Recognitions and Communications
The Mayor will be presenting the following: 1. Recognizing Zaida Vela-Gonzalez, Principal at Andrew Trautmann Elementary School, for being named 2018 Elementary Principal of the Year for the State of Texas during the 2018 HEB Excellence in Education Awards Ceremony on Sunday, May 6, 2018. Overall statewide winners are determined based on interviews, campus tours, and discussions with district and campus staf. This is an honor that not only names her as such, but brings along a $25,000.00 grant awarded to her school. 2. Recognizing Lourdes Marquez, Alexander High School Junior for being selected to compete at the International Science Fair in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 1. Recognizing Mr. Conrado Cruz and the original board members that helped establish Taylor Baseball Park and Little League.
MINUTES Approval of the minutes of May 7, 2018 Citizen comments Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Citizen comments (Part 1 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Discussion and invitation to the First Special Needs Transitions Conference scheduled for May 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. at the Joe Guerra Public Library.
Citizen comments (Part 2 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Honoring Veteran Sergio Gonzalez, for his service as a member of the United States Marines and recognizing his distinguished service to our Country.
COMMUNICATIONS Presentation by Chief Jason Owens of the Laredo Border Patrol Sector regarding the state of Laredo's border with Mexico and emerging threats, patterns, and related matters.
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Request by Council Member Roberto Balli 1. Discussion with Possible action to hire Muralist Sandra Gonzalez to paint a mural of the "Abrazo" in downtown Laredo and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro Tempore Charlie San Miguel and Council Member Alejandro "Alex" Perez)
Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Charlie San Miguel 1. Discussion with possible action to build a small shed/locker room at several City parks that will hold various outside games like large chess boards, ping pong tables, foosball, etc. and manned by the youth volunteers and to be named Kataleya's Fun Zone. 2. Discussion with possible action on adopting a Resolution on the River Road and working with Congressman Cuellar to coordinate the use of Homeland Security funds and consider all other funding options. 3. Discussion with possible action to construct a bicycle BMX course at the Shiloh Extreme Bike Trails in accordance with the recommendations of the City of Laredo Environmental and Engineering departments and all other matters incident thereto. District VI Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Recognizing Municipal Cour Judge Rosie Cuellar and Municipal Court Clerk Ana Rodriguez for receiving the 2018 MTSI Traffic Safety Award in the High Volume Division.
Discussion with possible action to recognize the We Got Game (WGG) Team, a local volleyball club for earning a bid to participate in the USAV Girls' Juniors National Championship in Detroit, Ml. The WGG is the only team representing Laredo that qualified for this event and they are raising funds to ofset the expenses of the trip; and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion with possible action to repeal Ordinance 2009-0-173 pertaining to the civil adjudication of parking offenses thereby declaring these respective violations as Class C Misdemeanors, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma, Council Member George Altgelt, and Council Member Roberto Balli)
Discussion with possible action to instruct the City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations, under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy, and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps, instead of speed cushions, which is currently required under the policy: and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total cost $4,000.00. • (1) Speed hump on Ash St., between Logan and Tilden St., $2,000.00 and; • (1) Speed hump on Logan Ave, between Ash and Elm St., $2,000.00.
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a security camera system at Independence Hills Park to prevent constant vandalism. City Council District 1 Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Discussion with possible action to instruct the City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations, under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy, and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps, instead of speed cushions, which is currently required under the policy: and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District I Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total cost $6,000.00. • (2) Speed hump on the 3700 block of Aguanieve, between Avenida Mexico and Guaymas Ave $4,000.00 and; • (1) Speed hump on Wright Ranch Drive, between Cuarto Vientos Blvd. and Hereford Rd. $2,000.00.
Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install two (2) additional stop signs on Mexico and Aguanieve to make it a four way stop. City Council District 1 Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Request by Council Member Alejandro "A lex" Perez Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to resurface 1600 block of Laredo St.
Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a memorial monument for fallen oficer Pedro Ayala+ Laredo Police Department hero at one of the District Ill parks.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Lizeth Cuellar to the Laredo Commission for Women. 2. Appointment by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. of Armando Garza to the Transportation & Trafic Safety Advisory Committee.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Subdivision Ordinance Handbook of the City of Laredo by revising Chapter Ill, Subdivision Design Standards, Section 3-2 streets and alleys (R) pavement standards, pavement specifications for public and private streets; providing for publication, severability and efective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to ratify and execute a contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 2017-2018 budget by appropriating additional revenues and expenditures in the amount of $135,000.00 for the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Healthy Texas Babies Program for the term from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to ratify and execute a contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 2017-2018 budget by appropriating additional revenues and expenditures in the amount of $467,599.00 and amending the FY 2017-2018 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Position Listing by adding one (1) Health Educator I, R29 position and one (1) Public Health Technician, R36 position for the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Zika Health Care Serices Program for the term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, JDK, located at 23909 FM 1472 Rd., from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-37-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductor Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant Selling Alcohol on Lot 3, Block 1, Falcon Center of McPherson, located at 7718 McPherson Rd., Suite 105 G; providing for publication and efective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-38-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant Selling Alcohol on Lot 4, Block 8A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision, Phase I, located at 8602 McPherson Rd., Suite 101; providing for publication and effective date. Staf supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-8-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for a Bus Station on North 34 FT. of Lot 1 and a part of Lot 2, Block 59, Western Division, located at 801-803 Flores Ave, providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. ZC-6-2018 District VI 11
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 3, 4, 13 and 14, Block 2133, Eastern Division, located at 606 S. Meadow Ave, from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staf does not suppor the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District 111 ZC-1-2017
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 7-9, Block 1490, Eastern Division, located at 2508 Cortez St., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District Ill ZC-2-2017
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 9, Block 3, Santa Rita Subdivision Phase IV, located at 305 Avila Dr., from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1A (Single Family Reduced Area District). Staf does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District Ill ZC-44-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the East 35' of Lot 7, Block 1693 and North 62.4' of Lot 8, Block 1693 and 34.39' of Lot 7, Block 1693, Eastern Division, located at 2305 N. Arkansas Ave. and 2816 Clark Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District). Staf supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District IV ZC-3-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 12.09 acres out of a 134.59 acre tract of land, out of a 181.50 acre tract of land, situated in Porcion 10, Tomas Sanchez, Abstract 280, located north of FM 1472 (Mines Rd.) and west of FM 3338 (Las Tiendas Rd.) from AG (Agricultural District) and B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VI I ZC-7-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 57.1450 acres out of Porcion 20, Abstract 48, Bautista Garcia Original Grantee, and Porcion 21, Abstract 49, Leonardo Garcia Original Grantee (as furher described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit A), located north of Simon Blvd. and east of Bucky Houdmann Blvd., from R1- (Single-Family Residential District) to R-1A (Single Family Reduced Area District). Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change District VI ZC-5-2018
Discussion with possible action to approve the 2nd Phase of Improvements for El Metro Bus Enhancement Program for District V and any items incident thereto.
Status report on a request on the feasibility of installing a Traffic Light at the Hillside/Bartlett intersection.
14. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new section 2-17 that provides for a Veteran Employment Preference Policy within the hiring process of all non-civil service City positions; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. 15. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and American Towers LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee"), for ground space at 2502 Alamo St. (Jefferson Water Plant Compound), Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 479' skeletal steel guyed communications tower and related ground facilities. Term of the License Agreement is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing July 22, 2017 and ending February 17, 2022, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual license fee will be $45,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator. 16. Amending Chapter 19, motor vehicles and traffic, Article VIII, stopping, standing or parking, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Laredo, specifically adding Subsection 19-364 (24) which establishes a section of the north side of the 3600 block of Monclova Dr, from 120 f east of lxtapa Dr to 150 ft west of Poza Rica Dr, as a "no parking /tow away zone" from 8 am to 5 pm, school days, providing for severability, efective date and publication. 17. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article VIII, Stopping, Standing or Parking, to remove the appeal bond in the amount equal to the parking fines; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and declaring an efective date. 18. Authorizing the City Manager to convey an easement and right of way to AEP Texas Central Company located at, and to serve, a lift station, one (1) conveyance over a tract of land containing 11,071 square feet of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 15, Abstract 53, Jose Prudencia Garcia original grantee, and Porcion 16, Abstract 46, Dolores Garcia original grantee, and being out a 32.24 acre tract as conveyed to the City of Laredo, as recorded in volume 3351, pages 579-593, Webb County official public records as described in the easement conveyance attached as Exhibit A; and providing for an efective date.
19. 2018-0-069 Amending Chapter 31, Article I, Section 31-3(a) deleting exemptions for tracts with prior water system improvement expenditures; amending section 31-3(b)3 of the code of ordinances requiring developers pay water and sewer treatment fees equivalent to those required by the annexation ordinance; adding section 31-3(b)6 requiring industrial purpose developers apply to city council for approval of their industrial purpose development in order to obtain water services; amending sections 31-4 to provide for service charges consistent with sections 31-138.1.2 and 31-102; and deleting section 31-6 (refunds to persons sixty five years of age and older). Amending Chapter 31, Article Ill, Division 1, Section 31-113 to specify plumbing permit required and adding requirement of annexation; deleting section 31-115 same-failure of waterorks to connect deemed misdemeanor; deleting Section 31-116. same-failure of owner to connect deemed a misdemeanor; renumbering of section 31-117 as 31-115; and renumbering section 31-118 as 31-116 reserved (As Amended). 20. 2018-0-070 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 11.8928 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Riverhill Loop & West of Nogal Avenue, from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1 MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District); providing for publication and efective date. ZC-30-2018 District Ill 21. 2018-0-071 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 through 7, Block 1070, Eastern Division, and the Northeast corner of Lot 3, and 4, Block 1006, Eastern Division, from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-33-2018 District Ill 22. 2018-0-072 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 18, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, Article I, In General, of the Code of Ordinances to modify the licensing and regulatory process for amusement redemption machine establishments and amusement redemption machines within the city by providing clarification on definitions, application, registration, renewal, suspension, and revocation of licenses; and establishing new rules and regulations for amusement redemption machine establishments; amending the Laredo Land Development Code, Article IV, Section 24.65.15, Highway Commercial District, and Section 24.65.16, Light Manufacturing District, by changing the hours of operation of amusement redemption machine establishments; providing for a penalty; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an efective date. 23. 2018-O-073 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement with Hamilton Housing Partners, LTD for approximately two hundred square feet of the parking lot located at 1300 Matamoros for the purpose of providing a garbage container space to service the Hamilton Apartments. The term of the lease is for five (5) years with an option to renew for another one (1), five (5) year term and beginning June 1, 2018 with a monthly rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
2018-R-64 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a partial grant in the amount of $285,275.00 to fund the Laredo Police Department HIDTA Task Force and the Rio Grande Valley Financial HIDTA Task Force. Both grants are funded by the Executive Ofice of the President, Office of the National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) at no cost to the City. Funding will be used to pay personnel salaries, fringe benefits, overtime, travel and operating expenses from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Funding for the Rio Grande Valley Financial Task Force will be used for payment of fringe benefits, overtime, and operating expenses from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.
Items XII B & Supplemental Agenda Item I
25. Consideration for approval of amendment no. 1, an increase of $237,308.70 to the professional services contract with RS&H, Inc., San Antonio, Texas for the revised scope of work to design and provide for bidding services for the Laredo International Airport Air Cargo Apron Reconstruction Phase 11, Phase 12, Phase 13 and Phase 14 Reconstruction. Current contract amount with this amendment is $479,755.77. Funding is available in the Airport Construction Fund. 28. Consideration to award FY18-037 for the purchase of uniforms for various City Departments to following Vendors: 1) Section I for Parks and Leisure Services: LF Enterprise, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $25,000.00. 2) Section Ill for Solid Waste Department: Mike's Western Wear, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $15,000.00 and; local bidder, provides the best combination of contract price and additional economic development opportunities in accordance with Section 271.9051 (b)(2) of the Texas Local Government Code for the purchase of uniforms for City employees. 3) Section IV for Public Works Department: Al & Rob Sales, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $25,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract allows for one additional, two year extension period upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available within the budget of the various city departments. 29. Consideration to renew the two (2) year contract FY16-036 with the following vendors: Clark Hardware, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $172,532.61; Advantage Supply, For Worth, Texas in an annual amount of up to $54, 493.75. This is a two year contract for the purchase of water fountains, water heaters, assorted plumbing items such as bathroom repair items, couplings, fittings and is subject to future appropriations. All items will be purchased on an as needed basis throughout the year and for various city departments. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This is the last extension period for this contract. Funding is available in the Parks and Recreation, Airport, Public Works, Health, Solid Waste, Laredo Transit Management Inc., Laredo Municipal Housing and Utilities Departments budgets. 30. Consideration to renew the six-month (6) supply contract FY18-001 with Arguindegui Oil Company, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $80,000.00 for the purchase of lubricants for the Fleet Department. All lubricants will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of six (6) months beginning as of the date of its execution. Due to an increase in the crude oil market, there will be an average price increase of 12% during this extension period. This is the first of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 31. Consideration to renew the existing annual contract FY13-036 to LSC Environmental Products, Appalachian, New York in an amount up to $100,000.00 for the purchase of alternative daily cover material for the City Landfill. The materials are made of fiber and cement mortar used to replace the use of on-site soils for daily cover at the disposal area, as required by TCEQ.The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. All material will be ordered on an as needed basis. This contract may be extended for one additional period upon mutual agreement of parties. There will be no price increase during this extension period. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Department Fund. 32. Consideration to award annual supply contract number FY18-056 to the lowest responsible bidders: Core and Main LLC., St. Louis, MO for Section 1 and Tenoch Distribution, LLC for Section 2. This contract is for the purchase of Copper Pipe Type "K" and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEXa) Pipe for the Utilities Department; Contract is for an annual amount not exceed to $250,000.00. Contract will be awarded in the following sections for various divisions of the Utilities Department: Various Divisions (Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, etc.) Core and Main, LLC in the amount of $150,000.00 Section I - Copper Pipe Type "K" ¾" - 2" sof 60 Ft. Coils and 20 Ft. joints Tenoch Distribution, LLC in the amount of $100,000.00 Section II - ¾ - 2" Crosslinked polyethylene (PEXa) piping 100' coils The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract may be extended two (2), additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement of the parties. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis by the Utilities Department for water operations, construction and repair projects. Funding is available in the Utilities Deparment Fund. 33. Consideration to award contract FY18-047 for the purchase of ornamental sign poles to the low bidder Capital StreetScapes (Capital StreetScapes, LLC.), Austin, Texas, in an amount up to $50,563.00. These ornamental sign poles will be installed in the following subdivisions: Concord Hills, Las Misiones, and Royal Oaks. All ornamental sign poles are fabricated from cast aluminum alloy. Since the quantities are estimated, the City reserves the right purchase more than the estimated quantities. Funding is available in the District II Priority Fund - 2017 CO Bond. 35. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of April 2018, represent a decrease of $59,886.33. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. I. MOTIONS 1. Consideration to award contract FY18-062 for the purchase of 1,200 traffic STOP signs and accessories to the followings low bidders: Section I: Vulcan Signs, Foley, Alabama, in an amount up to $ 24, 180.00 and; Section II: Black Top Industries, New Braunfels, Texas, in an amount up to $ 43, 120.00; These traffic STOP signs and accessories are replacements for stop signs that are either faded or damaged, along with the accessories needed to install them .. Funding is available in the Traffic Operations Fund.
Consideration to award Contract FY 18-043 Navigators to Bethany House in the amount of $96,000.00 to help address homelessness through case management of persons and navigation of services to assure the continuum of care, provide social, housing and health services to the homeless, serving as the lead for the coordinated process for the homeless city wide services, coordinating with homeless stakeholders, and with the City of Laredo Health and Community Development Departments for the term from June 1, 2018 through May 30, 2019; contract may be renewed for one (1) additional year upon mutual agreement of the parties and subject to future appropriations. Funding is available in the Health Department budget.
20. 2018-0-070 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 11.8928 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Riverhill Loop & West of Nogal Avenue, from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1 MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District); providing for publication and efective date. ZC-30-2018 District Ill
Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Raul Miguel Ramos, Tennis Professional, in the amount of $32,700.00. Contract term shall be for twelve (12) months commencing on the 21st day of May 2018 and terminating on the 20th day of May 2019. Serices to be provided by tennis professional include, oversight and monitoring of tennis facilities, providing activities, tournaments and lessons at the Market Street and Haynes Tennis Courts. Funding is available in the Parks and Leisure Serices Budget - Recreation Centers Division.
Consideration for approval of the selection of the consultant firm for the Downtown Parking Study (FY18-044) and authorization to negotiate a professional serices contract. Funding is available in the Parking Meters Fund.
Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
Status Report on the CDBG Freddy Benavides Recreational (Sisters of Mercy) Water Feature (Lazy River) adjacent to the City of Laredo Cigarroa Recreation Center Swimming Pool at 2201 Zacatecas Street, with possible action.
XV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 38. 2018-RT-03 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $3,401,493.00 to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for Fiscal Year 2018 Section 5307 Urbanized Area authorized under the new Fixing America's Surface Transporation (FAST) Act. Funding will be for Operating Assistance and Preventative Maintenance to the El Metro Bus Operations. The required local match for this grant will be funded with the Transit's Local Sales Tax. XVI. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL
Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Discussion with possible action on status of usage of vacant or unoccupied Downtown lots owned by the City.
Supplemental Agenda Item II A & Item XVII
A. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Status Report on the trails at the Max Golf Course property and directing the City Manager to acquire through donation the proposed River Vega property within the golf course and to continue the trail project through City resources, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma) XVII. ADJOURN
Recognitions and Communications
The Mayor will be presenting the following: 1. Recognizing Zaida Vela-Gonzalez, Principal at Andrew Trautmann Elementary School, for being named 2018 Elementary Principal of the Year for the State of Texas during the 2018 HEB Excellence in Education Awards Ceremony on Sunday, May 6, 2018. Overall statewide winners are determined based on interviews, campus tours, and discussions with district and campus staf. This is an honor that not only names her as such, but brings along a $25,000.00 grant awarded to her school. 2. Recognizing Lourdes Marquez, Alexander High School Junior for being selected to compete at the International Science Fair in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 1. Recognizing Mr. Conrado Cruz and the original board members that helped establish Taylor Baseball Park and Little League.
MINUTES Approval of the minutes of May 7, 2018 Citizen comments Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Citizen comments (Part 1 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Discussion and invitation to the First Special Needs Transitions Conference scheduled for May 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. at the Joe Guerra Public Library.
Citizen comments (Part 2 of 2)
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Honoring Veteran Sergio Gonzalez, for his service as a member of the United States Marines and recognizing his distinguished service to our Country.
COMMUNICATIONS Presentation by Chief Jason Owens of the Laredo Border Patrol Sector regarding the state of Laredo's border with Mexico and emerging threats, patterns, and related matters.
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Request by Council Member Roberto Balli 1. Discussion with Possible action to hire Muralist Sandra Gonzalez to paint a mural of the "Abrazo" in downtown Laredo and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pro Tempore Charlie San Miguel and Council Member Alejandro "Alex" Perez)
Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Charlie San Miguel 1. Discussion with possible action to build a small shed/locker room at several City parks that will hold various outside games like large chess boards, ping pong tables, foosball, etc. and manned by the youth volunteers and to be named Kataleya's Fun Zone. 2. Discussion with possible action on adopting a Resolution on the River Road and working with Congressman Cuellar to coordinate the use of Homeland Security funds and consider all other funding options. 3. Discussion with possible action to construct a bicycle BMX course at the Shiloh Extreme Bike Trails in accordance with the recommendations of the City of Laredo Environmental and Engineering departments and all other matters incident thereto. District VI Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Recognizing Municipal Cour Judge Rosie Cuellar and Municipal Court Clerk Ana Rodriguez for receiving the 2018 MTSI Traffic Safety Award in the High Volume Division.
Discussion with possible action to recognize the We Got Game (WGG) Team, a local volleyball club for earning a bid to participate in the USAV Girls' Juniors National Championship in Detroit, Ml. The WGG is the only team representing Laredo that qualified for this event and they are raising funds to ofset the expenses of the trip; and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion with possible action to repeal Ordinance 2009-0-173 pertaining to the civil adjudication of parking offenses thereby declaring these respective violations as Class C Misdemeanors, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma, Council Member George Altgelt, and Council Member Roberto Balli)
Discussion with possible action to instruct the City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations, under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy, and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps, instead of speed cushions, which is currently required under the policy: and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total cost $4,000.00. • (1) Speed hump on Ash St., between Logan and Tilden St., $2,000.00 and; • (1) Speed hump on Logan Ave, between Ash and Elm St., $2,000.00.
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a security camera system at Independence Hills Park to prevent constant vandalism. City Council District 1 Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Discussion with possible action to instruct the City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations, under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump Installation Policy, and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps, instead of speed cushions, which is currently required under the policy: and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District I Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total cost $6,000.00. • (2) Speed hump on the 3700 block of Aguanieve, between Avenida Mexico and Guaymas Ave $4,000.00 and; • (1) Speed hump on Wright Ranch Drive, between Cuarto Vientos Blvd. and Hereford Rd. $2,000.00.
Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install two (2) additional stop signs on Mexico and Aguanieve to make it a four way stop. City Council District 1 Priority Funds will be used for this project.
Request by Council Member Alejandro "A lex" Perez Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to resurface 1600 block of Laredo St.
Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install a memorial monument for fallen oficer Pedro Ayala+ Laredo Police Department hero at one of the District Ill parks.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Lizeth Cuellar to the Laredo Commission for Women. 2. Appointment by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. of Armando Garza to the Transportation & Trafic Safety Advisory Committee.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Subdivision Ordinance Handbook of the City of Laredo by revising Chapter Ill, Subdivision Design Standards, Section 3-2 streets and alleys (R) pavement standards, pavement specifications for public and private streets; providing for publication, severability and efective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to ratify and execute a contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 2017-2018 budget by appropriating additional revenues and expenditures in the amount of $135,000.00 for the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Healthy Texas Babies Program for the term from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to ratify and execute a contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 2017-2018 budget by appropriating additional revenues and expenditures in the amount of $467,599.00 and amending the FY 2017-2018 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Position Listing by adding one (1) Health Educator I, R29 position and one (1) Public Health Technician, R36 position for the City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) Zika Health Care Serices Program for the term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, JDK, located at 23909 FM 1472 Rd., from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-37-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductor Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant Selling Alcohol on Lot 3, Block 1, Falcon Center of McPherson, located at 7718 McPherson Rd., Suite 105 G; providing for publication and efective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-38-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Restaurant Selling Alcohol on Lot 4, Block 8A, Las Brisas Del Mar Subdivision, Phase I, located at 8602 McPherson Rd., Suite 101; providing for publication and effective date. Staf supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-8-2018 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Conditional Use Permit for a Bus Station on North 34 FT. of Lot 1 and a part of Lot 2, Block 59, Western Division, located at 801-803 Flores Ave, providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. ZC-6-2018 District VI 11
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 3, 4, 13 and 14, Block 2133, Eastern Division, located at 606 S. Meadow Ave, from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staf does not suppor the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District 111 ZC-1-2017
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 7-9, Block 1490, Eastern Division, located at 2508 Cortez St., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District Ill ZC-2-2017
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 9, Block 3, Santa Rita Subdivision Phase IV, located at 305 Avila Dr., from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1A (Single Family Reduced Area District). Staf does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends denial of the Zone Change.Therefore, the applicant has exercised the right to appeal this decision directly to City Council. District Ill ZC-44-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the East 35' of Lot 7, Block 1693 and North 62.4' of Lot 8, Block 1693 and 34.39' of Lot 7, Block 1693, Eastern Division, located at 2305 N. Arkansas Ave. and 2816 Clark Blvd., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District). Staf supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District IV ZC-3-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 12.09 acres out of a 134.59 acre tract of land, out of a 181.50 acre tract of land, situated in Porcion 10, Tomas Sanchez, Abstract 280, located north of FM 1472 (Mines Rd.) and west of FM 3338 (Las Tiendas Rd.) from AG (Agricultural District) and B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). Staff does not support the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. District VI I ZC-7-2018
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 57.1450 acres out of Porcion 20, Abstract 48, Bautista Garcia Original Grantee, and Porcion 21, Abstract 49, Leonardo Garcia Original Grantee (as furher described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit A), located north of Simon Blvd. and east of Bucky Houdmann Blvd., from R1- (Single-Family Residential District) to R-1A (Single Family Reduced Area District). Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change District VI ZC-5-2018
Discussion with possible action to approve the 2nd Phase of Improvements for El Metro Bus Enhancement Program for District V and any items incident thereto.
Status report on a request on the feasibility of installing a Traffic Light at the Hillside/Bartlett intersection.
14. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, Amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new section 2-17 that provides for a Veteran Employment Preference Policy within the hiring process of all non-civil service City positions; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. 15. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and American Towers LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee"), for ground space at 2502 Alamo St. (Jefferson Water Plant Compound), Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 479' skeletal steel guyed communications tower and related ground facilities. Term of the License Agreement is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing July 22, 2017 and ending February 17, 2022, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual license fee will be $45,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator. 16. Amending Chapter 19, motor vehicles and traffic, Article VIII, stopping, standing or parking, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Laredo, specifically adding Subsection 19-364 (24) which establishes a section of the north side of the 3600 block of Monclova Dr, from 120 f east of lxtapa Dr to 150 ft west of Poza Rica Dr, as a "no parking /tow away zone" from 8 am to 5 pm, school days, providing for severability, efective date and publication. 17. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article VIII, Stopping, Standing or Parking, to remove the appeal bond in the amount equal to the parking fines; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and declaring an efective date. 18. Authorizing the City Manager to convey an easement and right of way to AEP Texas Central Company located at, and to serve, a lift station, one (1) conveyance over a tract of land containing 11,071 square feet of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 15, Abstract 53, Jose Prudencia Garcia original grantee, and Porcion 16, Abstract 46, Dolores Garcia original grantee, and being out a 32.24 acre tract as conveyed to the City of Laredo, as recorded in volume 3351, pages 579-593, Webb County official public records as described in the easement conveyance attached as Exhibit A; and providing for an efective date.
19. 2018-0-069 Amending Chapter 31, Article I, Section 31-3(a) deleting exemptions for tracts with prior water system improvement expenditures; amending section 31-3(b)3 of the code of ordinances requiring developers pay water and sewer treatment fees equivalent to those required by the annexation ordinance; adding section 31-3(b)6 requiring industrial purpose developers apply to city council for approval of their industrial purpose development in order to obtain water services; amending sections 31-4 to provide for service charges consistent with sections 31-138.1.2 and 31-102; and deleting section 31-6 (refunds to persons sixty five years of age and older). Amending Chapter 31, Article Ill, Division 1, Section 31-113 to specify plumbing permit required and adding requirement of annexation; deleting section 31-115 same-failure of waterorks to connect deemed misdemeanor; deleting Section 31-116. same-failure of owner to connect deemed a misdemeanor; renumbering of section 31-117 as 31-115; and renumbering section 31-118 as 31-116 reserved (As Amended). 20. 2018-0-070 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 11.8928 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Riverhill Loop & West of Nogal Avenue, from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1 MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District); providing for publication and efective date. ZC-30-2018 District Ill 21. 2018-0-071 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 1 through 7, Block 1070, Eastern Division, and the Northeast corner of Lot 3, and 4, Block 1006, Eastern Division, from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District). ZC-33-2018 District Ill 22. 2018-0-072 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 18, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, Article I, In General, of the Code of Ordinances to modify the licensing and regulatory process for amusement redemption machine establishments and amusement redemption machines within the city by providing clarification on definitions, application, registration, renewal, suspension, and revocation of licenses; and establishing new rules and regulations for amusement redemption machine establishments; amending the Laredo Land Development Code, Article IV, Section 24.65.15, Highway Commercial District, and Section 24.65.16, Light Manufacturing District, by changing the hours of operation of amusement redemption machine establishments; providing for a penalty; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an efective date. 23. 2018-O-073 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement with Hamilton Housing Partners, LTD for approximately two hundred square feet of the parking lot located at 1300 Matamoros for the purpose of providing a garbage container space to service the Hamilton Apartments. The term of the lease is for five (5) years with an option to renew for another one (1), five (5) year term and beginning June 1, 2018 with a monthly rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
2018-R-64 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a partial grant in the amount of $285,275.00 to fund the Laredo Police Department HIDTA Task Force and the Rio Grande Valley Financial HIDTA Task Force. Both grants are funded by the Executive Ofice of the President, Office of the National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) at no cost to the City. Funding will be used to pay personnel salaries, fringe benefits, overtime, travel and operating expenses from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Funding for the Rio Grande Valley Financial Task Force will be used for payment of fringe benefits, overtime, and operating expenses from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.
Items XII B & Supplemental Agenda Item I
25. Consideration for approval of amendment no. 1, an increase of $237,308.70 to the professional services contract with RS&H, Inc., San Antonio, Texas for the revised scope of work to design and provide for bidding services for the Laredo International Airport Air Cargo Apron Reconstruction Phase 11, Phase 12, Phase 13 and Phase 14 Reconstruction. Current contract amount with this amendment is $479,755.77. Funding is available in the Airport Construction Fund. 28. Consideration to award FY18-037 for the purchase of uniforms for various City Departments to following Vendors: 1) Section I for Parks and Leisure Services: LF Enterprise, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $25,000.00. 2) Section Ill for Solid Waste Department: Mike's Western Wear, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $15,000.00 and; local bidder, provides the best combination of contract price and additional economic development opportunities in accordance with Section 271.9051 (b)(2) of the Texas Local Government Code for the purchase of uniforms for City employees. 3) Section IV for Public Works Department: Al & Rob Sales, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $25,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract allows for one additional, two year extension period upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available within the budget of the various city departments. 29. Consideration to renew the two (2) year contract FY16-036 with the following vendors: Clark Hardware, Laredo, Texas in an annual amount of up to $172,532.61; Advantage Supply, For Worth, Texas in an annual amount of up to $54, 493.75. This is a two year contract for the purchase of water fountains, water heaters, assorted plumbing items such as bathroom repair items, couplings, fittings and is subject to future appropriations. All items will be purchased on an as needed basis throughout the year and for various city departments. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This is the last extension period for this contract. Funding is available in the Parks and Recreation, Airport, Public Works, Health, Solid Waste, Laredo Transit Management Inc., Laredo Municipal Housing and Utilities Departments budgets. 30. Consideration to renew the six-month (6) supply contract FY18-001 with Arguindegui Oil Company, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $80,000.00 for the purchase of lubricants for the Fleet Department. All lubricants will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of six (6) months beginning as of the date of its execution. Due to an increase in the crude oil market, there will be an average price increase of 12% during this extension period. This is the first of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 31. Consideration to renew the existing annual contract FY13-036 to LSC Environmental Products, Appalachian, New York in an amount up to $100,000.00 for the purchase of alternative daily cover material for the City Landfill. The materials are made of fiber and cement mortar used to replace the use of on-site soils for daily cover at the disposal area, as required by TCEQ.The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. All material will be ordered on an as needed basis. This contract may be extended for one additional period upon mutual agreement of parties. There will be no price increase during this extension period. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Department Fund. 32. Consideration to award annual supply contract number FY18-056 to the lowest responsible bidders: Core and Main LLC., St. Louis, MO for Section 1 and Tenoch Distribution, LLC for Section 2. This contract is for the purchase of Copper Pipe Type "K" and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEXa) Pipe for the Utilities Department; Contract is for an annual amount not exceed to $250,000.00. Contract will be awarded in the following sections for various divisions of the Utilities Department: Various Divisions (Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, etc.) Core and Main, LLC in the amount of $150,000.00 Section I - Copper Pipe Type "K" ¾" - 2" sof 60 Ft. Coils and 20 Ft. joints Tenoch Distribution, LLC in the amount of $100,000.00 Section II - ¾ - 2" Crosslinked polyethylene (PEXa) piping 100' coils The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This contract may be extended two (2), additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement of the parties. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis by the Utilities Department for water operations, construction and repair projects. Funding is available in the Utilities Deparment Fund. 33. Consideration to award contract FY18-047 for the purchase of ornamental sign poles to the low bidder Capital StreetScapes (Capital StreetScapes, LLC.), Austin, Texas, in an amount up to $50,563.00. These ornamental sign poles will be installed in the following subdivisions: Concord Hills, Las Misiones, and Royal Oaks. All ornamental sign poles are fabricated from cast aluminum alloy. Since the quantities are estimated, the City reserves the right purchase more than the estimated quantities. Funding is available in the District II Priority Fund - 2017 CO Bond. 35. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of April 2018, represent a decrease of $59,886.33. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. I. MOTIONS 1. Consideration to award contract FY18-062 for the purchase of 1,200 traffic STOP signs and accessories to the followings low bidders: Section I: Vulcan Signs, Foley, Alabama, in an amount up to $ 24, 180.00 and; Section II: Black Top Industries, New Braunfels, Texas, in an amount up to $ 43, 120.00; These traffic STOP signs and accessories are replacements for stop signs that are either faded or damaged, along with the accessories needed to install them .. Funding is available in the Traffic Operations Fund.
Consideration to award Contract FY 18-043 Navigators to Bethany House in the amount of $96,000.00 to help address homelessness through case management of persons and navigation of services to assure the continuum of care, provide social, housing and health services to the homeless, serving as the lead for the coordinated process for the homeless city wide services, coordinating with homeless stakeholders, and with the City of Laredo Health and Community Development Departments for the term from June 1, 2018 through May 30, 2019; contract may be renewed for one (1) additional year upon mutual agreement of the parties and subject to future appropriations. Funding is available in the Health Department budget.
20. 2018-0-070 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 11.8928 acres, as further described by metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A", located at South of Riverhill Loop & West of Nogal Avenue, from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential District) to R-1 MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District); providing for publication and efective date. ZC-30-2018 District Ill
Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Raul Miguel Ramos, Tennis Professional, in the amount of $32,700.00. Contract term shall be for twelve (12) months commencing on the 21st day of May 2018 and terminating on the 20th day of May 2019. Serices to be provided by tennis professional include, oversight and monitoring of tennis facilities, providing activities, tournaments and lessons at the Market Street and Haynes Tennis Courts. Funding is available in the Parks and Leisure Serices Budget - Recreation Centers Division.
Consideration for approval of the selection of the consultant firm for the Downtown Parking Study (FY18-044) and authorization to negotiate a professional serices contract. Funding is available in the Parking Meters Fund.
Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
Status Report on the CDBG Freddy Benavides Recreational (Sisters of Mercy) Water Feature (Lazy River) adjacent to the City of Laredo Cigarroa Recreation Center Swimming Pool at 2201 Zacatecas Street, with possible action.
XV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 38. 2018-RT-03 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $3,401,493.00 to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for Fiscal Year 2018 Section 5307 Urbanized Area authorized under the new Fixing America's Surface Transporation (FAST) Act. Funding will be for Operating Assistance and Preventative Maintenance to the El Metro Bus Operations. The required local match for this grant will be funded with the Transit's Local Sales Tax. XVI. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL
Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Discussion with possible action on status of usage of vacant or unoccupied Downtown lots owned by the City.
Supplemental Agenda Item II A & Item XVII
A. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Status Report on the trails at the Max Golf Course property and directing the City Manager to acquire through donation the proposed River Vega property within the golf course and to continue the trail project through City resources, and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma) XVII. ADJOURN