,000.00 per machine/per year; clarification of expiration date, increasing the sealing fee from $550.00 to $1,000.00; clarification of posting of permit; repealing all ordinances in conflict; providing for severability, publication and effective date. 7. Second Public Hearing for the adoption of a tax rate of $0.637000 per $100 value for the Tax Year 2017. The tax rate will provide revenue for the general fund and debt service. The rate includes $0.491887 per $100 value for Maintenance and Operation and $0. 145113 per $100 value for Sinking Fund of the Debt Service and is estimated to generate a tax levy of $84,097,503.00. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the tax rate on September 11, 2017 at 12 Noon and September 18, 2017 at 5:30 PM at City Council Chambers located at 1110 Houston St.
8. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2, Article II, Division 6 (Pay Administration), of the City Code of Ordinance, specifically Section 2-87. 7(c)(12)a, by providing for a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) to the existing wage schedule and to all City employees, except Interns, Cooperative Education Program employees (CO-OPS), Elected Officials and employees subject to any Collective Bargaining Agreement; the adjustment to the existing wage schedule includes adjustment to the minimum pay to grades R23, R24, R25 and R26; providing for a repealing clause; and providing for an effective date of October 1, 2017. 9. An ordinance amending Chapter 20, Article II entitled "Presiding Municipal Court Judge" of the Laredo Code of Ordinances by amending section 20-19 to require the compensation of the presiding municipal court judge to be established by separate ordinance; and providing an effective date. 10. An ordinance increasing the annual salary of presiding Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar from $135,000.00 to $150,000.00; and providing an effective date. 11. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2, Article II, Division 6 (Pay Administration), of the City Code of Ordinance, specifically Section 2-87. 7, (c) (3a through e); by providing all City of Laredo employees a maximum 2% merit raise based on employee performance evaluations, except for Seasonal employees, temporary employees, Interns, Cooperative Education Program employees (CO-OPS), elected officials, and employees subject to any collective bargaining agreement; and providing for an effective date of October 1, 2017. 12. Amending Chapter 23 (Parks and Leisure Services Section 23-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Laredo to include baseball rental fees for the Uni-Trade Stadium. Rental fees to include the site fee $600.00 per day, Game Administrator fee $100.00 per day, Police Officer fee $400.00 per game, Score Board Operator fee $50.00 per game, Announcer fee $50.00 per game, Ticket Salesperson fee $35.00 per game, Ticket Collector fee $ 35.00 per game, Clerk fee $40.00 per
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Charlie San Miguel of Joe Edward Arciniega to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Elsa Rodriguez Arreguindegui to the Drug and Alcohol Commission.
2017-R-100 A resolution by the Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting a program under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement made pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 with Medline Industries, Inc., relating to the expansion of a warehouse facility; and providing an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement with Tracy 0. King, a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas for office space located in the McKendrick Ochoa Salinas Branch Library at 1920 Palo Blanco, and providing for an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for Oil and/or Gas Extraction and Production, plug/abandonment ) on 1.65 acre pad site out of 320 acre tract known as McNary-Warrior #1 Well, located north of Wormser Rd and west of Cuatro Vientos Rd. ZC-73-2017 Staff supports the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lot 7, Block 976, Western Division, located at 3802 San Bernardo Ave. ZC-49B-2017 Staff does not support the application and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. District VIII
The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any posted agenda item when authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and/or 551.086 (Economic Development). Following closed session, the open meeting will reconvene at which time action, if any, may be taken. 51. The City Council shall meet in executive session under Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel Matters, to discuss the compensation, terms and conditions of the City Manager's employment contract.
14. 2017-0-111 Amending Article VI [Investment Policy] of Chapter 2 [Administration] of the Code of Ordinances in order to: 15. 1. Incorporate minor changes to further clarify language on the Investment Policy and have Article VI of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances conform with Chapter 2256 of the Government Code, popularly known as "The Public Funds Investment Act" of the Texas Government Code; 2. Adjust / Update the current Broker / Dealer List and; 3. Provide for an effective date. 2017-0-112 Authorizing the City Manager to accept funds in the amount of $360,104.00 (as amended) from the South Texas 9-1-1 Regional Administration Division to cost share personnel at the Laredo Police Department Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in accordance with Section 771.0751 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and Rule 251.3 Use of Revenue in certain counties from the Commission on State Emergency Communications; and amending the FY2016-2017 General Fund budget of the City of Laredo by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $360,104.00 for Laredo Police Department Communications Division salaries.
Items X 16 - X 23, X 26 & X 27
16. 2017-0-114Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1, and 2, Block 3, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit I, and Lot 27, Block 3, Lomas Del Sur Subdivision, Unit XIII, located at 2501, 2511 & 2601 Lomas Del Sur Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-57-2017 District I 17. 2017-0-115 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 5, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 720 Chihuahua St., from R-0 ( Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-61-2017 District Ill 18. 2017-0-116 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 6, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 716 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-62-2017 District 111 19. 2017-0-117 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 7, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 706 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). District Ill 20. 2017-0-118 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning S. 50' of Lot 8, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 702 Chihuahua St., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-64-2017 District Ill 21. 2017-0-119 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning N. 88' of Lot 8, Block 35, Eastern Division, located at 1115 Cedar Dr., from R-0 (Residential/Office District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-65-2017 District Ill 22. 2017-0-120 Amending the Zoning Ordinance ( Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Services (Indoors) on Lot 4-A, Block 8-A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision Phase 1, located at 8602 McPherson Rd., Suites 104 and 105. ZC-69-2017C District VI 23. 2017-0-121 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the S. 67. 71' of Lot 5 and the S. 67. 71' of the E. 23.01' of Lot 4, Block 289, Western Division, located at 2002 Hidalgo St., from R-0 (Residential/ Office District) to CBD (Central Business District). ZC-67-2017 District VI 11 26. 2017-0-124 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, of the Code of Ordinances by enacting Article IX entitled "Open Data Policy," consisting of sections 2-405 through 2-410, regarding open data accessibility for the City of Laredo; reserving sections 2-411 through 2-420; providing that this Ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 27. 2017-0-125 Setting the new speed limits on section of Cuatro Vientos, between Cielito Lindo Boulevard and Mangana-Hein Road, within the City limits of Laredo, Webb County, Texas, to 65 miles per hour, as defined in the Texas Department of Transportation control section map CS0086-16, providing for the installation of appropriate signs to indicate new speed changes in the designated area; and providing for publication and effective date.
2017-0-122 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for an Amusement Redemption Machine Establishment on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 350, Western Division, located at 11 Iturbide Street. ZC-68-2017C District VIII
All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (a) RESOLUTIONS 28. 2017-R-91 Ratifying the City Manager's Acceptance of a Grant from the South Texas Development Council (STDC)/Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in the amount of $53,184.00. Funds were used to purchase a glass pulverizer for beautification (landscape) efforts throughout the City. Funds for this grant are appropriated in the Environmental Services Fund. 29. 2017-R-92 Authorizing the acceptance of the surface estate for a drainage easement of the following tract and authorizing the City Manager to execute a donation agreement setting forth the terms of the drainage easement dedication. Said tract is described as follows: A tract of land containing 13,003 square feet of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 23, abstract 283, Leonardo Sanchez, original grantee, same being out of tract of land as conveyed to the Hidden Heaven Venture as recorded in volume 1774, pages 294-300, Webb County official public records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds provided in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B also known as the Hidden Heaven Tract. 31. 2017-R-95 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant in the amount of $76,374.00 from the Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance for funding the 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for the period of October 01, 2017 through September 30, 2020. The Bureau of Justice Assistance mandates that this grant be divided equally between the City of Laredo and Webb County, Sheriffs Office; $38, 187 will be allocated for the LPD Network Specialist and $38, 187 for Webb County Sheriffs Office operation enhancements. 32. 2017-R-98 Designating and creating a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, Number three (3) within the City of Laredo, and making the necessary findings of public benefit and public purpose to support the creation of the zone in District IV in the City of Laredo for the purpose of development. 33. 2017-R-99 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement to contribute right of way funds (fixed price) in the amount of $5,669,523.00, being the City's participation, for acquisition of right of way along Loop 20 (from South of International Blvd. To the junction of U.S. 59/U.S. Bus. 59) for a highway widening project (Row CSJ083). Funding: Annual Operational Budget or State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan.
2017-R-93 Resolution directing publication of notice of intention to issue City of Laredo, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, in one or more series, in the maximum principal amount of $17,500,000.00, for the purpose of: (1) planning, constructing, improving and repairing city streets and sidewalks, together with right-of-ways acquisition, and drainage, traffic and street signalization, railroad crossing, and lighting improvements; (2) constructing, renovating and improving city-owned buildings and parking lots, (3) acquiring municipal equipment and municipal vehicles for various city departments, to wit: City Administration, Health & Welfare Department, Engineering Department, Parks and Leisure Department, Public Safety Departments, and Public Works Department; (4) acquiring, constructing and improving municipal parks and recreational facilities; (5) purchasing land near or adjacent to the Rio Grande for recreational, environmental or drainage projects; and (6) paying legal, fiscal, and engineering fees in connection with such projects.
Discussion with possible action on status of construction of Hachar Road and any other related matters thereto.
Consideration that the City of Laredo enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Laredo Housing Authority and the owner of the Old Mercy Hospital Building to conduct a site analysis of the hospital building for the purpose of determining its potential for the development of affordable housing and to further conduct an independent appraisal of the building by a certified MAI (Member of Appraisal Institute) appraiser, with possible action.
36. Consideration for approval of amendment no. 2, an increase of $89,200.00 to Civil Engineering Consultants, Laredo, Texas, professional services contract with the Utilities Department for the San Francisco Xavier Phase I for additional work in conjunction with the EPC Project at the Outlet Mall for streets re-design, street drainage design, and construction assistance. Current contract amount with this amendment is $492,400.00. Funding is available in the 2016 C.O. Issue. 37. Consideration for approval of award of construction contract to the lowest bidder Romo Contractors, L LC., Laredo, Texas, in the amount of $47,900.00 (base bid plus additive alternates no. 1, 2, and 3) for the Slaughter Park Exercise Station Shade Structure with a construction contract time of ninety (90) calendar days; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all related contract documents contingent upon receipt and approval of insurance and bond documents. Completion date for the project is scheduled for December 2017. Funding is available in the CDBG 2016 Action Year Grant. 38. Consideration for approval to reject the bids received for the Canseco De Valle House Project since the bids were over the budget allotted and authorization to restructure the bid package with Frank Architects Inc., and to obtain proposals for award to either one general contractor, or to obtain various proposals for the different trades including Purchasing through a BuyBoard process. No financial impact. 39. Consideration for approval of the Bruni Plaza Building - Roof System Replacement as complete, approval of change order no. 1, a decrease of $10,123.20 for the balance of quantities actually constructed in place and to add sixty-three (63) calendar days to the construction contract time, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $28,531.88 to Argio Roofing and Construction, LLC., Rio Hondo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $276,768.80. Funding is available in the 2015 and 2016 CO. 40. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with sole source provider, Westnet lnc., Huntington Beach, California, in the total amount of $78, 687.09 for fire station alerting system equipment and software. This equipment and software is for the new fire station (Del Mar) specifically designed to reduce emergency response times. Funding is available in the 2016 Tax-Exempt C.O bond. 42. Consideration to renew the existing annual contract FY13-068 to Square E Engineering, Los Fresnos, Texas, in an amount up to $300,000.00 to provide services in the maintenance of all water and wastewater SCADA monitoring and electrical controls under preventative maintenance and emergency response objectives. Pricing is based on a flat hourly rate for management/professional, technician, system integrator, CAD draftsmen, and clerical services. There will be no price increase during this extension period. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the fourth of five (5) extension periods. Funding is available in the Water and Wastewater Operational Funds. 43. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program pricing to lnsituform Technologies, LLC., of Chesterfield, Missouri, for the rehabilitation of the 30" sewer collector located in the East side median of IH35 from Mines Road to Calle del Norte in the amount of $1,578, 335.00 and providing for 120 calendar days for completion. Funding is available in the 2015 Sewer Revenue Bond. 44. Ratification of incurred in-house project change orders on the rental of specialized heavy equipment from RDO Equipment in the amount of $102,224.33, the original purchase orders (8 P.O.'s) total amount was for $62,001.87 and the approval of a new change order for the termination of the project in the amount of $25, 606.22 for a total of $189,832.42. The delay is due to the rain events (24 days) and hard rock excavation. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond. 45. Ratification of change orders incurred for an in-house project on the rental of safety trench boxes and pump from United Rentals in the amount of $54,914.16. Original PO amount was $12,107.07; with this change order the amount will increase to $67,021.23. The additional rental expenses are due to the site conditions (i.e. rock excavation and rain delay). Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Bond. 46. Ratification of incurred in-house project change orders on the rental of specialized heavy equipment from Holt Cat Equipment in the amount of $46,662.16. Original purchase order amount was for $14,077.68; with these change orders, the total will increase to $60,739.84. The extended rental was due to rain delay (about 24 days) and rock excavation. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
50. Discussion with possible action to consider a first request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer James B. Boyd. XVI. ADJOURN