Recognizing Miguel "Wero" Lopez for his National Prize of Locution of the National Association of Announcers of Mexico.
Recognizing the Harmony School of Innovation 5th grade flag football team for their undefeated season and for advancing straight into the Championship. They have been city champions for 3 years. They are under the direction of Head Coach Rolando San Miguel and Assistant Coach Jose Salas.
Recognizing the Harmony School, Tiger Squad Team 34148. Under the direction of Tomas Jimenez, Celina Estrada, Kayla Cruz, have advanced to regional finals in March, where they will compete for a spot in World's Competition.They placed top 3 in the qualifiers and 1st place in Robot design.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COMMUNICATIONS Presentation by Jay Puig, President of the Washington's Birthday Celebration Association (WBCA), regarding the upcoming WBCA events with presentation of the 122nd Celebration's Commemorative Poster to the City of Laredo Mayor and City Council.
Item VII & Supplemental Agenda Item I
VII. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Briana R. Saenz to the Drug & Alcohol Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. of David James to the City Utilities Advisory Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Luis Dominguez to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 4. Re-appointment by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. of Sabas Zapata to the Ethics Commission. 5. Re-appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Guadalupe Ramirez to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 6. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Luis Gomez to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. 7. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Diana Espinoza to the Laredo Commission for Women. 8. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Henry Sauvigent Chairman to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 9. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Oscar Lopez to the Firefighters' Retirement System Board of Trustees. 10. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Carol Alexander to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 11. Re-appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Patty Goldberg to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 12. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Judd Gilpin to the Airport Advisory Board. 13. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Lillian Trevino to the Animal Care Services Advisory Committee. 14. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Javier Compean to the Board of Adjustment. 15. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Blanca Brewster to the Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee. 16. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Luis Castillo, Jr. to the Charter Revision Commission. 17. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Martha Keiser to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 18. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jose Gonzalez to the Drug and Alcohol Commission. 19. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Rafael Duenas to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 20. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Frank Castillo to the Ethics Commission. 21. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Nathan Bratton to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 22. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Angie Moore to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 23. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Diana Rodriguez & Maribel Garcia to the Laredo Commission for Women. 24. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Esmeralda Rodriguez to the Library Advisory Committee. 25. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Juan Lazaro Ramirez to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. 26. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Judson Somerville to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. 27. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Orlando Navarro to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 28. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of George Beckelhymer to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 29. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Douglas Howland to the Regional Mobility Authority Board of Directors. 30. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jason Hinojosa to the City Utilities Committee. 31. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Kurt Kraus to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 32. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Robert Tellez to the Third Party Funding Advisory Committee. 33. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jeff Puig to the Transportation & Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. 34. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Joe Angel Lopez, III to the Airport Advisory Board. 35. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Sandra Solis to the Animal Care Services Advisory Committee. 36. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Michael Gutierrez to the City Charter Revision Commission. 37. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Elizabeth G. "Betty" Flores to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 38. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Gerardo Montemayor to the Drug & Alcohol Commission. 39. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of John Villarreal to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 40. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Hector J. Chapa to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 41. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Maria Elena Morales to the Historic District/Landmark Board. 42. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Olga Gentry and Rosina M. Silva to the Laredo Commission for Women. 43. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Rafael Romo to the Library Advisory Committee. 44. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Juan Jose Avila to the Para Transit Advisory Board. 45. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Richard C. Kahn to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 46. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Abraham Lugo to the 47. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Onecimo "Onyx" Benavides to the City Utilities Advisory Commission. 48. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of George B. Hamilton, IV to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 49. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Emmanuel Guajardo to the Third Party Funding Advisory Committee. 50. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr., of Sergio Sanchez to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Baldemar Garcia to the Charter Revision Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Oscar O. Pena to the Historic District/Landmark Board. 3. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Luis Dominguez to the Parks and Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Rodolfo Guajardo, Jr. to the Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
MOTIONS Consideration to appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore as per Ordinance 2011-O-029 and whose one year term shall start January 22, 2019.
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion and possible action on approval of City Manager's amended employment agreement to include the performance objectives for 2018-2019 as discussed at the City Manager's last evaluation dated August 20, 2018; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pete Saenz and Council Member George Altgelt)
Supplemental Agenda Item III 1
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Discussion and possible action regarding an update as to all potential vacant key critical positions within the city, (i.e. City Planner, Budget Director, Economic Development Director, City Engineer, Animal Care Services Director, Deputy City Manager, Airport Director, Administrative Assistants for City Council Members, Downtown/Inner City Czar, Traffic Engineer, and Parks and Recreation Director); including but not limited to the creation, role and duties of Executive Directors and additional funding for a Construction Division to assist with the over 104 parks in the City and multiple projects Citywide; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member George Altgelt, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr., and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III.)
Discussion with possible action to refer the naming of Bartlett Park as Jovita Idar's - El Progreso Park to the Facilities Naming Committee and any other matters incident thereto.
Presentation by Transforming/Transformando Laredo on the Phoenix Wings Art Project, with possible action.
PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, Danny Lopez Plat, located at 1920 Shiloh Dr., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning recommended approval of the zone change. ZC-03-2019 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 3.2820 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds Exhibit A, located North of FM 1472 Rd., from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-02-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 5.0 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds Exhibit A, located Southwest corner of FM 1472 Rd., and Game Creek Blvd., from AG (Agricultural District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-04-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Tiny Home Community on the S 93.8' of Lot 5, Block 341, Eastern Division, located at 820 E. Price St. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-06-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, KQC Subdivision, located at 5805 U.S. Highway 59, from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. ZC-01-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning E 3.34 feet of Lot 2, and Lot 3, Block 666, Eastern Division, located at 1215 E Bustamante St., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-09-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 7.97 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located north of Victoria Dr., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) and R-1MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District) to R-1 B (Single Family High Density District) providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-12-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 15.2840 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of FM 1472 Rd (Mines Road) and north of Vidal Cantu Rd., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to B-4(Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-08-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for Oil and/or Gas Extraction and Production, (plug/abandonment) on approximately .0050 acres out of Porcion 37, Abstract 410, Jose Bartolo Chapa, Original Grantee, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of Soria Dr. and east of U.S Highway 83; providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-11-2019 District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the N2/3 of Lot 3, Block 1424, Eastern Division, located at 2415 Cleveland St., from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); PrĀ°vidin9 for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-07-2019 District II
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1801, Eastern Division, located at 2907 and 2909 E. Clark Blvd., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-10-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance establishing a six-month pilot program for the regulation of dockless vehicle services; providing that a permit is required to operate a dockless vehicle service in the City; establishing a semi-annual business permit fee of $500.00 and an additional semi-annual permit fee of $10.00 for each dockless vehicle which is to be operated within the city limits of the City of Laredo; providing regulations for a dockless vehicle permit program; allowing individuals 18 years of age and older to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter within the city in accordance with this ordinance and state law; removing the helmet requirement for persons operating motor assisted scooters; providing a cumulative and repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; providing for a penalty; and declaring an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2019 Transit Capital Budget by increasing revenues and expenses in the amount of $9,875,083.00 in order to appropriate FTA Section 5339(b) Grant TX-2018-080-00 for the design, and construction for the first phase of the El Metro's new Administration, Operations and Maintenance Facility. The required local match for this grant will be funded by in-kind from the value of the land.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending City of Laredo Code of Ordinances, Chapter 31 (Utilities), Article 1(General) Section 31-3.(C)12 to include church, Division 1 (Generally), Article II (sewers and sewage disposal), Section 31-16 (definitions) by clarifying the residential and commercial customer definitions, adding the definition for wastewater effluent, also amending Article III, (water), Division 3 (rates and charges), Section 31-138, table-3, by adding multifamily, amending section 31-138.1.1, by adding a fee of $20.00 for check valve for temporary construction meter for residential account, amending Section 31-139 (bulk water sales) to include wastewater effluent and adding Sections 31-139.1 called bulk water and Section 31-139.2 called wastewater effluent and creating a starting rate for wastewater effluent of $0.12/1000 gallons to be used for golf course with a signed contract with the city, providing for publication and effective date of April 1,2019.
IX. INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 16. Authorizing the City Manager to sell the "Surface Only" of a closed section of Sherman street at its appraised fair market value of $32,000.00. It is described as a tract of land containing 0.3189 acre (13,890 sq. ft.), more or less, out of Sherman Street R. O. W., situated in the Western Division of the City of Laredo, as per Plat Recorded in Volume 7, Page 15, of the Webb County, Texas, Plat Records, to John M. McBain, and wife Patricia G. McBain. The City of Laredo reserves any and all visible and apparent easements recorded or not recorded, being generally described in attached Exhibit "A", and approving the Post Closure Property Improvement Plan as described in Exhibit "B", which is in compliance with Section 10 of the Street Closing/Sales Policy Handbook, and providing for an effective date. 17. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Second Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and SBC Tower Holdings, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee") for ground space at 219 West Saunders Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 100 ft. high monopole and related ground facilities. Term of the Amendment is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing June 28, 2019 and ending June 27, 2024, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual fee will increase from $11,259.00 to $30,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator. 18. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and SBC Tower Holdings, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee") for ground space at 2521 Chihuahua Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 129 ft. high monopole and related ground facilities. Term of the Amendment is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing April 1, 2019 and ending March 31, 2024, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual fee will increase from $9,598.00 to $30,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator.
15. Closing and vacating as a public easement, the section of Sherman Street between Vidaurri Avenue and Santa Rita Avenue, being a 13,890 sq. ft. tract of land out of Sherman street Right-Of-Way, situated in the Western Division, City of Laredo, Webb County, Texas; the City of Laredo reserves any and all apparent and visible easements recorded or not recorded; hereof, closed as a public easement and providing for an effective date.
IX 19. Setting the new speed limits on a section of Del Mar Boulevard, between Bartlett Avenue and Bob Bullock Loop (Loop 20), within the city limits of Laredo, Webb County, Texas, to 40 miles per hour, as defined in the City of Laredo Traffic Department traffic study report, providing for the installation of appropriate signs to indicate new speed changes in the designated area and providing for publication and effective date. XI 32. 2019-R-08 Providing for the adoption of Vision Zero program and campaign, which resolves to reduce traffic fatalities and severe injuries to zero within a decade.The program embraces principles of systematic safety (Speed Control and Separation, Functional Harmony, Predictability and Simplicity, Forgiveness, State Awareness), proposing that humans are prone to error, and any road system designed to work only when the users are behaving perfectly is not one that is designed for humans.
X. FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 20. 2019-O-001 Amending the City of Laredo FY 2018-2019 Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax Fund budget by appropriating $513,000.00 from fund balance. The funds from Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax fund balance will be draw down to cover renovation expenses and other costs associated with the Convention and Visitors Bureau Office relocation to El Portal. 21. 2019-O-002 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a continuation grant application in the estimated amount of $137,800.00 to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) through the South Texas Development Council (STDC) and amending the FY 2018-2019 Full Time Equivalent Position Listing by adding one (1) Health Educator II, R32 position for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Project (HOPWA) to assist with housing and utilities for the term of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020 and further authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all documents resulting from the award of this grant. (AS AMENDED) 22. 2019-O-003 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 11, Block 1, Sierra Vista Unit IV-A, located at 4619 U.S. Highway 83, from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-85-2018 District I 23. 2019-O-004 Accepting the donation from Riverhills Investment LLC, of a 18.785 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 35, Abstract 546, Jose M. Diaz, Original Grantee and Survey 2149, Abstract 594, R.H. Raines, Original Grantee, within the City Limits of the Laredo and Webb County, Texas, out and part of the New Santa Fe, LTD. (71.986 Acre) Tract I, recorded in Volume 4394, Pages 566-572 of the Webb County deed records in exchange for a Two Hundred Thousand Dollar ($200,000.00) credit toward future development fees applicable exclusively to the balance of the 71.989 acre tract referred to in plat records as the Riverhill South Subdivision, the City's agreement to take water run off from the balance of the 71.989 acre tract, and an agreement that the value of the 18.785 acres in excess of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) shall be considered a donation to the City. This 18.785 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds provided in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B. 24. 2019-O-005 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas establishing a mandatory orientation and training program for newly elected city officials designed to provide key information pertaining to the exercise of their legal and ethical responsibilities as well as to provide an overview of the key aspects involved in municipal government; providing for a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. 25. 2019-O-006 Authorizing the City Manager to renew a lease agreement by and between Laredo Transit Management, Inc., (Lessor) and the City of Laredo Department of Community Development, (Lessee). This is for the leased building space at the Laredo Transit Center, located at 1301 Farragut Street, of 6,628 square feet, second and third floors (East). The term will be for two (2) years, with a one (1) year renewal option, commencing on December 1, 2018. The monthly sum is $4,586.58 ($.6920 per square foot). The prorated shared cost of 20% of the electric and water bills, remain the same, except, amending number fourteen (#14) of the Lease Agreement, to include FTA regulations. 26. 2019-O-007 Authorizing the City Manager to renew a lease agreement by and between Laredo Transit Management, Inc., (Lessor) and The City of Laredo Police Department (Lessee) for the lease of 2,681.61 square feet, located in the second (2nd) floor, west wing of the Laredo Transit Center, 1301 Farragut St. The rate per square foot is $.6920, for a total monthly sum of $1,855.67, commencing on December 1, 2018. The term will be for two (2) years, with a one (1) year renewal option. The prorated share cost of 25% of the electric bill, 25% of the water bill and the rental fee of $30.00 per month for Parking will remain the same. In addition, number fourteen (#14) of the Lease Agreement is amended to include FTA regulations.
XI. CONSENT AGENDA All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (a) RESOLUTIONS 27. 2019-R-01 Ratifying the City Manager's acceptance of a grant in the amount of $45,856.25 from the Texas Department of Transportation to fund the STEP Impaired Driving Mobilization program. The City of Laredo will match $14,674.00 for a total grant amount of $60,530.25. This grant was executed with an effective date of December 06, 2018. This grant is to pay overtime for officers in order to increase enforcement to arrest individuals driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Funding is available in the Special Police Fund. 28. 2019-R-02 Authorizing City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $160,995.12 from the Texas Department of Transportation for Enforcement of Comprehensive-Selective Traffic Enforcement Program. The grant period will begin October 1, 2019 and runs through September 30, 2020. This grant is for overtime salaries. The City of Laredo will match approximately 24% of total funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 29. 2019-R-03 Authorizing City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $124,015.32 from the Texas Department of Transportation for Enforcement of Commercial Motor Vehicle Selective Traffic Enforcement Program. The grant period will begin October 1, 2019 and runs through September 30, 2020. This grant is for overtime salaries. The City of Laredo will match approximately 24% of total funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 31. 2019-R-06 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a tax abatement agreement between the City of Laredo and Marcela Cervantes & Carlos Alberto Cervantes for a proposed project located at 1920 Garfield St, lot 7 & east half of lot 8, block 65, eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $225,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $1,210.94 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,213.00. Guidelines and criteria for the agreement are set forth in the attached agreement and information. 33. 2019-R-09 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into and execute 86 cooperative working agreements/mutual assistance agreements/memorandums of understanding between the City of Laredo Police Department and various federal, state and local agencies, including but not limited to: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), SCAN, et a/., a comprehensive list is attached hereto as "Exhibit A". The Police Department's participation is part of the community service provided to our citizens, with no cost to the City of Laredo. 34. 2019-R-10 Ratifying the execution of a ground lease estoppel certificate relating to 14.5 acres tract of land located on 2200 Saunders Street located at the Laredo International Airport and leased by Crossett Development I, LLC. The Estoppel Certificate confirms to Purchaser, Big Sky Commercial Property Investments, LLC, the Ground Lease Agreement executed on November 6, 2015 with Crossett Development I, LLC expires on November 5, 2055 and Crossett Development I, LLC is not in default in the performance of said lease agreement. 35. 2019-R-12 Authorizing the City Manager to accept and execute a contract from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) in the amount of $150,300.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department's HIV Prevention Program to provide prevention and educational services for the term period from January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019. 38. 2019-R-15 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to accept a reimbursement grant in the amount of $25,000.00 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for the Parks and Leisure Services Department Urban Horticulture and Forestry Division and to execute all necessary documents resulting from the award. The purpose of the grant is for the NRCS to furnish assistance to parties with mutual interest in the conservation of natural resources as referenced in the soil conservation and domestic allotment act of 1936, as amended (public law 74-46, 16 U.S.C. 590 A-F).
2019-R-04 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant in the amount of $102,100.00 from the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, for the General Victim Assistance Program Grant under the 2019 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2020. This grant will fund the Crime Victims Service Coordinator position, travel/training and equipment & supplies affiliated with the grant program. The City of Laredo is required to match $26,000.00 for a total project cost of $128,100.00. Funding is available in Special Police Fund.
2019-R-13 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing a social media policy establishing guidelines for the management and use of social media tools by the city; and providing for an effective date.
2019-R-14 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting the revised City of Laredo Priority Procedures Handbook for City Council and city boards, commissions, and committees; and declaring an effective date.
XI. CONSENT AGENDA All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (b) MOTIONS 40. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into multiple contracts and award 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Funds made available by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the total amounts of: 1. $ 249,014.00 to Bethany House of Laredo, Inc., for Bethany House Shelter Complex Shelter Operations, provision of Essential Services, Street Outreach Services, Homelessness Prevention Assistance, Rapid Re-Housing Assistance, and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). 2. $40,000.00 to Casa de Misericordia (CASA) for operation of their shelter. 41. Authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2017 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) contract with Bethany House of Laredo to award an additional $9,500.00 to the previously awarded contract of $ 94,800.00 in order to provide additional funds for the Emergency Shelter operations for a total of $104,300.00. 42. Authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2017 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) contract with Bethany House of Laredo to award an additional $ 6,500.00 to the previously awarded contract of $ 111,292.00 in order to provide additional funds for Rapid Re-Housing Assistance for a total contract amount of $117,792.00. 43. Authorizing the selection of W.D. Schock Company, Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee as the Sound Insulation Consulting firm in support of the Laredo International Airport's Noise Compatibility Program and authorizing staff to negotiate a contract for services to implement Phase 13 and Phase 14 of the residential sound insulation improvements. 44. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Professional Services Contracts with Porras Residential Appraisals and Frank Leal Real Estate for a two year term with an option to renew for an additional two years and authorizing staff to negotiate for each appraisal assignment in support of the City of Laredo International Airport Noise Compatibility Program. Appraisers will be selected on a rotation basis to conduct property appraisals and appraisal report reviews. Funding is available under Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Projects (AIP), Grant No. 80, 81 and 86; and subject to funding availability. 45. Consideration for approval of the Transitional Housing Project for SCAN located at 1517 Washington as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $16,252.09 to Romo Contractors, LLC, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $162,520.88. Funding is available in the 2014 CDBG Action Year Grant. 46. Consideration for approval of the North Central Park Restrooms Project (Re-Bid) as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $13,699.00 to Romo Contractors, LLC, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $136,990.00. Funding is available in the 2016 CO District VI Priority Funds. 47. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultant for the Construction Materials Quality Testing and Subsurface Exploration Services FY 2018 - FY 2019 and FY 2019 - FY 2020 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Three (3) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, December 7, 2018, at 4:00 P.M. as follows: 1. MEG Engineers Group, Laredo, Texas 2. Terracon Consultants, Inc., Laredo, Texas 3. Howland Engineering and Surveying Company, Laredo, Texas Funding will be determined as projects are awarded. 48. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultant for the Asbestos Containing Building Materials Investigations/Abatement for FY 2019 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Four (4) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, September 7, 2018, 2018, at 4:00 P.M. as follows: 1. O'Connor Engineering & Science, Laredo, Texas 2. Professional Service Industries, Inc., San Antonio, Texas 3. TTL, Inc., San Antonio, Texas 4. Millenium Engineers Group, Inc., Laredo, Texas Funding will be determined as projects are awarded. 51. Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Laredo and Webb County Drainage District No. 1 regarding access and maintenance of City-owned canals, drains, ditches and levees, detention ponds, ponds, drainage easements, drainage structures, and other improvements within the Drainage District boundaries. This agreement has a positive financial impact to the City, in that, the City will not be responsible for the maintenance of these improvements. 52. Consideration to award a contract to Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, Denton, Texas in the amount of $230,047.00 through the Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) - Cooperative Purchasing Program, for the purchase of one (1) medium duty ambulance. The ambulance unit will be assigned to Fire Station #14, located at 5309 Cielito Lindo. The anticipated delivery is expected within 90 days of the order date. Funding is available in the 2018 CO Bond (PPFCO) fund. 53. Motion adopting the following schedule of hearings and proceedings for voluntary annexations for calendar year 2019: January 22, 2019 Council adopts proposed annexation schedule January 23, 2019 Begin annexation petition/application submissions. February 22, 2019 Annexation petition/application deadline at 5:00 p.m. April 15, 2019 Council meeting authorizing by motion the drafting of annexation agreements and service plans for submitted annexation requests and refer to Planning and Zoning Commission. May 6, 2019 City Council holds first and second public hearing on proposed annexation/s. Loc. Gov't Code Ā§43.063 r May16,2019 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and review of proposed annexation and proposed zoning designations. June 3, 2019 I City Council meeting: Introduction of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed and establishing zoning. (Not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days from the date of public hearings. (Institution of Proceedings). June 17, 2019 imiimiTMi in City Council Meeting: Second reading and adoption of annexation ordinance of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed and establishing zoning. (Completion of Proceedings). Loc. Gov't Code Ā§43.064. 54. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with Insight Public Sector, through DIR contract No. TSO-4167, in the amount of $58,833.25 for the purchase of firewall hardware equipment in order to replace obsolete equipment from the core infrastructure of the Police Department. This equipment needs to be replaced in order to be in compliance with Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS). Funding is available in the Police Department Trust Fund. 55. Consideration to award a software maintenance contract to the sole source provider, Superion, in the amount of $333,406.79. This maintenance contract provides customer support and service for the OSSI computer software system utilized by the Police and Fire Departments. The term of the contract is for twelve (12) months ending on December 31, 2019. Funding is available in the Police and Fire Departments annual budgets. 56. Consideration to authorize the purchase of twenty-five (25) patrol units from Cowboy Dodge, Silsbee, Texas in the amount of $775,030.00. The purchase of these vehicles shall be made utilizing the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Program. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO -Certificate of Obligation Issue. 57. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with RZ Communications, for the acquisition of twenty-five (25) Zebra Mobile Printers, Stalker Radars, and the purchase of twenty-five (25) Mobile Computer Terminals (MCT'S) through contract No. DIR-TSO-2520 for the new Police Department patrol vehicles for a total amount of $344,774.07. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO - Certificate of Obligation Issue. 58. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with the sole source provider, Utility Associates, Inc., in the amount of $240,000.00 for the purchase of twenty-five (25) In-Car and Body Worn Video Camera Systems for the new Police Department patrol vehicles. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO Certificate of Obligation Issue. 59. Consideration to authorize the purchase of four (4) unmarked police units from Silsbee Ford, Silsbee.TX in the amount of $148,100.00. The purchase of these vehicles shall be made utilizing the Goodbuy Contract Pricing Program. Funding is available in the Police Trust Fund. 60. Consideration to award contract FY19-017 for the purchase of trash containers and accessories to the bidder Toter, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina, in an amount up to $293,435.40. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution; contract may be extended for three, additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement. All trash containers and accessories will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Department Fund. 61. Consideration to award contract FY19-018 to the sole bidder Ace Industries, Norcross, Georgia in the amount of $67,697.81 for the purchase and installation of one crane/hoist at the Solid Waste Services Department. The overhead crane will be used for lifting and lowering heavy and oversized objects like large industrial cylinder, heavy components on garbage truck and large landfill equipment, i.e. dozers, compactors, loaders and excavators, etc. Funding is available in the 2015 CO. Bond and Solid Waste Operational Funds. 62. Consideration to renew annual service contract FY14-042 to the following vendors: 1. Laredo Mechanical, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $260,000.00; 2. Gutierrez Machine Shop, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $125,000.00; and 3. Odessa Pumps, Midland, Texas in an amount up to $125,000.00 for water treatment and wastewater treatment, booster stations, and lift stations pump repairs for the Utilities Department. This contract establishes hourly rates and a percentage discount on parts utilized during emergency pump repairs. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This shall serve as extension 5 of 5, the final extension of this contract. All services will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Utilities Department Fund. 64. Consideration to award an annual supply and service contract FY16-077 to the low bidder, E & E Air Conditioning, Laredo, TX in an amount up to $100,000.00 to provide HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) repair services for the Utilities Department. This contract establishes an hourly service rate and cost percentage for parts. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This shall be the second of five possible extensions; contract may be extended three, additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding for the additional extensions are subject to future budget appropriations. All services will be purchased on an as needed basis and funding will be secured from the Utilities Department Fund. 65. Consideration to award contract FY19-024 for the purchase of Ford Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts for the City's fleet vehicle repairs to Sames Motor Company, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $ 150,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. The contract may be extended for four, additional one (1) year periods. Funding for the additional extensions are subject to future budget appropriations. All parts will be purchased on an as needed basis and funding will be secured from the Fleet Management Fund. 66. Consideration to renew annual contract FY17-014 to the low bidder ROMO Contractors, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $235,000.00 for concrete repairs of sidewalks, driveways, and curbs as a result of water line break repairs made by the Utilities Department.The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This shall serve as renewal extension two of four. If the pricing remains the same or if price adjustment has mutual agreement from both parties and both parties agree to extend the contract, the contract shall automatically renew for another one year period contigent on funding availability. All work will be performed on an as needed basis required due to utility repairs. Funding is available in the Utilities Water and Wastewater Funds. 67. Consideration to award supply contract number FY19-021 to the low bidder, Tenoch Distribution LLC, San Antonio, TX in the estimated amount of $ 1,045,668.00 for the purchase of PVC pipes used by the Utilities Department. This will be a six (6) months supply contract. If the contract pricing does not exceed the current pricing structure, the contract will be automatically renewed for an additional six months period. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis for construction and repairs of Utilities projects. Funding is available in the Utilities Department budget. 68. Consideration to award contract FY19-020 to the following low bidders: 1) Silsbee Ford, Silbee, Texas for the purchase of one (1) 2019 Ford Expedition and one (1) 2019 Ford Escape in the total amount of $56,702.02 and; 2) Grapevine Dodge LLC, Grapevine, Texas for the purchase of six (6) 2019 RAM 1500 Quad Cab trucks, two (2) RAM 1500 Quad Cab trucks (4x4), five (5) 2019 RAM 1500 Regular Cab trucks, and four (4) 2019 RAM 1500 Crew Cab trucks in the total amount of $358,781.00 and; 3) Bluebonnet Ford, New Braunfels, Texas for the purchase of two (2) 2019 Ford Transit Connect vans and two (2) Ford 450 Diesel Extended Cab trucks w/flatbeds in the total amount of $156,220.00 and; 4) Kyrish Truck Center (Santex Truck Center), San Antonio, Texas for the purchase of four (4) 2020 International Diesel trucks with 2-ton hoist in the total amount of $290,360.00. All replacement vehicles that have reached their useful life-- refer to attachment "Replacement Unit #'s". One 2019 Ford Transit Connect will supplement the Utilities Departments operations. The City of Laredo reserves the right to purchase additional units within a sixty (60) day period. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. 69. Consideration to award annual supply contract FY19-028 to the low bidder Mayfield Pool Supply, Laredo, Texas for the purchase of pool chemicals for all city pools/splash parks in an amount up to $120,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution; this contract has three, one year extension periods and can be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties. All pool chemicals will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Parks & Leisure Department Fund. 70. Consideration to award annual supply contract FY19-029 to the low bidder NSTS, Seguin, Texas for the purchase of traffic and marking signs for the Traffic Safety Department for an amount up to $100,000.00. This contract has three, one-year extension periods and can be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties. All items will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Traffic Safety Department Fund. 71. Consideration to renew supply contract FY18-023 with Anderson Columbia Co., Lake City, Florida in an amount up to $180,000.00 for the purchase of prime emulsified asphalt oil used for street paving projects. All materials are purchased on an as needed basis utilizing the construction project budgets. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase for this first extension. Funding is available in the Public Works Department construction project budget. 73. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-022 for the purchase of tractor and heavy equipment tires with the following vendors: 1. Section I: Hesselbein Tire Southwest, San Antonio, Texas in an amount up to $45,000.00; and 2. Section II: GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount up to $15,000.00. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 74. Consideration to renew supply contract number FY15-061 to vendor Core & Main, San Antonio, TX for the following: a. Sections I, II, III, IV, and V to Core & Main, San Antonio, Texas in the amount of $315,050.86 for the purchase of mechanical joint fittings, brass fittings, copper pipe, repair clamps, and valve boxes for the Utilities Department. There are price increase requests for Sections IV and V of 10 (%) percent and 8 (%) percent respectively. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis by the Utilities Department- Water Operations for construction and repair projects. This shall serve as the third of six possible extensions. Funding is available in the Utilities Department Fund. 75. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts adjusted for the month of November 2018 represent a decrease of $51,933.57 and the amounts adjusted for the month of December 2018 represent an increase of $194,319.51. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 76. Consideration to authorize the installation of, (a.) sixty-LED street lights and UG street lighting cable between Jefferson St. and Chicago St. along San Francisco Avenue by American Electric Power in the amount of $156,690.31, and (b.) conduit installation(trenching/boring) by Cantu Electric in the amount of $37,625.Total cost for this project is $194,315.31. Funding is available in District's VIII priority funds - 2016 CO Bond and 2017 CO Bond. 77. Authorizing the City Manager to sign Amendment-1, for the additional engineering services contract with Crane Engineering- Laredo, Texas in the amount of $26,510.00. The total contract amount with this amendment is $445,823.26 for the Eastern Chacon Creek 18"- 36" Interceptor from Vaquillas Lift Station to India and Gates. Amendment #1 proposes to provide environmental services to address the study and compliance with the Army Corps of Engineers. An additional 90 calendar days will be added to original contract time for a total of 270 calendar days. Funding is available in the 2014 Utility Sewer Bond. 78. Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract in the amount of $62,508.54 to Precision Pump Systems, McAllen, Texas for the labor and parts to repair a Patterson 24 RHC 2-Stage 10 MGD 600 HP Raw Water Pump at El Pico Water Treatment Plant for the Utilities Department. Funding is available in the Water Works Fund. 79. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program pricing to Southern Trenchless Solutions of Weslaco, Texas, for the repair of a 36" sewer influent pipe at South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $284,700.00 and providing for 30 calendar days for completion. Funding is available in the 2014 Sewer Revenue Bond. 80. Consideration for approval for the selection of engineering Consultant Garver USA based on Request For Qualifications (RFQ) received and reviewed. Also, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract for the RFQ: El Pico Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Intake Evaluation. The selected firm is to perform a comprehensive and detailed hydraulic evaluation of the raw water delivery system at the El Pico Water Treatment Plant. 81. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the contract for sale of effluent to the Laredo Country Club. Laredo Country Club shall pay twelve (12) cents per thousand gallons and will be billed for a minimum of 375,000 gallons per day. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA II. MOTIONS Consideration to authorize the purchase of computer data storage, servers and networking equipment for the Fire Department from Network Alliance, LLC, San Antonio.Tx., through Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract pricing in the total amount of $294,787.09. Funding is available in the 2018 CO Bond (PPFCO) fund.
Consideration for approval of the Telecommunications Building Roof Replacement Project as complete, approval of change order no. 2, an increase of $2,690.00 for the balance of quantities actually constructed in place and to add twenty (20) calendar days to the construction contract time, release of retainage, and approval of final payment in the amount of $14,295.94 to ALC Construction, Inc., Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $118,749.39. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Issue.
Consideration for approval to ratify amendment no. 10 to the professional services contract with Arcadis, Laredo, Texas, for the West Laredo Corridor - Calton Road Railroad Grade Separation for extension of contract time to include construction phases services from December 31, 2018, to December 31, 2021. Current engineering contract amount including this amendment no. 10 is $2,126,371.14. Funding is available in the Capital Grants Fund.
Consideration to renew annual contract FY15-006 to MG Landscaping, Laredo, Texas, in an amount up to $81,250.00 for lawn and landscaping repairs caused by utility repairs. This contract is based on square and linear footage rates and when needed a licensed irrigator; plus any landscaping materials. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There will be no price increase during this extension period. If the pricing remains the same or price adjustment has mutual agreement from both parties and the City agrees to extend the contract, the contract shall automatically renew for another one year period. This is the fourth of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Consideration to select sole bidder consulting firm Able City, Laredo, TX and authorization to negotiate a contract with Able City based on FY19-019 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) scope of services for assessment and recommendations related to City of Laredo's adoption of 2015 International Building Codes and Land Development Codes to include but not limited to Planning, Building, Utilities, Engineering, Environmental, Traffic & Fire. City staff reviewed submittals and interviewed Able City project team and has deemed firm to be well qualified to perform said services. Once contract is negotiated, item will be presented to Council at a future date.
XII. STAFF REPORTS 82. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XII. STAFF REPORTS 85. Discussion with possible action to consider a sixth request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Alfredo Rodriguez. 86. Discussion with possible action to consider a seventh request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer James B. Boyd. 87. Discussion with possible action to consider a fifth request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Jesus A. Garcia Perez.
Discussion with possible action on a presentation by Joseph Michael Dickerson regarding the production of a reality tv series of the Laredo Metro Fire Department. The production will include filming at the fire stations, on emergency response vehicles and at the scene of emergencies while maintaining patient confidentiality and all other privacy issues a priority. Staff recommends approval of this project as it has the potential to bring possible positive recognition to the City of Laredo and the Fire Department.
Staff report with possible action amending the City of Laredo 2019 State Legislative Agenda for the 86th Legislative Session of the Texas Legislature.
Report on the status of a violation on an Special Use Permit (S.U.P.) for a restaurant serving alcohol located at 1010 E. Hillside Rd., as follow up to citizen comments; and any other matters incident thereto.
EXECUTIVE SESSION 96. Request for Executive Session and discussion with possible action pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 to deliberate the offer of a financial incentive or other incentives to an airline business prospect the City seeks to locate at the Laredo International Airport. 97. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving City of Laredo v. Laredo Lomas Properties, Ltd., and the Premises located at 1500 Logan Street, in Laredo, Texas 78040, Cause No. 2017CVK002349-D2; pending in the District Court of Webb County, Texas, 111th Judicial District; and return to open session for possible action. 98. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving Civil No. 7:18-CV-375; United States of America v. 801.077 Acres of Land, more or less, situated in Starr County, State of Texas, and City of Laredo, et al. ; pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas McAllen Division; and return to open session for possible action. 99. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with city attorney on pending litigation in Laredo Veterans Coalition, etal. vs. County of Webb, City of Laredo; Cause No. 2018CVK001643-D2, pending in the 111th District Court, Webb County, Texas; and return to open session for possible action.
D. Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Discussion with possible action to assist federal employees affected by the government shutdown with utility bills by permitting the carryover of fees while shutdown is in effect, with no disconnection penalties or late fees; and any other matters incident thereto.
94. Staff report by Municipal Court Judge Jesus Dominguez on status of court and proposed changes in operation with possible action. 95. Report on the City of Laredo Animal Care Services Department transition by Heberto "Beto" L. Ramirez, Animal Care Services Department - Acting Director.
XIV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 100. 2019-RT-01 Authorizing the City Manager to accept and execute the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grant No. TX-2018-080-00 in the amount of $12,343,854.00 Section 5339(b) Bus and Bus Facilities Grant Program under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Funding will be used for design, and construction for the first phase of the El Metro's New Administration, Operations and Maintenance Facility. The required local match for this grant will be funded by in-kind from the value of the land. Funds will be distributed in the Transit - Capital Grant Fund. 101. Consideration to award contract FY19-022 Taft Hartley Administration or Fully Insured Proposal for Medical, Dental, Vision, Basic and Voluntary Life and AD&D to the sole bidder Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Fund (a.k.a. TeamCare) from Rosemont, IL, to provide fully insured medical and prescription benefit plans to Laredo Transit Management Inc (LTMI) employees. The term is for one (1) year with the possible option to renew or terminate with a sixty (60) day advance notice without cause. Funds are available in El Metro Operations Fund. XV. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to direct staff to coordinate with TXDOT to increase lighting along the Cuatro Vientos Rd.
Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez Discussion with possible action going out for Request for Qualifications for the management of Uni-Trade Stadium.
Status report on the agenda item of June 18, 2018 regarding the use of email and/or text messaging for the release of city-wide information/notifications.
Discussion with possible action to amend the city's holiday schedule ordinance to provide that City Council designates the annual calendar holidays on a year-by-year basis and approves a said list of holidays before the beginning of the fiscal year (i.e. September 30); and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action for City Manager to direct staff to plan an inter-connecting hike/bike trail connecting District V Alexander trail with District VI and subsequently to District VII Del Mar bike trail and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Marte Martinez and Council Member George Altgelt)
Discussion with possible action requesting the quarterly staff report update regarding old pending Council Member projects/inactive and financial balances for projects, and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member George Altgelt)
Request by Council Member Marte Martinez Discussion with possible action on expanding garbage collection services to citizens of Laredo.
Request by Council Member George Altgelt Discussion with possible action to implement a protocol for Laredo Animal Care Officers and City Department personnel to prevent the destruction of bee colonies in public facilities and rights of way in non-emergency cases by contacting beekeepers to remove the hives, and any other matters incident thereto.
2. Discussion with possible action to authorize Public Works to commence the design to build plus or minus 300 feet long stretch of asphalt connection of Father McNaboe trail system to the Mines Road Inner Loop (Flecha Lane) and to also authorize Public Works and Engineering Department to commence construction of fencing and asphalt trail system between International Boulevard and Del Mar Hike and Bike way within the City owned Springfield Right of Way, funding is available from District VII Priority Funds. 3. Discussion with possible action to fund the League Cycling Instructor (LCI) seminar, which is the only nationwide bicycling instructor certification program. This seminar will equip 15 local bike leaders to teach Smart Cycling classes to Laredo residents. The goal of Smart Cycling classes is to help people feel more secure about getting on a bike, to create a mindset that bikes are treated as a vehicle, and to ensure that people on bikes know how to ride safely and legally. Cost to fund this seminar is $7,070.00. XVI. ADJOURN
Recognizing Miguel "Wero" Lopez for his National Prize of Locution of the National Association of Announcers of Mexico.
Recognizing the Harmony School of Innovation 5th grade flag football team for their undefeated season and for advancing straight into the Championship. They have been city champions for 3 years. They are under the direction of Head Coach Rolando San Miguel and Assistant Coach Jose Salas.
Recognizing the Harmony School, Tiger Squad Team 34148. Under the direction of Tomas Jimenez, Celina Estrada, Kayla Cruz, have advanced to regional finals in March, where they will compete for a spot in World's Competition.They placed top 3 in the qualifiers and 1st place in Robot design.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
COMMUNICATIONS Presentation by Jay Puig, President of the Washington's Birthday Celebration Association (WBCA), regarding the upcoming WBCA events with presentation of the 122nd Celebration's Commemorative Poster to the City of Laredo Mayor and City Council.
Item VII & Supplemental Agenda Item I
VII. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Briana R. Saenz to the Drug & Alcohol Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. of David James to the City Utilities Advisory Commission. 3. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Luis Dominguez to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 4. Re-appointment by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. of Sabas Zapata to the Ethics Commission. 5. Re-appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Guadalupe Ramirez to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 6. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Luis Gomez to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. 7. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Diana Espinoza to the Laredo Commission for Women. 8. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Henry Sauvigent Chairman to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 9. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Oscar Lopez to the Firefighters' Retirement System Board of Trustees. 10. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Carol Alexander to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 11. Re-appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Patty Goldberg to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 12. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Judd Gilpin to the Airport Advisory Board. 13. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Lillian Trevino to the Animal Care Services Advisory Committee. 14. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Javier Compean to the Board of Adjustment. 15. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Blanca Brewster to the Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee. 16. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Luis Castillo, Jr. to the Charter Revision Commission. 17. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Martha Keiser to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 18. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jose Gonzalez to the Drug and Alcohol Commission. 19. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Rafael Duenas to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 20. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Frank Castillo to the Ethics Commission. 21. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Nathan Bratton to the Facility Naming & Recognition Commission. 22. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Angie Moore to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 23. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Diana Rodriguez & Maribel Garcia to the Laredo Commission for Women. 24. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Esmeralda Rodriguez to the Library Advisory Committee. 25. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Juan Lazaro Ramirez to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. 26. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Judson Somerville to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. 27. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Orlando Navarro to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 28. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of George Beckelhymer to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 29. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Douglas Howland to the Regional Mobility Authority Board of Directors. 30. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jason Hinojosa to the City Utilities Committee. 31. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Kurt Kraus to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 32. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Robert Tellez to the Third Party Funding Advisory Committee. 33. Appointment by Council Member Marte Martinez of Jeff Puig to the Transportation & Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. 34. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Joe Angel Lopez, III to the Airport Advisory Board. 35. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Sandra Solis to the Animal Care Services Advisory Committee. 36. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Michael Gutierrez to the City Charter Revision Commission. 37. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Elizabeth G. "Betty" Flores to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 38. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Gerardo Montemayor to the Drug & Alcohol Commission. 39. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of John Villarreal to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. 40. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Hector J. Chapa to the Fine Arts & Culture Commission. 41. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Maria Elena Morales to the Historic District/Landmark Board. 42. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Olga Gentry and Rosina M. Silva to the Laredo Commission for Women. 43. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Rafael Romo to the Library Advisory Committee. 44. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Juan Jose Avila to the Para Transit Advisory Board. 45. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Richard C. Kahn to the Parks & Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 46. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Abraham Lugo to the 47. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Onecimo "Onyx" Benavides to the City Utilities Advisory Commission. 48. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of George B. Hamilton, IV to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 49. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Emmanuel Guajardo to the Third Party Funding Advisory Committee. 50. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr., of Sergio Sanchez to the Para Transit Advisory Committee. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Baldemar Garcia to the Charter Revision Commission. 2. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Oscar O. Pena to the Historic District/Landmark Board. 3. Appointment by Council Member George Altgelt of Luis Dominguez to the Parks and Leisure Services Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III of Rodolfo Guajardo, Jr. to the Transportation and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
MOTIONS Consideration to appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore as per Ordinance 2011-O-029 and whose one year term shall start January 22, 2019.
Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. Discussion and possible action on approval of City Manager's amended employment agreement to include the performance objectives for 2018-2019 as discussed at the City Manager's last evaluation dated August 20, 2018; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Mayor Pete Saenz and Council Member George Altgelt)
Supplemental Agenda Item III 1
GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Discussion and possible action regarding an update as to all potential vacant key critical positions within the city, (i.e. City Planner, Budget Director, Economic Development Director, City Engineer, Animal Care Services Director, Deputy City Manager, Airport Director, Administrative Assistants for City Council Members, Downtown/Inner City Czar, Traffic Engineer, and Parks and Recreation Director); including but not limited to the creation, role and duties of Executive Directors and additional funding for a Construction Division to assist with the over 104 parks in the City and multiple projects Citywide; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member George Altgelt, Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr., and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, III.)
Discussion with possible action to refer the naming of Bartlett Park as Jovita Idar's - El Progreso Park to the Facilities Naming Committee and any other matters incident thereto.
Presentation by Transforming/Transformando Laredo on the Phoenix Wings Art Project, with possible action.
PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, Danny Lopez Plat, located at 1920 Shiloh Dr., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning recommended approval of the zone change. ZC-03-2019 District VI
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 3.2820 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds Exhibit A, located North of FM 1472 Rd., from AG (Agricultural District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-02-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 5.0 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds Exhibit A, located Southwest corner of FM 1472 Rd., and Game Creek Blvd., from AG (Agricultural District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-04-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a Tiny Home Community on the S 93.8' of Lot 5, Block 341, Eastern Division, located at 820 E. Price St. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-06-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 1, KQC Subdivision, located at 5805 U.S. Highway 59, from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District). Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Zone Change. ZC-01-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning E 3.34 feet of Lot 2, and Lot 3, Block 666, Eastern Division, located at 1215 E Bustamante St., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-09-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 7.97 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located north of Victoria Dr., from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) and R-1MH (Single Family Manufactured Housing District) to R-1 B (Single Family High Density District) providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-12-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 15.2840 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of FM 1472 Rd (Mines Road) and north of Vidal Cantu Rd., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to B-4(Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-08-2019 District VII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for Oil and/or Gas Extraction and Production, (plug/abandonment) on approximately .0050 acres out of Porcion 37, Abstract 410, Jose Bartolo Chapa, Original Grantee, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of Soria Dr. and east of U.S Highway 83; providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit. ZC-11-2019 District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the N2/3 of Lot 3, Block 1424, Eastern Division, located at 2415 Cleveland St., from B-3 (Community Business District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); PrĀ°vidin9 for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-07-2019 District II
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1801, Eastern Division, located at 2907 and 2909 E. Clark Blvd., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. Staff supports the application and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. ZC-10-2019 District IV
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance establishing a six-month pilot program for the regulation of dockless vehicle services; providing that a permit is required to operate a dockless vehicle service in the City; establishing a semi-annual business permit fee of $500.00 and an additional semi-annual permit fee of $10.00 for each dockless vehicle which is to be operated within the city limits of the City of Laredo; providing regulations for a dockless vehicle permit program; allowing individuals 18 years of age and older to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter within the city in accordance with this ordinance and state law; removing the helmet requirement for persons operating motor assisted scooters; providing a cumulative and repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; providing for a penalty; and declaring an effective date.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2019 Transit Capital Budget by increasing revenues and expenses in the amount of $9,875,083.00 in order to appropriate FTA Section 5339(b) Grant TX-2018-080-00 for the design, and construction for the first phase of the El Metro's new Administration, Operations and Maintenance Facility. The required local match for this grant will be funded by in-kind from the value of the land.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending City of Laredo Code of Ordinances, Chapter 31 (Utilities), Article 1(General) Section 31-3.(C)12 to include church, Division 1 (Generally), Article II (sewers and sewage disposal), Section 31-16 (definitions) by clarifying the residential and commercial customer definitions, adding the definition for wastewater effluent, also amending Article III, (water), Division 3 (rates and charges), Section 31-138, table-3, by adding multifamily, amending section 31-138.1.1, by adding a fee of $20.00 for check valve for temporary construction meter for residential account, amending Section 31-139 (bulk water sales) to include wastewater effluent and adding Sections 31-139.1 called bulk water and Section 31-139.2 called wastewater effluent and creating a starting rate for wastewater effluent of $0.12/1000 gallons to be used for golf course with a signed contract with the city, providing for publication and effective date of April 1,2019.
IX. INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 16. Authorizing the City Manager to sell the "Surface Only" of a closed section of Sherman street at its appraised fair market value of $32,000.00. It is described as a tract of land containing 0.3189 acre (13,890 sq. ft.), more or less, out of Sherman Street R. O. W., situated in the Western Division of the City of Laredo, as per Plat Recorded in Volume 7, Page 15, of the Webb County, Texas, Plat Records, to John M. McBain, and wife Patricia G. McBain. The City of Laredo reserves any and all visible and apparent easements recorded or not recorded, being generally described in attached Exhibit "A", and approving the Post Closure Property Improvement Plan as described in Exhibit "B", which is in compliance with Section 10 of the Street Closing/Sales Policy Handbook, and providing for an effective date. 17. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Second Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and SBC Tower Holdings, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee") for ground space at 219 West Saunders Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 100 ft. high monopole and related ground facilities. Term of the Amendment is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing June 28, 2019 and ending June 27, 2024, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual fee will increase from $11,259.00 to $30,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator. 18. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Ground Lease between the City of Laredo ("Licensor") and SBC Tower Holdings, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company ("Licensee") for ground space at 2521 Chihuahua Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for the continued maintenance and operation of a 129 ft. high monopole and related ground facilities. Term of the Amendment is one (1) initial term of five (5) years commencing April 1, 2019 and ending March 31, 2024, with four (4) additional five (5) year renewal options. The annual fee will increase from $9,598.00 to $30,000.00 with a three percent (3%) annual escalator.
15. Closing and vacating as a public easement, the section of Sherman Street between Vidaurri Avenue and Santa Rita Avenue, being a 13,890 sq. ft. tract of land out of Sherman street Right-Of-Way, situated in the Western Division, City of Laredo, Webb County, Texas; the City of Laredo reserves any and all apparent and visible easements recorded or not recorded; hereof, closed as a public easement and providing for an effective date.
IX 19. Setting the new speed limits on a section of Del Mar Boulevard, between Bartlett Avenue and Bob Bullock Loop (Loop 20), within the city limits of Laredo, Webb County, Texas, to 40 miles per hour, as defined in the City of Laredo Traffic Department traffic study report, providing for the installation of appropriate signs to indicate new speed changes in the designated area and providing for publication and effective date. XI 32. 2019-R-08 Providing for the adoption of Vision Zero program and campaign, which resolves to reduce traffic fatalities and severe injuries to zero within a decade.The program embraces principles of systematic safety (Speed Control and Separation, Functional Harmony, Predictability and Simplicity, Forgiveness, State Awareness), proposing that humans are prone to error, and any road system designed to work only when the users are behaving perfectly is not one that is designed for humans.
X. FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 20. 2019-O-001 Amending the City of Laredo FY 2018-2019 Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax Fund budget by appropriating $513,000.00 from fund balance. The funds from Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax fund balance will be draw down to cover renovation expenses and other costs associated with the Convention and Visitors Bureau Office relocation to El Portal. 21. 2019-O-002 Authorizing the City Manager to submit a continuation grant application in the estimated amount of $137,800.00 to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) through the South Texas Development Council (STDC) and amending the FY 2018-2019 Full Time Equivalent Position Listing by adding one (1) Health Educator II, R32 position for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Project (HOPWA) to assist with housing and utilities for the term of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020 and further authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all documents resulting from the award of this grant. (AS AMENDED) 22. 2019-O-003 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 11, Block 1, Sierra Vista Unit IV-A, located at 4619 U.S. Highway 83, from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-85-2018 District I 23. 2019-O-004 Accepting the donation from Riverhills Investment LLC, of a 18.785 acre tract of land, more or less, situated in Porcion 35, Abstract 546, Jose M. Diaz, Original Grantee and Survey 2149, Abstract 594, R.H. Raines, Original Grantee, within the City Limits of the Laredo and Webb County, Texas, out and part of the New Santa Fe, LTD. (71.986 Acre) Tract I, recorded in Volume 4394, Pages 566-572 of the Webb County deed records in exchange for a Two Hundred Thousand Dollar ($200,000.00) credit toward future development fees applicable exclusively to the balance of the 71.989 acre tract referred to in plat records as the Riverhill South Subdivision, the City's agreement to take water run off from the balance of the 71.989 acre tract, and an agreement that the value of the 18.785 acres in excess of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) shall be considered a donation to the City. This 18.785 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds provided in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B. 24. 2019-O-005 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas establishing a mandatory orientation and training program for newly elected city officials designed to provide key information pertaining to the exercise of their legal and ethical responsibilities as well as to provide an overview of the key aspects involved in municipal government; providing for a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. 25. 2019-O-006 Authorizing the City Manager to renew a lease agreement by and between Laredo Transit Management, Inc., (Lessor) and the City of Laredo Department of Community Development, (Lessee). This is for the leased building space at the Laredo Transit Center, located at 1301 Farragut Street, of 6,628 square feet, second and third floors (East). The term will be for two (2) years, with a one (1) year renewal option, commencing on December 1, 2018. The monthly sum is $4,586.58 ($.6920 per square foot). The prorated shared cost of 20% of the electric and water bills, remain the same, except, amending number fourteen (#14) of the Lease Agreement, to include FTA regulations. 26. 2019-O-007 Authorizing the City Manager to renew a lease agreement by and between Laredo Transit Management, Inc., (Lessor) and The City of Laredo Police Department (Lessee) for the lease of 2,681.61 square feet, located in the second (2nd) floor, west wing of the Laredo Transit Center, 1301 Farragut St. The rate per square foot is $.6920, for a total monthly sum of $1,855.67, commencing on December 1, 2018. The term will be for two (2) years, with a one (1) year renewal option. The prorated share cost of 25% of the electric bill, 25% of the water bill and the rental fee of $30.00 per month for Parking will remain the same. In addition, number fourteen (#14) of the Lease Agreement is amended to include FTA regulations.
XI. CONSENT AGENDA All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (a) RESOLUTIONS 27. 2019-R-01 Ratifying the City Manager's acceptance of a grant in the amount of $45,856.25 from the Texas Department of Transportation to fund the STEP Impaired Driving Mobilization program. The City of Laredo will match $14,674.00 for a total grant amount of $60,530.25. This grant was executed with an effective date of December 06, 2018. This grant is to pay overtime for officers in order to increase enforcement to arrest individuals driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Funding is available in the Special Police Fund. 28. 2019-R-02 Authorizing City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $160,995.12 from the Texas Department of Transportation for Enforcement of Comprehensive-Selective Traffic Enforcement Program. The grant period will begin October 1, 2019 and runs through September 30, 2020. This grant is for overtime salaries. The City of Laredo will match approximately 24% of total funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 29. 2019-R-03 Authorizing City Manager to submit a grant application in the amount of $124,015.32 from the Texas Department of Transportation for Enforcement of Commercial Motor Vehicle Selective Traffic Enforcement Program. The grant period will begin October 1, 2019 and runs through September 30, 2020. This grant is for overtime salaries. The City of Laredo will match approximately 24% of total funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 31. 2019-R-06 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a tax abatement agreement between the City of Laredo and Marcela Cervantes & Carlos Alberto Cervantes for a proposed project located at 1920 Garfield St, lot 7 & east half of lot 8, block 65, eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $225,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $1,210.94 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,213.00. Guidelines and criteria for the agreement are set forth in the attached agreement and information. 33. 2019-R-09 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into and execute 86 cooperative working agreements/mutual assistance agreements/memorandums of understanding between the City of Laredo Police Department and various federal, state and local agencies, including but not limited to: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), SCAN, et a/., a comprehensive list is attached hereto as "Exhibit A". The Police Department's participation is part of the community service provided to our citizens, with no cost to the City of Laredo. 34. 2019-R-10 Ratifying the execution of a ground lease estoppel certificate relating to 14.5 acres tract of land located on 2200 Saunders Street located at the Laredo International Airport and leased by Crossett Development I, LLC. The Estoppel Certificate confirms to Purchaser, Big Sky Commercial Property Investments, LLC, the Ground Lease Agreement executed on November 6, 2015 with Crossett Development I, LLC expires on November 5, 2055 and Crossett Development I, LLC is not in default in the performance of said lease agreement. 35. 2019-R-12 Authorizing the City Manager to accept and execute a contract from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) in the amount of $150,300.00 for the continuation of the City of Laredo Health Department's HIV Prevention Program to provide prevention and educational services for the term period from January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019. 38. 2019-R-15 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to accept a reimbursement grant in the amount of $25,000.00 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for the Parks and Leisure Services Department Urban Horticulture and Forestry Division and to execute all necessary documents resulting from the award. The purpose of the grant is for the NRCS to furnish assistance to parties with mutual interest in the conservation of natural resources as referenced in the soil conservation and domestic allotment act of 1936, as amended (public law 74-46, 16 U.S.C. 590 A-F).
2019-R-04 Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant in the amount of $102,100.00 from the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, for the General Victim Assistance Program Grant under the 2019 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2020. This grant will fund the Crime Victims Service Coordinator position, travel/training and equipment & supplies affiliated with the grant program. The City of Laredo is required to match $26,000.00 for a total project cost of $128,100.00. Funding is available in Special Police Fund.
2019-R-13 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing a social media policy establishing guidelines for the management and use of social media tools by the city; and providing for an effective date.
2019-R-14 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting the revised City of Laredo Priority Procedures Handbook for City Council and city boards, commissions, and committees; and declaring an effective date.
XI. CONSENT AGENDA All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. XI (b) MOTIONS 40. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into multiple contracts and award 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Funds made available by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the total amounts of: 1. $ 249,014.00 to Bethany House of Laredo, Inc., for Bethany House Shelter Complex Shelter Operations, provision of Essential Services, Street Outreach Services, Homelessness Prevention Assistance, Rapid Re-Housing Assistance, and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). 2. $40,000.00 to Casa de Misericordia (CASA) for operation of their shelter. 41. Authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2017 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) contract with Bethany House of Laredo to award an additional $9,500.00 to the previously awarded contract of $ 94,800.00 in order to provide additional funds for the Emergency Shelter operations for a total of $104,300.00. 42. Authorizing the City Manager to amend the 2017 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) contract with Bethany House of Laredo to award an additional $ 6,500.00 to the previously awarded contract of $ 111,292.00 in order to provide additional funds for Rapid Re-Housing Assistance for a total contract amount of $117,792.00. 43. Authorizing the selection of W.D. Schock Company, Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee as the Sound Insulation Consulting firm in support of the Laredo International Airport's Noise Compatibility Program and authorizing staff to negotiate a contract for services to implement Phase 13 and Phase 14 of the residential sound insulation improvements. 44. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Professional Services Contracts with Porras Residential Appraisals and Frank Leal Real Estate for a two year term with an option to renew for an additional two years and authorizing staff to negotiate for each appraisal assignment in support of the City of Laredo International Airport Noise Compatibility Program. Appraisers will be selected on a rotation basis to conduct property appraisals and appraisal report reviews. Funding is available under Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Projects (AIP), Grant No. 80, 81 and 86; and subject to funding availability. 45. Consideration for approval of the Transitional Housing Project for SCAN located at 1517 Washington as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $16,252.09 to Romo Contractors, LLC, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $162,520.88. Funding is available in the 2014 CDBG Action Year Grant. 46. Consideration for approval of the North Central Park Restrooms Project (Re-Bid) as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $13,699.00 to Romo Contractors, LLC, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $136,990.00. Funding is available in the 2016 CO District VI Priority Funds. 47. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultant for the Construction Materials Quality Testing and Subsurface Exploration Services FY 2018 - FY 2019 and FY 2019 - FY 2020 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Three (3) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, December 7, 2018, at 4:00 P.M. as follows: 1. MEG Engineers Group, Laredo, Texas 2. Terracon Consultants, Inc., Laredo, Texas 3. Howland Engineering and Surveying Company, Laredo, Texas Funding will be determined as projects are awarded. 48. Consideration for approval of the selection of consultant for the Asbestos Containing Building Materials Investigations/Abatement for FY 2019 and authorization to negotiate a professional services contract for each respective project assigned on a rotation basis. Four (4) firms responded to the request for qualifications on Friday, September 7, 2018, 2018, at 4:00 P.M. as follows: 1. O'Connor Engineering & Science, Laredo, Texas 2. Professional Service Industries, Inc., San Antonio, Texas 3. TTL, Inc., San Antonio, Texas 4. Millenium Engineers Group, Inc., Laredo, Texas Funding will be determined as projects are awarded. 51. Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Laredo and Webb County Drainage District No. 1 regarding access and maintenance of City-owned canals, drains, ditches and levees, detention ponds, ponds, drainage easements, drainage structures, and other improvements within the Drainage District boundaries. This agreement has a positive financial impact to the City, in that, the City will not be responsible for the maintenance of these improvements. 52. Consideration to award a contract to Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, Denton, Texas in the amount of $230,047.00 through the Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) - Cooperative Purchasing Program, for the purchase of one (1) medium duty ambulance. The ambulance unit will be assigned to Fire Station #14, located at 5309 Cielito Lindo. The anticipated delivery is expected within 90 days of the order date. Funding is available in the 2018 CO Bond (PPFCO) fund. 53. Motion adopting the following schedule of hearings and proceedings for voluntary annexations for calendar year 2019: January 22, 2019 Council adopts proposed annexation schedule January 23, 2019 Begin annexation petition/application submissions. February 22, 2019 Annexation petition/application deadline at 5:00 p.m. April 15, 2019 Council meeting authorizing by motion the drafting of annexation agreements and service plans for submitted annexation requests and refer to Planning and Zoning Commission. May 6, 2019 City Council holds first and second public hearing on proposed annexation/s. Loc. Gov't Code Ā§43.063 r May16,2019 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and review of proposed annexation and proposed zoning designations. June 3, 2019 I City Council meeting: Introduction of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed and establishing zoning. (Not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days from the date of public hearings. (Institution of Proceedings). June 17, 2019 imiimiTMi in City Council Meeting: Second reading and adoption of annexation ordinance of an ordinance instituting annexation proceedings and adopting a service plan for the areas to be annexed and establishing zoning. (Completion of Proceedings). Loc. Gov't Code Ā§43.064. 54. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with Insight Public Sector, through DIR contract No. TSO-4167, in the amount of $58,833.25 for the purchase of firewall hardware equipment in order to replace obsolete equipment from the core infrastructure of the Police Department. This equipment needs to be replaced in order to be in compliance with Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS). Funding is available in the Police Department Trust Fund. 55. Consideration to award a software maintenance contract to the sole source provider, Superion, in the amount of $333,406.79. This maintenance contract provides customer support and service for the OSSI computer software system utilized by the Police and Fire Departments. The term of the contract is for twelve (12) months ending on December 31, 2019. Funding is available in the Police and Fire Departments annual budgets. 56. Consideration to authorize the purchase of twenty-five (25) patrol units from Cowboy Dodge, Silsbee, Texas in the amount of $775,030.00. The purchase of these vehicles shall be made utilizing the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Program. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO -Certificate of Obligation Issue. 57. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with RZ Communications, for the acquisition of twenty-five (25) Zebra Mobile Printers, Stalker Radars, and the purchase of twenty-five (25) Mobile Computer Terminals (MCT'S) through contract No. DIR-TSO-2520 for the new Police Department patrol vehicles for a total amount of $344,774.07. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO - Certificate of Obligation Issue. 58. Consideration to authorize a purchase contract with the sole source provider, Utility Associates, Inc., in the amount of $240,000.00 for the purchase of twenty-five (25) In-Car and Body Worn Video Camera Systems for the new Police Department patrol vehicles. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO Certificate of Obligation Issue. 59. Consideration to authorize the purchase of four (4) unmarked police units from Silsbee Ford, Silsbee.TX in the amount of $148,100.00. The purchase of these vehicles shall be made utilizing the Goodbuy Contract Pricing Program. Funding is available in the Police Trust Fund. 60. Consideration to award contract FY19-017 for the purchase of trash containers and accessories to the bidder Toter, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina, in an amount up to $293,435.40. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution; contract may be extended for three, additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement. All trash containers and accessories will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Department Fund. 61. Consideration to award contract FY19-018 to the sole bidder Ace Industries, Norcross, Georgia in the amount of $67,697.81 for the purchase and installation of one crane/hoist at the Solid Waste Services Department. The overhead crane will be used for lifting and lowering heavy and oversized objects like large industrial cylinder, heavy components on garbage truck and large landfill equipment, i.e. dozers, compactors, loaders and excavators, etc. Funding is available in the 2015 CO. Bond and Solid Waste Operational Funds. 62. Consideration to renew annual service contract FY14-042 to the following vendors: 1. Laredo Mechanical, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $260,000.00; 2. Gutierrez Machine Shop, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $125,000.00; and 3. Odessa Pumps, Midland, Texas in an amount up to $125,000.00 for water treatment and wastewater treatment, booster stations, and lift stations pump repairs for the Utilities Department. This contract establishes hourly rates and a percentage discount on parts utilized during emergency pump repairs. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There will be no price increase during this extension period. This shall serve as extension 5 of 5, the final extension of this contract. All services will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Utilities Department Fund. 64. Consideration to award an annual supply and service contract FY16-077 to the low bidder, E & E Air Conditioning, Laredo, TX in an amount up to $100,000.00 to provide HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) repair services for the Utilities Department. This contract establishes an hourly service rate and cost percentage for parts. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This shall be the second of five possible extensions; contract may be extended three, additional one (1) year periods upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding for the additional extensions are subject to future budget appropriations. All services will be purchased on an as needed basis and funding will be secured from the Utilities Department Fund. 65. Consideration to award contract FY19-024 for the purchase of Ford Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts for the City's fleet vehicle repairs to Sames Motor Company, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $ 150,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. The contract may be extended for four, additional one (1) year periods. Funding for the additional extensions are subject to future budget appropriations. All parts will be purchased on an as needed basis and funding will be secured from the Fleet Management Fund. 66. Consideration to renew annual contract FY17-014 to the low bidder ROMO Contractors, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $235,000.00 for concrete repairs of sidewalks, driveways, and curbs as a result of water line break repairs made by the Utilities Department.The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This shall serve as renewal extension two of four. If the pricing remains the same or if price adjustment has mutual agreement from both parties and both parties agree to extend the contract, the contract shall automatically renew for another one year period contigent on funding availability. All work will be performed on an as needed basis required due to utility repairs. Funding is available in the Utilities Water and Wastewater Funds. 67. Consideration to award supply contract number FY19-021 to the low bidder, Tenoch Distribution LLC, San Antonio, TX in the estimated amount of $ 1,045,668.00 for the purchase of PVC pipes used by the Utilities Department. This will be a six (6) months supply contract. If the contract pricing does not exceed the current pricing structure, the contract will be automatically renewed for an additional six months period. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis for construction and repairs of Utilities projects. Funding is available in the Utilities Department budget. 68. Consideration to award contract FY19-020 to the following low bidders: 1) Silsbee Ford, Silbee, Texas for the purchase of one (1) 2019 Ford Expedition and one (1) 2019 Ford Escape in the total amount of $56,702.02 and; 2) Grapevine Dodge LLC, Grapevine, Texas for the purchase of six (6) 2019 RAM 1500 Quad Cab trucks, two (2) RAM 1500 Quad Cab trucks (4x4), five (5) 2019 RAM 1500 Regular Cab trucks, and four (4) 2019 RAM 1500 Crew Cab trucks in the total amount of $358,781.00 and; 3) Bluebonnet Ford, New Braunfels, Texas for the purchase of two (2) 2019 Ford Transit Connect vans and two (2) Ford 450 Diesel Extended Cab trucks w/flatbeds in the total amount of $156,220.00 and; 4) Kyrish Truck Center (Santex Truck Center), San Antonio, Texas for the purchase of four (4) 2020 International Diesel trucks with 2-ton hoist in the total amount of $290,360.00. All replacement vehicles that have reached their useful life-- refer to attachment "Replacement Unit #'s". One 2019 Ford Transit Connect will supplement the Utilities Departments operations. The City of Laredo reserves the right to purchase additional units within a sixty (60) day period. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. 69. Consideration to award annual supply contract FY19-028 to the low bidder Mayfield Pool Supply, Laredo, Texas for the purchase of pool chemicals for all city pools/splash parks in an amount up to $120,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution; this contract has three, one year extension periods and can be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties. All pool chemicals will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Parks & Leisure Department Fund. 70. Consideration to award annual supply contract FY19-029 to the low bidder NSTS, Seguin, Texas for the purchase of traffic and marking signs for the Traffic Safety Department for an amount up to $100,000.00. This contract has three, one-year extension periods and can be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties. All items will be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Traffic Safety Department Fund. 71. Consideration to renew supply contract FY18-023 with Anderson Columbia Co., Lake City, Florida in an amount up to $180,000.00 for the purchase of prime emulsified asphalt oil used for street paving projects. All materials are purchased on an as needed basis utilizing the construction project budgets. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase for this first extension. Funding is available in the Public Works Department construction project budget. 73. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-022 for the purchase of tractor and heavy equipment tires with the following vendors: 1. Section I: Hesselbein Tire Southwest, San Antonio, Texas in an amount up to $45,000.00; and 2. Section II: GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount up to $15,000.00. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 74. Consideration to renew supply contract number FY15-061 to vendor Core & Main, San Antonio, TX for the following: a. Sections I, II, III, IV, and V to Core & Main, San Antonio, Texas in the amount of $315,050.86 for the purchase of mechanical joint fittings, brass fittings, copper pipe, repair clamps, and valve boxes for the Utilities Department. There are price increase requests for Sections IV and V of 10 (%) percent and 8 (%) percent respectively. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. These materials are purchased on an as needed basis by the Utilities Department- Water Operations for construction and repair projects. This shall serve as the third of six possible extensions. Funding is available in the Utilities Department Fund. 75. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts adjusted for the month of November 2018 represent a decrease of $51,933.57 and the amounts adjusted for the month of December 2018 represent an increase of $194,319.51. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 76. Consideration to authorize the installation of, (a.) sixty-LED street lights and UG street lighting cable between Jefferson St. and Chicago St. along San Francisco Avenue by American Electric Power in the amount of $156,690.31, and (b.) conduit installation(trenching/boring) by Cantu Electric in the amount of $37,625.Total cost for this project is $194,315.31. Funding is available in District's VIII priority funds - 2016 CO Bond and 2017 CO Bond. 77. Authorizing the City Manager to sign Amendment-1, for the additional engineering services contract with Crane Engineering- Laredo, Texas in the amount of $26,510.00. The total contract amount with this amendment is $445,823.26 for the Eastern Chacon Creek 18"- 36" Interceptor from Vaquillas Lift Station to India and Gates. Amendment #1 proposes to provide environmental services to address the study and compliance with the Army Corps of Engineers. An additional 90 calendar days will be added to original contract time for a total of 270 calendar days. Funding is available in the 2014 Utility Sewer Bond. 78. Authorizing the City Manager to award a contract in the amount of $62,508.54 to Precision Pump Systems, McAllen, Texas for the labor and parts to repair a Patterson 24 RHC 2-Stage 10 MGD 600 HP Raw Water Pump at El Pico Water Treatment Plant for the Utilities Department. Funding is available in the Water Works Fund. 79. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program pricing to Southern Trenchless Solutions of Weslaco, Texas, for the repair of a 36" sewer influent pipe at South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $284,700.00 and providing for 30 calendar days for completion. Funding is available in the 2014 Sewer Revenue Bond. 80. Consideration for approval for the selection of engineering Consultant Garver USA based on Request For Qualifications (RFQ) received and reviewed. Also, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract for the RFQ: El Pico Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Intake Evaluation. The selected firm is to perform a comprehensive and detailed hydraulic evaluation of the raw water delivery system at the El Pico Water Treatment Plant. 81. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the contract for sale of effluent to the Laredo Country Club. Laredo Country Club shall pay twelve (12) cents per thousand gallons and will be billed for a minimum of 375,000 gallons per day. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA II. MOTIONS Consideration to authorize the purchase of computer data storage, servers and networking equipment for the Fire Department from Network Alliance, LLC, San Antonio.Tx., through Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract pricing in the total amount of $294,787.09. Funding is available in the 2018 CO Bond (PPFCO) fund.
Consideration for approval of the Telecommunications Building Roof Replacement Project as complete, approval of change order no. 2, an increase of $2,690.00 for the balance of quantities actually constructed in place and to add twenty (20) calendar days to the construction contract time, release of retainage, and approval of final payment in the amount of $14,295.94 to ALC Construction, Inc., Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $118,749.39. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Issue.
Consideration for approval to ratify amendment no. 10 to the professional services contract with Arcadis, Laredo, Texas, for the West Laredo Corridor - Calton Road Railroad Grade Separation for extension of contract time to include construction phases services from December 31, 2018, to December 31, 2021. Current engineering contract amount including this amendment no. 10 is $2,126,371.14. Funding is available in the Capital Grants Fund.
Consideration to renew annual contract FY15-006 to MG Landscaping, Laredo, Texas, in an amount up to $81,250.00 for lawn and landscaping repairs caused by utility repairs. This contract is based on square and linear footage rates and when needed a licensed irrigator; plus any landscaping materials. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There will be no price increase during this extension period. If the pricing remains the same or price adjustment has mutual agreement from both parties and the City agrees to extend the contract, the contract shall automatically renew for another one year period. This is the fourth of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Consideration to select sole bidder consulting firm Able City, Laredo, TX and authorization to negotiate a contract with Able City based on FY19-019 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) scope of services for assessment and recommendations related to City of Laredo's adoption of 2015 International Building Codes and Land Development Codes to include but not limited to Planning, Building, Utilities, Engineering, Environmental, Traffic & Fire. City staff reviewed submittals and interviewed Able City project team and has deemed firm to be well qualified to perform said services. Once contract is negotiated, item will be presented to Council at a future date.
XII. STAFF REPORTS 82. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XII. STAFF REPORTS 85. Discussion with possible action to consider a sixth request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Alfredo Rodriguez. 86. Discussion with possible action to consider a seventh request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer James B. Boyd. 87. Discussion with possible action to consider a fifth request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073 (b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Jesus A. Garcia Perez.
Discussion with possible action on a presentation by Joseph Michael Dickerson regarding the production of a reality tv series of the Laredo Metro Fire Department. The production will include filming at the fire stations, on emergency response vehicles and at the scene of emergencies while maintaining patient confidentiality and all other privacy issues a priority. Staff recommends approval of this project as it has the potential to bring possible positive recognition to the City of Laredo and the Fire Department.
Staff report with possible action amending the City of Laredo 2019 State Legislative Agenda for the 86th Legislative Session of the Texas Legislature.
Report on the status of a violation on an Special Use Permit (S.U.P.) for a restaurant serving alcohol located at 1010 E. Hillside Rd., as follow up to citizen comments; and any other matters incident thereto.
EXECUTIVE SESSION 96. Request for Executive Session and discussion with possible action pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 to deliberate the offer of a financial incentive or other incentives to an airline business prospect the City seeks to locate at the Laredo International Airport. 97. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving City of Laredo v. Laredo Lomas Properties, Ltd., and the Premises located at 1500 Logan Street, in Laredo, Texas 78040, Cause No. 2017CVK002349-D2; pending in the District Court of Webb County, Texas, 111th Judicial District; and return to open session for possible action. 98. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving Civil No. 7:18-CV-375; United States of America v. 801.077 Acres of Land, more or less, situated in Starr County, State of Texas, and City of Laredo, et al. ; pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas McAllen Division; and return to open session for possible action. 99. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with city attorney on pending litigation in Laredo Veterans Coalition, etal. vs. County of Webb, City of Laredo; Cause No. 2018CVK001643-D2, pending in the 111th District Court, Webb County, Texas; and return to open session for possible action.
D. Request by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Discussion with possible action to assist federal employees affected by the government shutdown with utility bills by permitting the carryover of fees while shutdown is in effect, with no disconnection penalties or late fees; and any other matters incident thereto.
94. Staff report by Municipal Court Judge Jesus Dominguez on status of court and proposed changes in operation with possible action. 95. Report on the City of Laredo Animal Care Services Department transition by Heberto "Beto" L. Ramirez, Animal Care Services Department - Acting Director.
XIV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 100. 2019-RT-01 Authorizing the City Manager to accept and execute the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grant No. TX-2018-080-00 in the amount of $12,343,854.00 Section 5339(b) Bus and Bus Facilities Grant Program under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Funding will be used for design, and construction for the first phase of the El Metro's New Administration, Operations and Maintenance Facility. The required local match for this grant will be funded by in-kind from the value of the land. Funds will be distributed in the Transit - Capital Grant Fund. 101. Consideration to award contract FY19-022 Taft Hartley Administration or Fully Insured Proposal for Medical, Dental, Vision, Basic and Voluntary Life and AD&D to the sole bidder Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Fund (a.k.a. TeamCare) from Rosemont, IL, to provide fully insured medical and prescription benefit plans to Laredo Transit Management Inc (LTMI) employees. The term is for one (1) year with the possible option to renew or terminate with a sixty (60) day advance notice without cause. Funds are available in El Metro Operations Fund. XV. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to direct staff to coordinate with TXDOT to increase lighting along the Cuatro Vientos Rd.
Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez Discussion with possible action going out for Request for Qualifications for the management of Uni-Trade Stadium.
Status report on the agenda item of June 18, 2018 regarding the use of email and/or text messaging for the release of city-wide information/notifications.
Discussion with possible action to amend the city's holiday schedule ordinance to provide that City Council designates the annual calendar holidays on a year-by-year basis and approves a said list of holidays before the beginning of the fiscal year (i.e. September 30); and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action for City Manager to direct staff to plan an inter-connecting hike/bike trail connecting District V Alexander trail with District VI and subsequently to District VII Del Mar bike trail and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Marte Martinez and Council Member George Altgelt)
Discussion with possible action requesting the quarterly staff report update regarding old pending Council Member projects/inactive and financial balances for projects, and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Alberto Torres, Jr. and Council Member George Altgelt)
Request by Council Member Marte Martinez Discussion with possible action on expanding garbage collection services to citizens of Laredo.
Request by Council Member George Altgelt Discussion with possible action to implement a protocol for Laredo Animal Care Officers and City Department personnel to prevent the destruction of bee colonies in public facilities and rights of way in non-emergency cases by contacting beekeepers to remove the hives, and any other matters incident thereto.
2. Discussion with possible action to authorize Public Works to commence the design to build plus or minus 300 feet long stretch of asphalt connection of Father McNaboe trail system to the Mines Road Inner Loop (Flecha Lane) and to also authorize Public Works and Engineering Department to commence construction of fencing and asphalt trail system between International Boulevard and Del Mar Hike and Bike way within the City owned Springfield Right of Way, funding is available from District VII Priority Funds. 3. Discussion with possible action to fund the League Cycling Instructor (LCI) seminar, which is the only nationwide bicycling instructor certification program. This seminar will equip 15 local bike leaders to teach Smart Cycling classes to Laredo residents. The goal of Smart Cycling classes is to help people feel more secure about getting on a bike, to create a mindset that bikes are treated as a vehicle, and to ensure that people on bikes know how to ride safely and legally. Cost to fund this seminar is $7,070.00. XVI. ADJOURN