RECOGNITIONS Recognizing the United ISD Board for their 2019 Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) School Board of the Year Award. The Board was selected from a pool of 47 applicants on a multitude of merits that included the successful integration of technology in United ISD.
Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance (TXNGVA), in partnership with Clean Energy Fuels and CenterPoint Energy, to honor the City of Laredo's El Metro with the Lone Star NGV Award.
Presentation by Rene Gonzalez, President of Border Olympics regarding the 87th Border Olympics tournament and events for the year 2018-2019.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Request by Mayor Pete Saenz Discussion with possible action to formally invite Webb County to participate in a City-County Drug and Alcohol Commission and by adding up to 5 additional members. In addition, to negotiate costs associated with the hiring of a consultant by both parties in order to assist with the needs related to conceptual design, architectural building needs, financing, etc.; and any matters thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma and Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action requesting improved communication, protocols and travel release plans from DHS-ICE regarding individuals and family units released at our city to ensure that proper health screening and treatment is provided by the detaining federal agency and coordination of travel and release is done early in the morning to avoid or decrease emergency shelter needs and improve coordination with respective country consulate offices; and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez and Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Request by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez Discussion with possible action to develop Bus Stop Enhancements Program funded by District VI priority fund in the amount of $50,000.00; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action in regards to the Plantation East Road extension to Shiloh Drive, and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member George Altgelt Discussion with possible action to authorize staff to advertise Request for Proposals (RFQ) to design an outdoor swimming pool, tree house, water feature and parking at Barbara Fasken Community Center; and any other incidents thereto. Funding available in District VII Priority Funds.
Discussion with possible action to establish an Advisory Committee for the Max A. Mandel Municipal Golf course.
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to direct staff to assess the amount of lights needed along the Independence Park hike and bike trail and provide a proposal; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action to direct staff to implement emergency call boxes along District 1 hike and bike trails; and any other matters incident thereto.
Items XVI F1 & Supplemental Item III A
F. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Staff to design and construct sidewalk at 2500 S. New York (east side); and any other matters thereto. Funding available in District II Priority Funds. III. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Council Member VidalRodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager and authorize staff to add sidewalks on the 1900 Block and 1800 S. Block of Milmo Ave. to connect on Kawas Elementary; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District II Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr.)
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action to install turning lanes at Calton Road and Yucca Road; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District V Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Mercurio Martinez)
Discussion with possible action to resurface Chaparral Street; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District V Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy . Gonzalez, Jr.)
Items VII 1 - 10 & Supplemental Items I 1 - 2
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Gerry Schwebel to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 2. Appointment by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez of Dr. David Garza to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 3. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. of Jeff Puig to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Ivan Rodriguez to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 5. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Mercurio Martinez to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 6. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Nelly Vielma to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 7. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member George Altgelt to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 8. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. 9. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Nelly Vielma to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. 10. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member George Altgelt to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appoinment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Oscar Juarez to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Dr. Sylvia DeLeon-Solis to the Laredo Commission for Women. II.
PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing amending the 2018 One Year Action Plan to allow for the reprogramming of CDBG funds totaling $156,847.00. It is proposed that the reprogrammed funds be utilized for the following projects: Supplemental funding for the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program ($136,847.00) and the creation of the "K. Tarver Recreation Center Improvement Projects" ($20,000.00). It is further proposed that the projects be provided funding as follows: 44th Action Year (Canceled Activity) Eastwoods Neighborhood Park Improvements $20,000.00 42nd Action Year (Fund Balance) Demolition of Substandard Structures $111,847.00 37th Action Year (Canceled Activity) Downtown Facade Restoration Program $25,000.00 TOTAL $156,847.00
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to amend the Animal Care Services Department FY2018-19 budget and Full-Time Equivalent Position Listing by creating two (2) Kennel Workers, R27 positions; two (2) Veterinarian Technicians, R30 positions; and one (1) Custodian, R23 position. The total funding required for these positions is $111,526.00 and will be funded with savings within the Animal Care Services operating budget.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance ratifying the execution of a contract with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 18-19 Budget by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $120,590.00 and amending the FY18-19 Full Time Equivalent Position Listing by creating one (1) Public Health Technician, R36 position for the City of Laredo Health Department to perform activities that support the Public Health Crisis Response and Recovery by creating a prepared and protected team that is ready to deploy in case of a disaster in particular for post hurricane response and recovery under the Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the term period from January 25, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the FY 2018-2019 Risk Management Fund by appropriating revenues and expenditures of $50,000.00. The revenues are for Wellness reimbursements from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (B.C. B.S. TX) and are restricted for the continued operation of the City's Wellness Program.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by repealing Ordinance No. 2013-0-125 and authorizing the issuance of a revised C. U. P. for an amusement redemption machine establishment changing the tenant on Lot 2C, Block 1, Zaftex Phase I I, located at 3917 Jaime Zapata Memorial Highway, Suites 1 and 4; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Conditional Use Permit and staff supports the application. ZC-19-2019 District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1, Block 1, Jacaman Ranch Subdivision, located at 6402 N. Bartlett Ave., Suite 2; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Special Use Permit. Staff does not support the application as it does not comply with the minimum distance separation of three hundred (300) feet a residential structure and residential zoning district. ZC-16-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1, Block 1, Kimberly Plaza, located at 4800 McPherson Rd.,Suite B; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Special Use Permit. Staff does not support the application as it does not comply with the minimum separation distance of three hundred (300) feet a residential zoning district. ZC-20-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 6, Block 519, Western Division, located at 1902 W. Anna Ave., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Zone Change and staff supports the application. ZC-17-2019 District VIII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the West 1 O' of 45' of Lot 8, Lot 9 and Lot 1 O, Block 1 O 1, Western Division, located at 515 and 519 Matamoros St., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Zone Change and staff supports the application. ZC-18-2019 District VIII
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 10. An ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 24, Article Ill, Section 24.56.2 of the City of Laredo Land Development Code book by eliminating the review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Board of: parkland dedication sites, cash payments in lieu of land, and park improvement plans and specifications; and amending Section 24.56.3 by revising the time requirements for park improvements to require completion of construction of park improvements within eighteen (18) months of plat recordation; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 11. An ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement with South Texas Advancement Resource (STAR), a non-profit entity, for the lease of approximately 2.3 acres of land located at lot 1, block 21 Lowry farm subdivision unit 4, for the purpose of creating a living laboratory to promote best practices for sustainable farming and land management; providing for a lease term of five (5) years at a rate of $1 per year; providing an option to renew; waiving water utilities; STAR shall be responsible for extending the plumbing water line from existing water meter. 12. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the waiver, reduction or reimbursement of facility use or special event fees for requests that serve a public purpose; are in accordance with the city's policy for special event fee reduction, waiver, or reimbursement; and have been sponsored by three members of the city council; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 13. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Article I I, Division 6, Section 2-87 .6 of the Code of Ordinances by excepting the City Manager from the city's pay administration policy; providing for a cumulative clause; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 14. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Section 2.03 "Gifts" of the Laredo Code of Ethics by adding an exception to the general prohibitions in order to allow for donations of money, real estate, products, services, and property made by persons or business entities that serve a public purpose and that are in accordance with the city's donation policy; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date.
15. 16. 17. 18. 2019-0-025 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 15.2840 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of FM 1472 Rd (Mines Road) and north of Vidal Cantu Rd., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-08-2019 District VII 2019-0-026 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, by adding section 2-1, requiring the City Manager to provide monthly written reports to City Council on the status and expenditures of City Council projects and items in accordance with section 3.05(7) of the Laredo City Charter; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date (AS AMENDED). 2019-0-027 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reimburse utility late fees and reconnection fees for individuals affected by the federal government shutdown; and directing staff to implement procedures to grant, to federal employees affected by the federal government shutdown, additional time to pay utility bills; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. 2019-0-028 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, by amending Section 2-58, to provide that city holidays shall be designated annually by the City Council at the recommendation of the City Manager; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date (AS AMENDED).
RESOLUTIONS 19. 2019-R-17 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Isaura Gutierrez for a proposed project located at 503 Reynolds St, lot 3; block 309; eastern division that consists of rehabilitation, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $113,775.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $848.81 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,082.00. 20. 2019-R-18 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Margarita Govea & Jose R. Cantu Jr. for a proposed project located at 1602 Victoria St, lot 9; block 168; western division that consists of rehabilitation, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a ten (10) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $249,587.02, estimated annual tax abatement total of $1,419.12 and estimated total fee waivers of $5,950.00. 21. 2019-R-19 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Isabel C. Jimenez for a proposed project located at 2714-2716 E Lyon St, lot 8 & 9; block 1660; eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the neighborhood empowerment zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a ten (10) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $401,720.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $2,546.90 and estimated total fee waivers of $4,446.00. 22. 2019-R-20 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Leonor G. Luna for a proposed project located at 2902 E. Montgomery St., W 52' of lot 8; block 1814; eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $95,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $666.71 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,054.00. 23. 2019-R-21 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Mario A. Gomez for a proposed project located at 4621 Exodus Dr., lot 14; block 14; El Eden Subdivision Unit II that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $110,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $700.70 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,265.00. 24. 2019-R-22 Re-adopting guidelines and criteria governing tax abatements by the City of Laredo in accordance with the requirements in Section 312.002 of the Texas Tax Code; providing for severability; providing for an effective date of February 19, 2019 through February 18, 2020; and providing for publication. 25. 2019-R-23 Authorizing the submittal of a grant application, on behalf of the City of Laredo and the Webb County/City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority (WC/CL-RMA), to the 2018 Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Program, intended to request funding for the Upgrade of Loop 20 (Future IH 69W) to Interstate Standards Project, located on Loop 20, from International Boulevard to University Boulevard, which is approximately 4 miles of roadway. The project includes the construction of 3 proposed overpasses, to be located at Shiloh Drive, Del Mar Boulevard, and University Boulevard, and the construction of 3 lanes of frontage road in each direction. The total project cost is $132,500,000.00. $79,531,845.00 in State Category 2 funds has already been allocated to the project through the action of the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The grant application will request $35,500,000.00. The City of Laredo will contribute $7,500,000.00, and the WC/CL RMA will contribute $10,000,000.00. 26. 2019-R-24 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo adopting a donation acceptance policy. (Contingent on approval of item no. 14 on A-2019-R-03) 27. 2019-R-25 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting the City of Laredo policy for special event fee reduction, waiver, and reimbursement; and providing an effective date. (Contingent on approval of item no. 12 on A-2019-R-03)
28. Consideration for approval of the Sidewalk Improvements Phase II Alma Pierce Elementary School Projects (17 Blocks - District IV) as complete, release of retainage, and approval of final payment in the amount of $34,279.32 to ALC Construction Co., Inc, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $186,519.40. Funding is available in the 2017 CO and 2018 CO Bond. 29. Consideration to authorize the purchase of ammunition for the Police Department in the amount of $75,960.54 from GT Distributors, Inc. through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract No. 524-17. Funding is available in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. 30. Consideration to authorize the purchase of ammunition for the Police Department in the amount of $74,000.00 from Precision Delta Corporation, Ruleville, Mississippi through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract No. 524-17. Funding is available in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. 31. Consideration to amend contracts FY15-041 by 25% with the following vendors: 1. GCR Tire & Services, Nashville,Tennessee in an amount up to $8,750.00 (25% increase) and; 2. Southern Tire Mart, Columbia, Mississippi in an amount up to $6,250.00 (25% increase). Due to increase in usage of tire repair services for the Fleet Department, this contract will fund out before its expiration date. This is the last extension period for this contract. Omnisource United (formerly A to Z Tire) was a vendor for this contract but their local store has closed. Funding is available in the Fleet Department Fund. 32. Consideration to renew contracts FY17-048 for the general diesel engine repairs and parts/service for the City's Fleet Division to the following bidders: 1. Cervantes Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $200,000.00; 2. Rotex Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $100,000.00; 3. Andy's Auto & Bus Air, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $75,000.00; and 4. Rush Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $75,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period; this is the second extension period. All parts and services will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 33. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Park Place Recreation Designs, Inc., for the purchase and installation of a playground with a wheel chair swing at the Bartlett Soccer Complex in the amount of $103,529.00, This purchase is through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract Pricing, Contract 512-16. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Bond - District V Priority Funds. 34. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Park Place Recreation Designs, Inc., for the purchase and installation of playground equipment amenities for recreational improvements at Las Misiones Park, in the amount of $70,648.00. This purchase shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program; Contract 512-16. Funding is available in 2017 CO Bond - District VI Priority Funds. 35. Consideration to renew annual supply contract FY18-026 to the sole bidder Rush Truck Center, Laredo, TX, in an amount up to $150,000.00 for the purchase of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) truck parts for the City's medium and heavy duty trucks. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is the first of two extension periods. All parts will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 36. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-031 for the purchase of police and passenger car tires with the following vendors: 1. Section I: GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount up to $183,631.00; and 2. Section II: Hesselbein Tire Southwest, San Antonio, Texas in an amount up to $99,753.34. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 37. Consideration to renew contract FY15-019 with Texas Land Reclamation, L.L.C., OBA: UTW Tire Collection Services, Laredo, Texas, in an annual amount up to $86,400.00 for the removal and disposal of used tires for the City's Solid Waste Services Department. Staff estimates that 1,800 tons of used tires will be disposed of in a two (2) year period. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the second of three extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. All services will be secured on an as needed basis. The City's obligation for performance of an annual supply contract beyond the current fiscal year is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payments for the contract purchases can be made. If no funds are appropriated and budgeted during the next fiscal year, this contract becomes null and void. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Budget. 38. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-030 for the purchase of truck tires with the following vendors: 1. Southern Tire Southwest, Columbia, Missouri in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00; and 2. GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is first of two extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 39. Consideration to amend annual parts/service contract FY18-055 by 25% with Mechanical Shop of Laredo, Laredo, Texas in an amount not to exceed $12,500.00 due to an increase in usage. The term of this contract shall expire on 5/7/2019; new contract total amount will be $62,500.00. All repairs to the City's lawn maintenance equipment shall be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in Fleet Department Funds. 40. Consideration to renew annual supply contract FY16-022 with AG-Pro Texas, LLC, Weslaco, Texas in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, for the purchase of John Deere original equipment manufacturer (OEM) repair parts for the City's lawn maintenance equipment. All parts will be purchased on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is third of five extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance Budget. 41. Consideration to authorize the use of State of Texas, Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase contracts to purchase, computer hardware, software, telecommunications and other goods and services offered through DIR Cooperative Purchase contracts. The City is a member of the State of Texas - Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS) Cooperative Purchasing Program which allows the City of Laredo to take advantage of approved State contracts. Funding for Cooperative Purchase contracts and services are available in the respective city departmental budgets. 42. Consideration to award contract FY19-032 to the following low bidders: 1. Silsbee Ford, Silbee, Texas for the purchase of two (2) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, Long Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab Short Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Crew Cab, Long Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Crew Cab, Long Bed dually truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, Long Bed Truck, and two (2) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, w/Dog Cages in the total amount of $271,459.66; and 2. Grapevine Dodge LLC, Grapevine, Texas for the purchase of three (3) 2019 RAM Dodge Ext. Cab, Long Bed trucks, two (2) 2019 Dodge Jeeps, one (1) 2019 RAM Promaster Cargo Van, and three (3) 2019 RAM Dodge Crew Cab, Short Bed trucks in the total amount of $205,011.00. All replacement vehicles that have reached their useful life-- refer to attachment "Replacement Unit Number's". The Animal Care Facility and Park & Recreation Center vehicles are additional vehicles. The City of Laredo reserves the right to purchase additional units within a ninety (90) day period. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO Capital Outlay Fund. 43. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of January 2019, represent an increase of $4,855.42. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 44. Consideration on approval of Unitec Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and authorizing change order no. 1, in the credit amount of $29,425.42 and releasing the final payment in the amount of $71,703.73 which includes retainage amount of $65,203.73. to J.S. Haren Company, from Athens, Tennessee. The final contract amount is $1,310,574.58 and the contract time is three hundred and fourty (340) working days. The change order is due to a credit based on actual quantities in place. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
MOTIONS 1. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute an agreement to the contract dated January 14, 2019 between the Greater Laredo Development Foundation doing business as the Laredo Economic Development Corporation and the City of Laredo to provide fundraising and related services in support of planned legislative meetings and events in Austin, Texas and Washington D.C. They will be compensated at 6% of the collected amount. 2. Consideration to rescind the selection of LNV, Inc. as a consultant for the Santa Maria Avenue Bicycle Lane Project, and authorize negotiations on a professional services contract. A total of three (3) firms responded to the request for qualifications and the third (3) firm made presentations before the Evaluation Committee on Thursday, July 26, 2018. The three (3) firms were Bendicion Engineering, LLC., Slay Engineering Company, Inc., and LNV, Inc. There is no financial impact at this time.
Consideration to award contract FY18-048 to LNV Inc, Laredo, TX in the amount of $1,431,125.00 for the Master Plan of the City of Laredo International Bridge System. This master plan scope of services include but are not limited to: current and projected traffic trends, including capacity ratios and wait times, for the four (4) existing and future international bridges of the Laredo Bridge System in order to forecast and prepare the needed infrastructure to efficiently process pedestrian, non-commercial and commercial traffic traveling to and from Mexico and the United States. The master plan will also include a toll rate study to address future revenue projections, including toll rate adjustments based on traffic projections, operational expenses, debt service and required infrastructure improvements. Funding for this contract is available in the Bridge Construction Fund.
Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action regarding the 2019 Federal Legislative Agenda. The focus of the agenda items center on the Environment, Health, Public Safety, Quality of Life, Transportation, and Policy issues.
Third Party Funding status report with possible action on the following staff recommended items. 1. Open application process for new non-profit organizations applicants; 2. Digitizing of FY2019-2020 Third Party Funding application process; 3. Implementation of a two (2) year funding cycle for all organizations.
Staff report on Open Data Initiative: Financial Transparency, GIS Open Data Portal, with possible action.
Presentation regarding City of Laredo Contracts: procurement, award and renewal process by Miguel A. Pescador, Purchasing Agent, with possible action.
XIV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD XV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION 51. Election of the following Officers to replace vacancies on the Laredo Public Facility Corporation (LPFC) board: 1. President (Vacant); 2. Rosario C. Cabello as Executive Director; and 3. Jose F. Castillo as Treasurer.
RECOGNITIONS Recognizing the United ISD Board for their 2019 Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) School Board of the Year Award. The Board was selected from a pool of 47 applicants on a multitude of merits that included the successful integration of technology in United ISD.
Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance (TXNGVA), in partnership with Clean Energy Fuels and CenterPoint Energy, to honor the City of Laredo's El Metro with the Lone Star NGV Award.
Presentation by Rene Gonzalez, President of Border Olympics regarding the 87th Border Olympics tournament and events for the year 2018-2019.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Request by Mayor Pete Saenz Discussion with possible action to formally invite Webb County to participate in a City-County Drug and Alcohol Commission and by adding up to 5 additional members. In addition, to negotiate costs associated with the hiring of a consultant by both parties in order to assist with the needs related to conceptual design, architectural building needs, financing, etc.; and any matters thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Nelly Vielma and Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action requesting improved communication, protocols and travel release plans from DHS-ICE regarding individuals and family units released at our city to ensure that proper health screening and treatment is provided by the detaining federal agency and coordination of travel and release is done early in the morning to avoid or decrease emergency shelter needs and improve coordination with respective country consulate offices; and any matters incident thereto. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez and Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez)
Request by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez Discussion with possible action to develop Bus Stop Enhancements Program funded by District VI priority fund in the amount of $50,000.00; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action in regards to the Plantation East Road extension to Shiloh Drive, and any other matters incident thereto.
Request by Council Member George Altgelt Discussion with possible action to authorize staff to advertise Request for Proposals (RFQ) to design an outdoor swimming pool, tree house, water feature and parking at Barbara Fasken Community Center; and any other incidents thereto. Funding available in District VII Priority Funds.
Discussion with possible action to establish an Advisory Committee for the Max A. Mandel Municipal Golf course.
Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. Discussion with possible action to direct staff to assess the amount of lights needed along the Independence Park hike and bike trail and provide a proposal; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action to direct staff to implement emergency call boxes along District 1 hike and bike trails; and any other matters incident thereto.
Items XVI F1 & Supplemental Item III A
F. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Staff to design and construct sidewalk at 2500 S. New York (east side); and any other matters thereto. Funding available in District II Priority Funds. III. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Council Member VidalRodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager and authorize staff to add sidewalks on the 1900 Block and 1800 S. Block of Milmo Ave. to connect on Kawas Elementary; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District II Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr.)
Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma Discussion with possible action to install turning lanes at Calton Road and Yucca Road; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District V Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Mercurio Martinez)
Discussion with possible action to resurface Chaparral Street; and any other matters incident thereto. Funding available in District V Priority Funds. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy . Gonzalez, Jr.)
Items VII 1 - 10 & Supplemental Items I 1 - 2
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Gerry Schwebel to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 2. Appointment by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez of Dr. David Garza to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 3. Appointment by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. of Jeff Puig to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Ivan Rodriguez to the City Manager Search Ad-Hoc Committee. 5. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Mercurio Martinez to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 6. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Nelly Vielma to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 7. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member George Altgelt to the Laredo Economic Development Corporation. 8. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. 9. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member Nelly Vielma to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. 10. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Council Member George Altgelt to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appoinment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Oscar Juarez to the Technical Review Board Ad-Hoc Committee. 2. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Dr. Sylvia DeLeon-Solis to the Laredo Commission for Women. II.
PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing amending the 2018 One Year Action Plan to allow for the reprogramming of CDBG funds totaling $156,847.00. It is proposed that the reprogrammed funds be utilized for the following projects: Supplemental funding for the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program ($136,847.00) and the creation of the "K. Tarver Recreation Center Improvement Projects" ($20,000.00). It is further proposed that the projects be provided funding as follows: 44th Action Year (Canceled Activity) Eastwoods Neighborhood Park Improvements $20,000.00 42nd Action Year (Fund Balance) Demolition of Substandard Structures $111,847.00 37th Action Year (Canceled Activity) Downtown Facade Restoration Program $25,000.00 TOTAL $156,847.00
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to amend the Animal Care Services Department FY2018-19 budget and Full-Time Equivalent Position Listing by creating two (2) Kennel Workers, R27 positions; two (2) Veterinarian Technicians, R30 positions; and one (1) Custodian, R23 position. The total funding required for these positions is $111,526.00 and will be funded with savings within the Animal Care Services operating budget.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance ratifying the execution of a contract with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), amending the FY 18-19 Budget by appropriating revenues and expenditures in the amount of $120,590.00 and amending the FY18-19 Full Time Equivalent Position Listing by creating one (1) Public Health Technician, R36 position for the City of Laredo Health Department to perform activities that support the Public Health Crisis Response and Recovery by creating a prepared and protected team that is ready to deploy in case of a disaster in particular for post hurricane response and recovery under the Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the term period from January 25, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the FY 2018-2019 Risk Management Fund by appropriating revenues and expenditures of $50,000.00. The revenues are for Wellness reimbursements from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (B.C. B.S. TX) and are restricted for the continued operation of the City's Wellness Program.
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by repealing Ordinance No. 2013-0-125 and authorizing the issuance of a revised C. U. P. for an amusement redemption machine establishment changing the tenant on Lot 2C, Block 1, Zaftex Phase I I, located at 3917 Jaime Zapata Memorial Highway, Suites 1 and 4; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Conditional Use Permit and staff supports the application. ZC-19-2019 District I
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1, Block 1, Jacaman Ranch Subdivision, located at 6402 N. Bartlett Ave., Suite 2; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Special Use Permit. Staff does not support the application as it does not comply with the minimum distance separation of three hundred (300) feet a residential structure and residential zoning district. ZC-16-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by authorizing a Special Use Permit for a restaurant serving alcohol on Lot 1, Block 1, Kimberly Plaza, located at 4800 McPherson Rd.,Suite B; providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Special Use Permit. Staff does not support the application as it does not comply with the minimum separation distance of three hundred (300) feet a residential zoning district. ZC-20-2019 District V
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 6, Block 519, Western Division, located at 1902 W. Anna Ave., from R-3 (Mixed Residential District) to B-1 (Limited Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Zone Change and staff supports the application. ZC-17-2019 District VIII
Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning the West 1 O' of 45' of Lot 8, Lot 9 and Lot 1 O, Block 1 O 1, Western Division, located at 515 and 519 Matamoros St., from B-1 (Limited Commercial District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Zone Change and staff supports the application. ZC-18-2019 District VIII
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES 10. An ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 24, Article Ill, Section 24.56.2 of the City of Laredo Land Development Code book by eliminating the review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Board of: parkland dedication sites, cash payments in lieu of land, and park improvement plans and specifications; and amending Section 24.56.3 by revising the time requirements for park improvements to require completion of construction of park improvements within eighteen (18) months of plat recordation; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 11. An ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement with South Texas Advancement Resource (STAR), a non-profit entity, for the lease of approximately 2.3 acres of land located at lot 1, block 21 Lowry farm subdivision unit 4, for the purpose of creating a living laboratory to promote best practices for sustainable farming and land management; providing for a lease term of five (5) years at a rate of $1 per year; providing an option to renew; waiving water utilities; STAR shall be responsible for extending the plumbing water line from existing water meter. 12. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the waiver, reduction or reimbursement of facility use or special event fees for requests that serve a public purpose; are in accordance with the city's policy for special event fee reduction, waiver, or reimbursement; and have been sponsored by three members of the city council; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 13. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Article I I, Division 6, Section 2-87 .6 of the Code of Ordinances by excepting the City Manager from the city's pay administration policy; providing for a cumulative clause; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date. 14. An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Section 2.03 "Gifts" of the Laredo Code of Ethics by adding an exception to the general prohibitions in order to allow for donations of money, real estate, products, services, and property made by persons or business entities that serve a public purpose and that are in accordance with the city's donation policy; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date.
15. 16. 17. 18. 2019-0-025 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximately 15.2840 acres, as further described by Metes & Bounds on Exhibit A, located south of FM 1472 Rd (Mines Road) and north of Vidal Cantu Rd., from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to B-4 (Highway Commercial District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-08-2019 District VII 2019-0-026 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, by adding section 2-1, requiring the City Manager to provide monthly written reports to City Council on the status and expenditures of City Council projects and items in accordance with section 3.05(7) of the Laredo City Charter; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date (AS AMENDED). 2019-0-027 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to waive or reimburse utility late fees and reconnection fees for individuals affected by the federal government shutdown; and directing staff to implement procedures to grant, to federal employees affected by the federal government shutdown, additional time to pay utility bills; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and declaring an effective date. 2019-0-028 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 2, Administration, by amending Section 2-58, to provide that city holidays shall be designated annually by the City Council at the recommendation of the City Manager; providing that this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing a severability clause; and declaring an effective date (AS AMENDED).
RESOLUTIONS 19. 2019-R-17 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Isaura Gutierrez for a proposed project located at 503 Reynolds St, lot 3; block 309; eastern division that consists of rehabilitation, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $113,775.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $848.81 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,082.00. 20. 2019-R-18 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Margarita Govea & Jose R. Cantu Jr. for a proposed project located at 1602 Victoria St, lot 9; block 168; western division that consists of rehabilitation, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a ten (10) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $249,587.02, estimated annual tax abatement total of $1,419.12 and estimated total fee waivers of $5,950.00. 21. 2019-R-19 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Isabel C. Jimenez for a proposed project located at 2714-2716 E Lyon St, lot 8 & 9; block 1660; eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the neighborhood empowerment zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a ten (10) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $401,720.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $2,546.90 and estimated total fee waivers of $4,446.00. 22. 2019-R-20 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Leonor G. Luna for a proposed project located at 2902 E. Montgomery St., W 52' of lot 8; block 1814; eastern division that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $95,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $666.71 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,054.00. 23. 2019-R-21 Authorizing and approving a fee waiver and a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Laredo and Mario A. Gomez for a proposed project located at 4621 Exodus Dr., lot 14; block 14; El Eden Subdivision Unit II that consists of new construction, in accordance with authorized guidelines and criteria established for the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ). This agreement will be for a five (5) year period and will abate taxes on new improvements for the purpose of economic development. The project has an estimated capital investment total of $110,000.00, estimated annual tax abatement total of $700.70 and estimated total fee waivers of $3,265.00. 24. 2019-R-22 Re-adopting guidelines and criteria governing tax abatements by the City of Laredo in accordance with the requirements in Section 312.002 of the Texas Tax Code; providing for severability; providing for an effective date of February 19, 2019 through February 18, 2020; and providing for publication. 25. 2019-R-23 Authorizing the submittal of a grant application, on behalf of the City of Laredo and the Webb County/City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority (WC/CL-RMA), to the 2018 Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Program, intended to request funding for the Upgrade of Loop 20 (Future IH 69W) to Interstate Standards Project, located on Loop 20, from International Boulevard to University Boulevard, which is approximately 4 miles of roadway. The project includes the construction of 3 proposed overpasses, to be located at Shiloh Drive, Del Mar Boulevard, and University Boulevard, and the construction of 3 lanes of frontage road in each direction. The total project cost is $132,500,000.00. $79,531,845.00 in State Category 2 funds has already been allocated to the project through the action of the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The grant application will request $35,500,000.00. The City of Laredo will contribute $7,500,000.00, and the WC/CL RMA will contribute $10,000,000.00. 26. 2019-R-24 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo adopting a donation acceptance policy. (Contingent on approval of item no. 14 on A-2019-R-03) 27. 2019-R-25 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Laredo, Texas, adopting the City of Laredo policy for special event fee reduction, waiver, and reimbursement; and providing an effective date. (Contingent on approval of item no. 12 on A-2019-R-03)
28. Consideration for approval of the Sidewalk Improvements Phase II Alma Pierce Elementary School Projects (17 Blocks - District IV) as complete, release of retainage, and approval of final payment in the amount of $34,279.32 to ALC Construction Co., Inc, Laredo, Texas. Final construction contract amount is $186,519.40. Funding is available in the 2017 CO and 2018 CO Bond. 29. Consideration to authorize the purchase of ammunition for the Police Department in the amount of $75,960.54 from GT Distributors, Inc. through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract No. 524-17. Funding is available in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. 30. Consideration to authorize the purchase of ammunition for the Police Department in the amount of $74,000.00 from Precision Delta Corporation, Ruleville, Mississippi through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract No. 524-17. Funding is available in the Laredo Police Department General Fund. 31. Consideration to amend contracts FY15-041 by 25% with the following vendors: 1. GCR Tire & Services, Nashville,Tennessee in an amount up to $8,750.00 (25% increase) and; 2. Southern Tire Mart, Columbia, Mississippi in an amount up to $6,250.00 (25% increase). Due to increase in usage of tire repair services for the Fleet Department, this contract will fund out before its expiration date. This is the last extension period for this contract. Omnisource United (formerly A to Z Tire) was a vendor for this contract but their local store has closed. Funding is available in the Fleet Department Fund. 32. Consideration to renew contracts FY17-048 for the general diesel engine repairs and parts/service for the City's Fleet Division to the following bidders: 1. Cervantes Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $200,000.00; 2. Rotex Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $100,000.00; 3. Andy's Auto & Bus Air, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $75,000.00; and 4. Rush Truck Center, Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $75,000.00. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period; this is the second extension period. All parts and services will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 33. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Park Place Recreation Designs, Inc., for the purchase and installation of a playground with a wheel chair swing at the Bartlett Soccer Complex in the amount of $103,529.00, This purchase is through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program's Contract Pricing, Contract 512-16. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Bond - District V Priority Funds. 34. Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Park Place Recreation Designs, Inc., for the purchase and installation of playground equipment amenities for recreational improvements at Las Misiones Park, in the amount of $70,648.00. This purchase shall be made utilizing the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program; Contract 512-16. Funding is available in 2017 CO Bond - District VI Priority Funds. 35. Consideration to renew annual supply contract FY18-026 to the sole bidder Rush Truck Center, Laredo, TX, in an amount up to $150,000.00 for the purchase of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) truck parts for the City's medium and heavy duty trucks. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is the first of two extension periods. All parts will be secured on an as needed basis. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 36. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-031 for the purchase of police and passenger car tires with the following vendors: 1. Section I: GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount up to $183,631.00; and 2. Section II: Hesselbein Tire Southwest, San Antonio, Texas in an amount up to $99,753.34. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the first of two extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 37. Consideration to renew contract FY15-019 with Texas Land Reclamation, L.L.C., OBA: UTW Tire Collection Services, Laredo, Texas, in an annual amount up to $86,400.00 for the removal and disposal of used tires for the City's Solid Waste Services Department. Staff estimates that 1,800 tons of used tires will be disposed of in a two (2) year period. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years beginning as of the date of its execution. This is the second of three extension periods. There was no price increase during the last extension period. All services will be secured on an as needed basis. The City's obligation for performance of an annual supply contract beyond the current fiscal year is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payments for the contract purchases can be made. If no funds are appropriated and budgeted during the next fiscal year, this contract becomes null and void. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Services Budget. 38. Consideration to renew annual contracts FY18-030 for the purchase of truck tires with the following vendors: 1. Southern Tire Southwest, Columbia, Missouri in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00; and 2. GCR Tire Centers, Nashville, Tennessee in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. All tires will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is first of two extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. 39. Consideration to amend annual parts/service contract FY18-055 by 25% with Mechanical Shop of Laredo, Laredo, Texas in an amount not to exceed $12,500.00 due to an increase in usage. The term of this contract shall expire on 5/7/2019; new contract total amount will be $62,500.00. All repairs to the City's lawn maintenance equipment shall be purchased on an as needed basis. Funding is available in Fleet Department Funds. 40. Consideration to renew annual supply contract FY16-022 with AG-Pro Texas, LLC, Weslaco, Texas in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, for the purchase of John Deere original equipment manufacturer (OEM) repair parts for the City's lawn maintenance equipment. All parts will be purchased on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning as of the date of its execution. There was no price increase during the last extension period. This is third of five extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance Budget. 41. Consideration to authorize the use of State of Texas, Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase contracts to purchase, computer hardware, software, telecommunications and other goods and services offered through DIR Cooperative Purchase contracts. The City is a member of the State of Texas - Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS) Cooperative Purchasing Program which allows the City of Laredo to take advantage of approved State contracts. Funding for Cooperative Purchase contracts and services are available in the respective city departmental budgets. 42. Consideration to award contract FY19-032 to the following low bidders: 1. Silsbee Ford, Silbee, Texas for the purchase of two (2) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, Long Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab Short Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Crew Cab, Long Bed truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Crew Cab, Long Bed dually truck, one (1) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, Long Bed Truck, and two (2) 2019 Ford Ext. Cab, w/Dog Cages in the total amount of $271,459.66; and 2. Grapevine Dodge LLC, Grapevine, Texas for the purchase of three (3) 2019 RAM Dodge Ext. Cab, Long Bed trucks, two (2) 2019 Dodge Jeeps, one (1) 2019 RAM Promaster Cargo Van, and three (3) 2019 RAM Dodge Crew Cab, Short Bed trucks in the total amount of $205,011.00. All replacement vehicles that have reached their useful life-- refer to attachment "Replacement Unit Number's". The Animal Care Facility and Park & Recreation Center vehicles are additional vehicles. The City of Laredo reserves the right to purchase additional units within a ninety (90) day period. Funding is available in the 2018 PPFCO Capital Outlay Fund. 43. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts to be adjusted for the month of January 2019, represent an increase of $4,855.42. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. 44. Consideration on approval of Unitec Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and authorizing change order no. 1, in the credit amount of $29,425.42 and releasing the final payment in the amount of $71,703.73 which includes retainage amount of $65,203.73. to J.S. Haren Company, from Athens, Tennessee. The final contract amount is $1,310,574.58 and the contract time is three hundred and fourty (340) working days. The change order is due to a credit based on actual quantities in place. Funding is available in the 2011 Sewer Revenue Bond.
MOTIONS 1. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute an agreement to the contract dated January 14, 2019 between the Greater Laredo Development Foundation doing business as the Laredo Economic Development Corporation and the City of Laredo to provide fundraising and related services in support of planned legislative meetings and events in Austin, Texas and Washington D.C. They will be compensated at 6% of the collected amount. 2. Consideration to rescind the selection of LNV, Inc. as a consultant for the Santa Maria Avenue Bicycle Lane Project, and authorize negotiations on a professional services contract. A total of three (3) firms responded to the request for qualifications and the third (3) firm made presentations before the Evaluation Committee on Thursday, July 26, 2018. The three (3) firms were Bendicion Engineering, LLC., Slay Engineering Company, Inc., and LNV, Inc. There is no financial impact at this time.
Consideration to award contract FY18-048 to LNV Inc, Laredo, TX in the amount of $1,431,125.00 for the Master Plan of the City of Laredo International Bridge System. This master plan scope of services include but are not limited to: current and projected traffic trends, including capacity ratios and wait times, for the four (4) existing and future international bridges of the Laredo Bridge System in order to forecast and prepare the needed infrastructure to efficiently process pedestrian, non-commercial and commercial traffic traveling to and from Mexico and the United States. The master plan will also include a toll rate study to address future revenue projections, including toll rate adjustments based on traffic projections, operational expenses, debt service and required infrastructure improvements. Funding for this contract is available in the Bridge Construction Fund.
Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
Discussion with possible action regarding the 2019 Federal Legislative Agenda. The focus of the agenda items center on the Environment, Health, Public Safety, Quality of Life, Transportation, and Policy issues.
Third Party Funding status report with possible action on the following staff recommended items. 1. Open application process for new non-profit organizations applicants; 2. Digitizing of FY2019-2020 Third Party Funding application process; 3. Implementation of a two (2) year funding cycle for all organizations.
Staff report on Open Data Initiative: Financial Transparency, GIS Open Data Portal, with possible action.
Presentation regarding City of Laredo Contracts: procurement, award and renewal process by Miguel A. Pescador, Purchasing Agent, with possible action.
XIV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD XV. RECESS AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND CONVENE AS THE LAREDO PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION 51. Election of the following Officers to replace vacancies on the Laredo Public Facility Corporation (LPFC) board: 1. President (Vacant); 2. Rosario C. Cabello as Executive Director; and 3. Jose F. Castillo as Treasurer.