Recognizing Raine Perez for her hard work, dedication and exceptional athletic ability she was selected as one of only 32 youth athletes from across the nation by the National Football League in the "Next 100" contest.
RECOGNITION 1. Honoring Veteran of the Month Luis Gerardo Vela as a member of the U.S. Army and recognizing his distinguished service to our country.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Status update provided on the City Manager Search Ad Hoc Committee interview process; and any other matters incident thereto .
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any posted agenda item when authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and /or 551.086 (Economic Development). Following closed session, the open meeting will reconvene at which time action, if any, may be taken. 49. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving Case No . 2018CVF001299-D2; City of Laredo, Texas vs. Western Summit Constructors , Inc., McAllen Constructions, Inc., Western Summit Constructors, lnc./McAllen Construction, Inc., A Joint Venture, Dannenbaum Engineering Company,- McAllen, LLC, Dannenbaum Engineering Company- Laredo, LLC, Patterson Pump Company; pending in the 111th District Court, Webb County, Texas; and return to open session for possible action. 50. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 (1)(A) to consult with attorney on potential litigation involving City of Laredo and Texas Migrant Council(TMC) concerning the Lease Agreement entered into by the City and TMC on August 3, 2015; and return to open session for possible action.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of 1 at large citizen to the Board of Directors of the South Texas Development Council. 2. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Henry Sauvignet as Chairman to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 3. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Alex Villarreal, IV to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Rafael Duenas, Sr. to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 5. Appointment by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez of Juan Carlos Sanchez to the Municipa l Civil Service Commission. 6. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Jesus Martinez to the Municipal Civil Service Commission .
COMMUNICATIONS 1. Presentation and report on Driscoll's 6th Annual Back to School Health Fair and recognizing the support of the Honorable Mayor and City Council Members.
XVII. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL 56. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Status report on the street paving project; and any other matters incident thereto. B. Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma 1. Discussion with possible action to authorize Co-Interim City Managers to direct staff to purchase a Remote Video Surveillance System, floating fishing pier, and a playground shade structure at Bartlett Park; and any other matters incident thereto . District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. C. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action to reconsider the naming of City Hall in memory of the late Aldo Tatangelo, and rather naming City Council Chambers in his memory; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion and possible action to amend the Ethics Ordinance; and any other matters incident thereto. D. Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. 1. Discussionwith possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to expand the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ) in District II; and any other matters incidents thereto. (Co-Sp onsored by Council Member Vid al Rodrigue z) E. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to waive the recreation membership fee for retired City employees; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to reconsider not using the Comprehensive Plan when working on other government entitie projects; and any other matters incident thereto . 3. Discussion with possible action on Vision Zero including the Parade Route regarding the unlawful possession/rental in City right-of-way and easements; and any other matters incident thereto. F. Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Status updates with possible action on the Municipal Waterpark ; and any other matters incident thereto . 2. Discussion with possible action on incorporating cell phone charging stations at City Recreation Centers ; and any other matters incident thereto. 3. Discussion with possible action on authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers and El Metro Administration to negotiate a donation of land from Laredo College (about 2.5 acres) for the construction of a Transit Hub. The tract of land will be dedicated for public transportation and mobility purposes , specifically for the construction of a transit hub. Land will be used as local match for available Texas Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and any other grant opportunities. Application for funding will be submitted as a joint application by both El Metro (urban public transportation service) and El Aguila (rural provider). The El Metro/ Palomino Hub will allow better inter-agency connectivity, improved operational efficiencies and quality of service for Laredo College Students, Rio Bravo residents , El Cenizo residents and for all City of Laredo residents. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill)
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 813, Eastern Division, located at 420 North Meadow Ave. from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zone change and staff supports the application . ZC-15-2020 District Ill 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximate 7.76 acres in Porcion 21, Abstract 49, located East of 1-35 and West of Springfield Ave. from B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to R-1B (Single Family High Density Residential District); providing for publication and effective date. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zone change and staff supports the application. ZC-18-2020 District VI 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the City of Laredo FY 2020 Airport Operations Fund Budget to accept and appropriate the forfeiture funds in the amount of $104,664 .59 from the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Program to the Laredo International Airport law enforcement and authorizing the Co- Interim City Managers to implement said Budget Amendment. The funds will be used for law enforcement officer equipment and training. (Recess) (Press Availability)
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute and ratify lease with Mi Segunda Casa Adult Day Care, LLC. for approximately 5,500 square feet of building space located at 1605 E. Hillside at the Laredo International Airport, Block 24, Lot No.1. The initial monthly rent shall be $5,723.00 and will be adjusted annually according to changes in the consumer price index (CPI). The term shall commence on February 2, 2020 and shall terminate on February 2, 2025, plus three one-year renewal options until February 2, 2026, February 2, 2027 and February 2, 2028; providing for an effective date.
FIRST AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 2020-0-016 Authorizing the issuance of $52,000,000.00 City of Laredo, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, new series 2020 for the purpose of improving and extending the City's combined Waterworks System and Sewer System; making provisions for security thereof; authorizing amendment to the City's Budget to appropriate such proceeds for purposes authorized herein; awarding sale of the bonds to the Texas Water Development Board, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject.
FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 6. 2020-0-010 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Article XII (Transit System ), Divisions 2 and 5, Sections 19-562(C) and 19-601.12, of the Code of Ordinances to add the Multi-Ride Bus Pass Program, the reduction for elderly and disabled off-peak fare and elimination of transfers; providing this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and providing an effective date of February 04, 2020. 7. 2020-0-015 Re-adopting guidelines and criteria governing tax abatements by the City of Laredo in accordance with the requirements in Section 312.002 of the Texas Property Tax Code; providing for severability; providing for an effective date of February 19, 2020 through February 18, 2022; and providing for publication.
All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. BRIDGE: STAFF SOURCE YVETTE LIMON, BRIDGE DIRECTOR 8. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a Revocable License for Non-Federal use of Real Property (License No. GS-07B-99380) between the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the City of Laredo to allow the City of Laredo to install improvements accepted by GSA in a fully executed Donation Acceptance Agreement (DAA) between the City of Laredo, Texas and GSA which is to facilitate the initial Phase #0 of Lane #1 FAST Lanes relocation project at the World Trade Bridge Laredo Port of Entry in Laredo, Texas. Executed DAA is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "D". 9. Consideration to award contract FY19-086 to consultant firm S & B Infrastructure LTD, Laredo, TX for the amount of $758,236.32 for the City of Laredo International Bridge Master Plan. This master plan scope of services include but are not limited to: current and projected traffic trends, including capacity ratios and wait times, for the four (4) existing and future international bridges of the Laredo Bridge System in order to forecast and prepare the needed infrastructure to efficiently process pedestrian, non-commercial and commercial traffic traveling to and from Mexico and the United States. Funding for this contract is available in the Bridge Construction Fund. CITY ATTORNEY: STAFF SOURCE KRISTINA L. HALE, CITY ATTORNEY 10. 2020-R-040 A Resolution supporting the designation of an extension of Interstate 27 as a future interstate in Texas . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: STAFF SOURCE TINA MARTINEZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 11. 2020-R-041 Declaring the public use and necessity to acquire the surface only a tract of land more accurately described as 9,975 sq. ft., more or less, out of an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to the surface estate of the most westerly (10.256) acres of a larger 39.7544 acre tract of land, partitioned to Amanda G. Rash under a Deed dated May 13, 1971 in Volume 406, Pages 573-576 of the Deed Records of Webb County, Texas, and more accurately depicted in the attached Exhibit A-1 and A-2, for the purpose of developing a right turning lane off Calle del Norte in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion and improve public safety at the intersection of Calle Del Norte and Springfield Avenue; authorizing staff to negotiate with the owners for the acquisition of said parcel by purchase at its market value established by a State Certified Real Estate Appraiser; and further authorizing the City Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire said parcel if staff is unable to acquire due to inability to agree to a purchase price, conflict of ownership, owner refusal to sell , and/or inability to locate a listed owner. Funding available in 2015 CO Bond. ENGINEERING: STAFF SOURCE RAMON E. CHAVEZ, CITY ENGINEER 12. Consideration for approval of the Skate Park for John Valls Park (at North Central Park) as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $30,180.00 to SPA Skateparks, Austin, Texas, in association with New Line Skateparks, Langley, BC. Final construction amount is $350,000.00. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Bond. FINANCE: STAFF SOURCE JOSE F. CASTILLO, ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR 13. Consideration to award contract FY20-030 to Task Force Security, Laredo, Texas, in the estimated annual amount of $850,000.00 for providing city wide security guard services at various municipal buildings/locations. This vendor is being recommended for a contract award based on a best value evaluation criteria. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years, subject to future appropriations, beginning as of the date of its execution . Contract has option for three renewal extension periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 14. Consideration to award contract FY20-032 to Toshiba Governmental Copier Lease Program Contract with Toshiba Business Solutions (USA) Inc., San Antonio, Texas, in the estimated annual amount of $122,098.56 for a public finance (state and local) government lease - purchase agreement of approximately 135 new copiers to be utilized by different city departments. This contract will be awarded utilizing a best value evaluation criteria based contract that includes: unlimited black & white copies, technical support, equipment, consumable supplies (except paper) and overall equipment maintenance. This lease purchase agreement is through Texas DIR contract and shall be for a 48 month period with an estimated lease contract total of $488,394.24. This contract is a 48 months (four (4) year) contract and subject to future appropriations, beginning as of the date of its execution. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 15. Consideration to renew contract FY18-025 Safety Footwear for City of Laredo Employees, to the following vendors: • Mike's Western Wear - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $83,000.00 • Gateway Uniforms - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $56,000.00 The term of this contract shall be for two (2) years, subject to future appropriations ; this contract may be extended two additional one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties . This is the first of two extension periods . Funding for this contract is available in the respective City departments' operational budget. FLEET MANAGEMENT: STAFF SOURCE RONALD MILLER, FLEET DIRECTOR 16. Consideration to renew the six-month (6) supply contract FY18-001 to the low bidder Arguindegui Oil Company , Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $80,000.00 for the purchase of lubricants for the Fleet Department. All lubricants will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of six (6) months beginning as of the date of its execution. At the time contract renewal notices were received, there was an average price increase of 4% due to increase in the crude oil market during this extension period; price changes will be governed by an index made up of the composite posted prices in the Laredo area of those companies published in the daily publication of Oil Price Information Service (OPIS). This is the fourth of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. LIBRARY: STAFF SOURCE MARIA G. SOLIZ, LIBRARY DIRECTOR 17. 2020-R-039 Authorizing the Co-InterimCity Managers to enter into an Addendum to the Original Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Laredo and the Housing Authority for the City of Laredo ("LHA") to include all future BiblioTech sites as approved by the City and LHA; giving the City the right to exercise the option to request LHA to develop and provide architectural designs of BiblioTech sites to be located at City facilities at the City's expense, as approved by the City; agreeing that the City will be responsible for its own operational expenses incurred for BiblioTech sites located at City facilities, as approved by the City; and updating notices and contact information for the parties. MUNICIPAL COURT: STAFF SOURCE ANA CABALLERO-RODRIGUEZ, MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK 18. Consideration authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to enter into and execute a Professional Collection Services contract between the City of Laredo and Linebarger , Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP for the collection of fines and fees owed to Laredo Municipal Court. Contract is for a one year term , with up to three additional, one year extension periods. Contract effective the date of execution. POLICE: STAFF SOURCE CLAUDIO TREVINO, CHIEF OF POLICE 19. 2020-R-012 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $75,000.00 to the Office of The Governor, Public Safety Office Criminal Justice Division (CJD) , to fund the 2021 Project Safe Neighborhoods Program, LPD Project Safe Streets for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will provide overtime for the Juvenile and Gang Enforcement (JAGET) Unit which will utilize target enforcement techniques against criminal and transnational organizations responsible for violent criminal activity. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 20. 2020-R-013 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $70,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the General Victim Assistance Program Grant under the 2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This grant will fund the Crime Victims Service Coordinator position, travel/training and supplies affiliated with the grant program. The City of Laredo will be responsible for a required match of 20% of total project funds. Funding will be available in Special Police Fund. 21. 2020-R-014 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $160,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG) , Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program grant for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 . This grant will fund one Investigator position and travel/training for the Special Investigations Unit. The City of Laredo will be responsible for a required match of 30% of total project funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 22. 2020-R-015 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $80,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) , for funding the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Criminal Justice Program grant for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will provide overtime for the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) Safe Project Initiative. CID will utilize target enforcement techniques against criminal organizations responsible for violent criminal activity. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 23. 2020-R-016 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to apply for a grant in the amount of $1,375,000.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) Program. The City of Laredo will utilize this funding to hire eleven (11) new police officers for a period of three (3) years . The 2020 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grant provides a maximum federal share of $125,000.00 per officer position of the approved entry level salaries and fringe benefits of each newly hired and/or rehired full time sworn career law enforcement officer over the three (3) year (36 months) grant period. Funding is available under the Special Police Fund - COPS Hiring Program. 24. 2020-R-017 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $50,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the FY2021 First Responder Mental Health Program. The City of Laredo will utilize this funding to obtain a professional service contract for Clinical Advisory for Trauma and Work Related Counseling for a twelve (12) month period. The City of Laredo is responsible for a required 20% match of total project funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 25. 2020-R-018 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $30,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the purpose of funding the Rifle Resistant Body Armor Grant Program FY2021. The funds will be used to equip officers at risk of shootings with bullet-resistant personal body armor compliant with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard for rifle protection. The Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant Program project period will begin October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This program does not require local match. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 26. 2020-R-031 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $100,540.98 to the Office of the G ove rnor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)-Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) Grant. This funding will be utilized for the necessary upgrade of the LPD Bomb Unit Remotec F6A Robot and for the purchase of a portable x-ray machine which will allow bomb technicians the ability to obtain real-time imaging in a variety of applications. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 27. 2020-R - 032 Authorizing Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $80,200.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)-Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) Grant. This funding will be utilized to purchase two (2) complete Med Eng EOD 10 bomb suits for the Laredo Police Department (LPD) Bomb Squad Unit. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 28. 2020-R-033 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $1,427,433.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the 2019 Operation Stonegarden Grant (OPSG). This funding will be used for the purchase of two patrol units and for overtime and fringe benefit expenses used for Stonegarden Operations. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 29. 2020-R-034 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $500,000.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the 2021 Local Border Security Program (LBSP). This grant does not require matching funds. Funding will be used to pay for overtime to increase patrol security along the Texas-Mexican border. Grant is accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 30. 2020-R-037 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $32,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG ), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Department (CJD) for funding the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) LPD Traffic Information Technology Project for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will be utilized to equip eight (8) members of the LPD Traffic Unit with Panasonic Toughpads to improve efficiency and effectiveness during critical situations. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 31. Consideration to award a software maintenance contract to the sole source provider, Superion, LLC, a Central Square Company, in the amount of $353,951.69. This maintenance contract provides customer support and service for the OSSI computer software system utilized by the Police and Fire Department. The term of the contract is for twelve (12) months ending of December 31, 2020. Funding is available in the Police and Fire Departments annual budgets. 32. Authorizing the Co -Interim City Managers to execute all pertinent documentation for the donation of one (1) 2010 Ford Crown Victoria to the Laredo Independent School District (LISD). The vehicle because of use and time and incompatibility has no value for the purpose for which it was originally intended and has fully depreciated. This vehicle will be used for educational purposes by the donee to the extent usable. The City of Laredo Police Department donates the vehicle as is and does not assume any liability associated with its use after it has been transferred. This vehicle was purchased with the 2009 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation (PPFCO) Bond. TAX: STAFF SOURCE DORA MALDONADO, TAX ASSESSOR COLLECTOR 33. Approving a refund for property taxes in the amount of $666.90 payable to Graciela Zebadua-Ruiz due to an erroneous payment. 34. Authorization to waive penalties and interest in the amount of $99.76 on tax account #661-01888-080 in accordance with Section 33.011(a) of the Property Tax Code. An act or omission of the Webb County Appraisal District resulted in the taxpayer's failure to pay the tax before delinquency. Property owner Esmeralda Zuniga is requesting for the waiver. 35. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts adjusted for the month of January 2020 represent a decrease of $132 ,549.48. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. UTILITIES: STAFF SOURCE RIAZUL MIA, UTILITIES DIRECTOR 36. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to award to the lowest bidder JS Haren Company in the amount $1,867,000.00 for the El Pico WTP Reliability Improvements Project. The project engineer Carollo Engineers submitted a letter of recommendation recommending the lowest bidder after the bid proposal was reviewed for completeness and correctness. Two bids for construction were submitted on January 10, 2020 to the City Secretary's Office which are as fo llows : JS Haren Company and Leyendecker Construction of Texas. Funding is available in the Utilities Department 2016 Water Revenue Bond. 37. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to approve Amendment No. 10 to COM Smith, in the amount of $310,500.00 for the professional services for conceptual design to incorporate the production of Type I reclaimed water in South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant (SLWWTP) expansion project and bidding and construction services for the purchase and installation of two new belt filter presses . The revised contract amount is $8,332,610.00. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Bond. 38. Consideration to award contract FY20-026 to ABBA Construction, Laredo, Texas in the amount of $107,174.00 for the purchase and installation of contact basins mud valves at the South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Utilities Department. The estimated time for completion of this project is sixty working days. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Budget Fund . 39. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute Amendment #1 to Garver USA for professional services in the amount of $367,807.00. This scope of work will provide regulatory coordination with TCEQ, design, bid plans, specifications, and construction phase services for increasing dosage and adding post chloramine disinfection to the Sierra Vista and Milmo Booster Pump Stations. Post-disinfection improvements were recommended by TCEQ and further highlighted in the Bickerstaff Report presented by Joshua Katz. Funding is available in the 2016 Water Revenue Bond. Total Professional Services Contract amount is $473 , 250.00. 40. Consideration for approval of the selection of engineering consultant MRC Consultant Inc., based on Request For Qualifications (RFQ) received and authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to negotiate a contract for Risk and Resilience Assessment (AWIA) and Emergency Response Plan (WRP) to comply with Section 2013 of Senate Bill 3021, America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (S.3021). The plan needs to be certified by September 30, 2020 to be in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). END OF CONSENT AGENDA
Consideration to renew contract FY18-025 Safety Footwear for City of Laredo Employees, to the following vendors: • Mike's Western Wear - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $83,000.00 • Gateway Uniforms - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $56,000.00 The term of this contract shall be for two (2) years, subject to future appropriations ; this contract may be extended two additional one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties . This is the first of two extension periods . Funding for this contract is available in the respective City departments' operational budget.
STAFF REPORTS Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto .
Discussion with possible action on the status of the current Annexation Cycle Schedule .
Discussion with possible action to consider the adoption of the 2020 Federal Legislative Agenda for the 116th U.S. Congress ional Legislative Session .
RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CO NVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 51. 20 2 0 -R T - 02 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application , under the Section 5307 Urbanized Area grant program authorized under the new Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act , in the amount of $3,528 , 686.00 to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) operating grant for Fiscal Year 2020. Funding will be used for Operating Assistance and Preventative Maintenance to the El Metro's Bus Operations The required local match for this grant will be funded with the Transit's Local Sales Tax. 52. 2020-RT-03 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to accept and execute the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) , Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, Grant Application No. TX-2020-027-00 in the amount of $403,074.00. Funding will be used for the purchase of 2 replacement vans and equipment hardware for the Laredo Transit El Lift Department, and 1 Replacement Van and Operating Assistance to Ruth B. Cowl Center and Contractual Transportation Services for the South Texas Development Council. The required local match of $38,505.00 for the Laredo Transit El Lift is funded with the Trans it Sales Tax, and $9,221.00 from Ruth B. Cowl and $14,542.00 from South Texas DevelopmentCouncil as their contributing match. 53. . Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of One (1) Low-Floor Light Duty Bus for the El Metro Department Neighborhood Circulator route in the amount of $122,440.96 utilizing the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Purchase State Contract# 99999- 001-SPD0000138 with Alliance Bus Group, Incorporated from Lewisville, Texas. Funding is available in 2016 CO Bond and 2017 CO Bond District Priority Funds. 54. . Consideration to authorize the Co-InterimCity Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) low-floor Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) bus in the amount of $511,038 .00 from Gillig L.L.C. ("Gillig") Livermore, California utilizing the Virginia State contract with Gillig from Livermore, California . Funding is available through the 2019 PPFCO Bond Funds . 55. Consideration to authorize the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) BAE Diesel-Electric Hybrid bus in the amount of $668,410.00 from Gillig L.L.C. ("Gillig") Livermore, California utilizing the Virginia State Contract. with Gillig from Livermore, California. Funding is available through the 2019 PPFCO Bond Funds.
Discussion with possible action on the Detox Facility/Wet Outdoor Homeless Campus; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVII. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL 56. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Status report on the street paving project; and any other matters incident thereto. B. Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma 1. Discussion with possible action to authorize Co-Interim City Managers to direct staff to purchase a Remote Video Surveillance System, floating fishing pier, and a playground shade structure at Bartlett Park; and any other matters incident thereto . District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. C. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action to reconsider the naming of City Hall in memory of the late Aldo Tatangelo, and rather naming City Council Chambers in his memory; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion and possible action to amend the Ethics Ordinance; and any other matters incident thereto. D. Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. 1. Discussionwith possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to expand the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ) in District II; and any other matters incidents thereto. (Co-Sp onsored by Council Member Vid al Rodrigue z) E. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to waive the recreation membership fee for retired City employees; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to reconsider not using the Comprehensive Plan when working on other government entitie projects; and any other matters incident thereto . 3. Discussion with possible action on Vision Zero including the Parade Route regarding the unlawful possession/rental in City right-of-way and easements; and any other matters incident thereto. F. Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Status updates with possible action on the Municipal Waterpark ; and any other matters incident thereto . 2. Discussion with possible action on incorporating cell phone charging stations at City Recreation Centers ; and any other matters incident thereto. 3. Discussion with possible action on authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers and El Metro Administration to negotiate a donation of land from Laredo College (about 2.5 acres) for the construction of a Transit Hub. The tract of land will be dedicated for public transportation and mobility purposes , specifically for the construction of a transit hub. Land will be used as local match for available Texas Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and any other grant opportunities. Application for funding will be submitted as a joint application by both El Metro (urban public transportation service) and El Aguila (rural provider). The El Metro/ Palomino Hub will allow better inter-agency connectivity, improved operational efficiencies and quality of service for Laredo College Students, Rio Bravo residents , El Cenizo residents and for all City of Laredo residents. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill)
47. Discussion with possible action for Council to consider the removal of District II appointee Martha Victoria Valdez from the Municipal Civil Service Commission due to excessive absences. XVIII. ADJOURN
Recognizing Raine Perez for her hard work, dedication and exceptional athletic ability she was selected as one of only 32 youth athletes from across the nation by the National Football League in the "Next 100" contest.
RECOGNITION 1. Honoring Veteran of the Month Luis Gerardo Vela as a member of the U.S. Army and recognizing his distinguished service to our country.
Citizens are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the City Secretary no later than 5:45 p.m. and identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
Status update provided on the City Manager Search Ad Hoc Committee interview process; and any other matters incident thereto .
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any posted agenda item when authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and /or 551.086 (Economic Development). Following closed session, the open meeting will reconvene at which time action, if any, may be taken. 49. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 551.071(1)(A) to consult with attorney on pending litigation involving Case No . 2018CVF001299-D2; City of Laredo, Texas vs. Western Summit Constructors , Inc., McAllen Constructions, Inc., Western Summit Constructors, lnc./McAllen Construction, Inc., A Joint Venture, Dannenbaum Engineering Company,- McAllen, LLC, Dannenbaum Engineering Company- Laredo, LLC, Patterson Pump Company; pending in the 111th District Court, Webb County, Texas; and return to open session for possible action. 50. Request for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 (1)(A) to consult with attorney on potential litigation involving City of Laredo and Texas Migrant Council(TMC) concerning the Lease Agreement entered into by the City and TMC on August 3, 2015; and return to open session for possible action.
APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of 1 at large citizen to the Board of Directors of the South Texas Development Council. 2. Re-appointment by Mayor Pete Saenz of Henry Sauvignet as Chairman to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One. 3. Appointment by Council Member Roberto Balli of Alex Villarreal, IV to the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee. 4. Appointment by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez of Rafael Duenas, Sr. to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 5. Appointment by Council Member Dr. Marte A. Martinez of Juan Carlos Sanchez to the Municipa l Civil Service Commission. 6. Appointment by Council Member Nelly Vielma of Jesus Martinez to the Municipal Civil Service Commission .
COMMUNICATIONS 1. Presentation and report on Driscoll's 6th Annual Back to School Health Fair and recognizing the support of the Honorable Mayor and City Council Members.
XVII. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL 56. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Status report on the street paving project; and any other matters incident thereto. B. Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma 1. Discussion with possible action to authorize Co-Interim City Managers to direct staff to purchase a Remote Video Surveillance System, floating fishing pier, and a playground shade structure at Bartlett Park; and any other matters incident thereto . District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. C. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action to reconsider the naming of City Hall in memory of the late Aldo Tatangelo, and rather naming City Council Chambers in his memory; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion and possible action to amend the Ethics Ordinance; and any other matters incident thereto. D. Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. 1. Discussionwith possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to expand the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ) in District II; and any other matters incidents thereto. (Co-Sp onsored by Council Member Vid al Rodrigue z) E. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to waive the recreation membership fee for retired City employees; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to reconsider not using the Comprehensive Plan when working on other government entitie projects; and any other matters incident thereto . 3. Discussion with possible action on Vision Zero including the Parade Route regarding the unlawful possession/rental in City right-of-way and easements; and any other matters incident thereto. F. Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Status updates with possible action on the Municipal Waterpark ; and any other matters incident thereto . 2. Discussion with possible action on incorporating cell phone charging stations at City Recreation Centers ; and any other matters incident thereto. 3. Discussion with possible action on authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers and El Metro Administration to negotiate a donation of land from Laredo College (about 2.5 acres) for the construction of a Transit Hub. The tract of land will be dedicated for public transportation and mobility purposes , specifically for the construction of a transit hub. Land will be used as local match for available Texas Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and any other grant opportunities. Application for funding will be submitted as a joint application by both El Metro (urban public transportation service) and El Aguila (rural provider). The El Metro/ Palomino Hub will allow better inter-agency connectivity, improved operational efficiencies and quality of service for Laredo College Students, Rio Bravo residents , El Cenizo residents and for all City of Laredo residents. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill)
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 1, Block 813, Eastern Division, located at 420 North Meadow Ave. from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zone change and staff supports the application . ZC-15-2020 District Ill 2. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning approximate 7.76 acres in Porcion 21, Abstract 49, located East of 1-35 and West of Springfield Ave. from B-4 (Highway Commercial District) to R-1B (Single Family High Density Residential District); providing for publication and effective date. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zone change and staff supports the application. ZC-18-2020 District VI 3. Public Hearing and Introductory Ordinance amending the City of Laredo FY 2020 Airport Operations Fund Budget to accept and appropriate the forfeiture funds in the amount of $104,664 .59 from the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Program to the Laredo International Airport law enforcement and authorizing the Co- Interim City Managers to implement said Budget Amendment. The funds will be used for law enforcement officer equipment and training. (Recess) (Press Availability)
INTRODUCTORY ORDINANCES Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute and ratify lease with Mi Segunda Casa Adult Day Care, LLC. for approximately 5,500 square feet of building space located at 1605 E. Hillside at the Laredo International Airport, Block 24, Lot No.1. The initial monthly rent shall be $5,723.00 and will be adjusted annually according to changes in the consumer price index (CPI). The term shall commence on February 2, 2020 and shall terminate on February 2, 2025, plus three one-year renewal options until February 2, 2026, February 2, 2027 and February 2, 2028; providing for an effective date.
FIRST AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 2020-0-016 Authorizing the issuance of $52,000,000.00 City of Laredo, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, new series 2020 for the purpose of improving and extending the City's combined Waterworks System and Sewer System; making provisions for security thereof; authorizing amendment to the City's Budget to appropriate such proceeds for purposes authorized herein; awarding sale of the bonds to the Texas Water Development Board, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject.
FINAL READING OF ORDINANCES 6. 2020-0-010 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, amending Chapter 19 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), Article XII (Transit System ), Divisions 2 and 5, Sections 19-562(C) and 19-601.12, of the Code of Ordinances to add the Multi-Ride Bus Pass Program, the reduction for elderly and disabled off-peak fare and elimination of transfers; providing this ordinance shall be cumulative; providing for severability; and providing an effective date of February 04, 2020. 7. 2020-0-015 Re-adopting guidelines and criteria governing tax abatements by the City of Laredo in accordance with the requirements in Section 312.002 of the Texas Property Tax Code; providing for severability; providing for an effective date of February 19, 2020 through February 18, 2022; and providing for publication.
All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member. BRIDGE: STAFF SOURCE YVETTE LIMON, BRIDGE DIRECTOR 8. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a Revocable License for Non-Federal use of Real Property (License No. GS-07B-99380) between the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the City of Laredo to allow the City of Laredo to install improvements accepted by GSA in a fully executed Donation Acceptance Agreement (DAA) between the City of Laredo, Texas and GSA which is to facilitate the initial Phase #0 of Lane #1 FAST Lanes relocation project at the World Trade Bridge Laredo Port of Entry in Laredo, Texas. Executed DAA is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "D". 9. Consideration to award contract FY19-086 to consultant firm S & B Infrastructure LTD, Laredo, TX for the amount of $758,236.32 for the City of Laredo International Bridge Master Plan. This master plan scope of services include but are not limited to: current and projected traffic trends, including capacity ratios and wait times, for the four (4) existing and future international bridges of the Laredo Bridge System in order to forecast and prepare the needed infrastructure to efficiently process pedestrian, non-commercial and commercial traffic traveling to and from Mexico and the United States. Funding for this contract is available in the Bridge Construction Fund. CITY ATTORNEY: STAFF SOURCE KRISTINA L. HALE, CITY ATTORNEY 10. 2020-R-040 A Resolution supporting the designation of an extension of Interstate 27 as a future interstate in Texas . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: STAFF SOURCE TINA MARTINEZ, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 11. 2020-R-041 Declaring the public use and necessity to acquire the surface only a tract of land more accurately described as 9,975 sq. ft., more or less, out of an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to the surface estate of the most westerly (10.256) acres of a larger 39.7544 acre tract of land, partitioned to Amanda G. Rash under a Deed dated May 13, 1971 in Volume 406, Pages 573-576 of the Deed Records of Webb County, Texas, and more accurately depicted in the attached Exhibit A-1 and A-2, for the purpose of developing a right turning lane off Calle del Norte in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion and improve public safety at the intersection of Calle Del Norte and Springfield Avenue; authorizing staff to negotiate with the owners for the acquisition of said parcel by purchase at its market value established by a State Certified Real Estate Appraiser; and further authorizing the City Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire said parcel if staff is unable to acquire due to inability to agree to a purchase price, conflict of ownership, owner refusal to sell , and/or inability to locate a listed owner. Funding available in 2015 CO Bond. ENGINEERING: STAFF SOURCE RAMON E. CHAVEZ, CITY ENGINEER 12. Consideration for approval of the Skate Park for John Valls Park (at North Central Park) as complete, release of retainage and approval of final payment in the amount of $30,180.00 to SPA Skateparks, Austin, Texas, in association with New Line Skateparks, Langley, BC. Final construction amount is $350,000.00. Funding is available in the 2017 CO Bond. FINANCE: STAFF SOURCE JOSE F. CASTILLO, ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR 13. Consideration to award contract FY20-030 to Task Force Security, Laredo, Texas, in the estimated annual amount of $850,000.00 for providing city wide security guard services at various municipal buildings/locations. This vendor is being recommended for a contract award based on a best value evaluation criteria. The term of this contract shall be for a period of two (2) years, subject to future appropriations, beginning as of the date of its execution . Contract has option for three renewal extension periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 14. Consideration to award contract FY20-032 to Toshiba Governmental Copier Lease Program Contract with Toshiba Business Solutions (USA) Inc., San Antonio, Texas, in the estimated annual amount of $122,098.56 for a public finance (state and local) government lease - purchase agreement of approximately 135 new copiers to be utilized by different city departments. This contract will be awarded utilizing a best value evaluation criteria based contract that includes: unlimited black & white copies, technical support, equipment, consumable supplies (except paper) and overall equipment maintenance. This lease purchase agreement is through Texas DIR contract and shall be for a 48 month period with an estimated lease contract total of $488,394.24. This contract is a 48 months (four (4) year) contract and subject to future appropriations, beginning as of the date of its execution. Funding is available in the respective departmental budgets. 15. Consideration to renew contract FY18-025 Safety Footwear for City of Laredo Employees, to the following vendors: • Mike's Western Wear - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $83,000.00 • Gateway Uniforms - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $56,000.00 The term of this contract shall be for two (2) years, subject to future appropriations ; this contract may be extended two additional one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties . This is the first of two extension periods . Funding for this contract is available in the respective City departments' operational budget. FLEET MANAGEMENT: STAFF SOURCE RONALD MILLER, FLEET DIRECTOR 16. Consideration to renew the six-month (6) supply contract FY18-001 to the low bidder Arguindegui Oil Company , Laredo, Texas in an amount up to $80,000.00 for the purchase of lubricants for the Fleet Department. All lubricants will be secured on an as needed basis. The term of this contract shall be for a period of six (6) months beginning as of the date of its execution. At the time contract renewal notices were received, there was an average price increase of 4% due to increase in the crude oil market during this extension period; price changes will be governed by an index made up of the composite posted prices in the Laredo area of those companies published in the daily publication of Oil Price Information Service (OPIS). This is the fourth of six extension periods. Funding is available in the Fleet Maintenance budget. LIBRARY: STAFF SOURCE MARIA G. SOLIZ, LIBRARY DIRECTOR 17. 2020-R-039 Authorizing the Co-InterimCity Managers to enter into an Addendum to the Original Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Laredo and the Housing Authority for the City of Laredo ("LHA") to include all future BiblioTech sites as approved by the City and LHA; giving the City the right to exercise the option to request LHA to develop and provide architectural designs of BiblioTech sites to be located at City facilities at the City's expense, as approved by the City; agreeing that the City will be responsible for its own operational expenses incurred for BiblioTech sites located at City facilities, as approved by the City; and updating notices and contact information for the parties. MUNICIPAL COURT: STAFF SOURCE ANA CABALLERO-RODRIGUEZ, MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK 18. Consideration authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to enter into and execute a Professional Collection Services contract between the City of Laredo and Linebarger , Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP for the collection of fines and fees owed to Laredo Municipal Court. Contract is for a one year term , with up to three additional, one year extension periods. Contract effective the date of execution. POLICE: STAFF SOURCE CLAUDIO TREVINO, CHIEF OF POLICE 19. 2020-R-012 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $75,000.00 to the Office of The Governor, Public Safety Office Criminal Justice Division (CJD) , to fund the 2021 Project Safe Neighborhoods Program, LPD Project Safe Streets for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will provide overtime for the Juvenile and Gang Enforcement (JAGET) Unit which will utilize target enforcement techniques against criminal and transnational organizations responsible for violent criminal activity. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 20. 2020-R-013 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $70,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the General Victim Assistance Program Grant under the 2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This grant will fund the Crime Victims Service Coordinator position, travel/training and supplies affiliated with the grant program. The City of Laredo will be responsible for a required match of 20% of total project funds. Funding will be available in Special Police Fund. 21. 2020-R-014 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $160,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG) , Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program grant for the period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 . This grant will fund one Investigator position and travel/training for the Special Investigations Unit. The City of Laredo will be responsible for a required match of 30% of total project funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 22. 2020-R-015 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $80,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) , for funding the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Criminal Justice Program grant for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will provide overtime for the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) Safe Project Initiative. CID will utilize target enforcement techniques against criminal organizations responsible for violent criminal activity. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 23. 2020-R-016 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to apply for a grant in the amount of $1,375,000.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) Program. The City of Laredo will utilize this funding to hire eleven (11) new police officers for a period of three (3) years . The 2020 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grant provides a maximum federal share of $125,000.00 per officer position of the approved entry level salaries and fringe benefits of each newly hired and/or rehired full time sworn career law enforcement officer over the three (3) year (36 months) grant period. Funding is available under the Special Police Fund - COPS Hiring Program. 24. 2020-R-017 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $50,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the FY2021 First Responder Mental Health Program. The City of Laredo will utilize this funding to obtain a professional service contract for Clinical Advisory for Trauma and Work Related Counseling for a twelve (12) month period. The City of Laredo is responsible for a required 20% match of total project funds. Funding will be available in the Special Police Fund. 25. 2020-R-018 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $30,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division (CJD) for the purpose of funding the Rifle Resistant Body Armor Grant Program FY2021. The funds will be used to equip officers at risk of shootings with bullet-resistant personal body armor compliant with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standard for rifle protection. The Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant Program project period will begin October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This program does not require local match. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 26. 2020-R-031 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $100,540.98 to the Office of the G ove rnor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)-Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) Grant. This funding will be utilized for the necessary upgrade of the LPD Bomb Unit Remotec F6A Robot and for the purchase of a portable x-ray machine which will allow bomb technicians the ability to obtain real-time imaging in a variety of applications. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 27. 2020-R - 032 Authorizing Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $80,200.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)-Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) Grant. This funding will be utilized to purchase two (2) complete Med Eng EOD 10 bomb suits for the Laredo Police Department (LPD) Bomb Squad Unit. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 28. 2020-R-033 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $1,427,433.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the 2019 Operation Stonegarden Grant (OPSG). This funding will be used for the purchase of two patrol units and for overtime and fringe benefit expenses used for Stonegarden Operations. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 29. 2020-R-034 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the amount of $500,000.00 to the Office of the Governor's Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for the purpose of funding the 2021 Local Border Security Program (LBSP). This grant does not require matching funds. Funding will be used to pay for overtime to increase patrol security along the Texas-Mexican border. Grant is accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 30. 2020-R-037 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application in the estimated amount of $32,000.00 to the Office of the Governor (OOG ), Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Department (CJD) for funding the 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) LPD Traffic Information Technology Project for the period of October 01, 2020 through September 30, 2021. This funding will be utilized to equip eight (8) members of the LPD Traffic Unit with Panasonic Toughpads to improve efficiency and effectiveness during critical situations. No local match is required. Grant will be accounted for in the Special Police Fund. 31. Consideration to award a software maintenance contract to the sole source provider, Superion, LLC, a Central Square Company, in the amount of $353,951.69. This maintenance contract provides customer support and service for the OSSI computer software system utilized by the Police and Fire Department. The term of the contract is for twelve (12) months ending of December 31, 2020. Funding is available in the Police and Fire Departments annual budgets. 32. Authorizing the Co -Interim City Managers to execute all pertinent documentation for the donation of one (1) 2010 Ford Crown Victoria to the Laredo Independent School District (LISD). The vehicle because of use and time and incompatibility has no value for the purpose for which it was originally intended and has fully depreciated. This vehicle will be used for educational purposes by the donee to the extent usable. The City of Laredo Police Department donates the vehicle as is and does not assume any liability associated with its use after it has been transferred. This vehicle was purchased with the 2009 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation (PPFCO) Bond. TAX: STAFF SOURCE DORA MALDONADO, TAX ASSESSOR COLLECTOR 33. Approving a refund for property taxes in the amount of $666.90 payable to Graciela Zebadua-Ruiz due to an erroneous payment. 34. Authorization to waive penalties and interest in the amount of $99.76 on tax account #661-01888-080 in accordance with Section 33.011(a) of the Property Tax Code. An act or omission of the Webb County Appraisal District resulted in the taxpayer's failure to pay the tax before delinquency. Property owner Esmeralda Zuniga is requesting for the waiver. 35. Approving monthly adjustments to the tax roll. The amounts adjusted for the month of January 2020 represent a decrease of $132 ,549.48. These adjustments are determined by the Webb County Appraisal District and by court orders. UTILITIES: STAFF SOURCE RIAZUL MIA, UTILITIES DIRECTOR 36. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to award to the lowest bidder JS Haren Company in the amount $1,867,000.00 for the El Pico WTP Reliability Improvements Project. The project engineer Carollo Engineers submitted a letter of recommendation recommending the lowest bidder after the bid proposal was reviewed for completeness and correctness. Two bids for construction were submitted on January 10, 2020 to the City Secretary's Office which are as fo llows : JS Haren Company and Leyendecker Construction of Texas. Funding is available in the Utilities Department 2016 Water Revenue Bond. 37. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to approve Amendment No. 10 to COM Smith, in the amount of $310,500.00 for the professional services for conceptual design to incorporate the production of Type I reclaimed water in South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant (SLWWTP) expansion project and bidding and construction services for the purchase and installation of two new belt filter presses . The revised contract amount is $8,332,610.00. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Bond. 38. Consideration to award contract FY20-026 to ABBA Construction, Laredo, Texas in the amount of $107,174.00 for the purchase and installation of contact basins mud valves at the South Laredo Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Utilities Department. The estimated time for completion of this project is sixty working days. Funding is available in the 2017 Sewer Revenue Budget Fund . 39. Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute Amendment #1 to Garver USA for professional services in the amount of $367,807.00. This scope of work will provide regulatory coordination with TCEQ, design, bid plans, specifications, and construction phase services for increasing dosage and adding post chloramine disinfection to the Sierra Vista and Milmo Booster Pump Stations. Post-disinfection improvements were recommended by TCEQ and further highlighted in the Bickerstaff Report presented by Joshua Katz. Funding is available in the 2016 Water Revenue Bond. Total Professional Services Contract amount is $473 , 250.00. 40. Consideration for approval of the selection of engineering consultant MRC Consultant Inc., based on Request For Qualifications (RFQ) received and authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to negotiate a contract for Risk and Resilience Assessment (AWIA) and Emergency Response Plan (WRP) to comply with Section 2013 of Senate Bill 3021, America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (S.3021). The plan needs to be certified by September 30, 2020 to be in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). END OF CONSENT AGENDA
Consideration to renew contract FY18-025 Safety Footwear for City of Laredo Employees, to the following vendors: • Mike's Western Wear - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $83,000.00 • Gateway Uniforms - Laredo, TX in the estimated annual amount of $56,000.00 The term of this contract shall be for two (2) years, subject to future appropriations ; this contract may be extended two additional one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties . This is the first of two extension periods . Funding for this contract is available in the respective City departments' operational budget.
STAFF REPORTS Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto .
Discussion with possible action on the status of the current Annexation Cycle Schedule .
Discussion with possible action to consider the adoption of the 2020 Federal Legislative Agenda for the 116th U.S. Congress ional Legislative Session .
RECESS AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL AND CO NVENE AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD 51. 20 2 0 -R T - 02 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to submit a grant application , under the Section 5307 Urbanized Area grant program authorized under the new Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act , in the amount of $3,528 , 686.00 to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) operating grant for Fiscal Year 2020. Funding will be used for Operating Assistance and Preventative Maintenance to the El Metro's Bus Operations The required local match for this grant will be funded with the Transit's Local Sales Tax. 52. 2020-RT-03 Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to accept and execute the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) , Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, Grant Application No. TX-2020-027-00 in the amount of $403,074.00. Funding will be used for the purchase of 2 replacement vans and equipment hardware for the Laredo Transit El Lift Department, and 1 Replacement Van and Operating Assistance to Ruth B. Cowl Center and Contractual Transportation Services for the South Texas Development Council. The required local match of $38,505.00 for the Laredo Transit El Lift is funded with the Trans it Sales Tax, and $9,221.00 from Ruth B. Cowl and $14,542.00 from South Texas DevelopmentCouncil as their contributing match. 53. . Authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of One (1) Low-Floor Light Duty Bus for the El Metro Department Neighborhood Circulator route in the amount of $122,440.96 utilizing the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Purchase State Contract# 99999- 001-SPD0000138 with Alliance Bus Group, Incorporated from Lewisville, Texas. Funding is available in 2016 CO Bond and 2017 CO Bond District Priority Funds. 54. . Consideration to authorize the Co-InterimCity Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) low-floor Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) bus in the amount of $511,038 .00 from Gillig L.L.C. ("Gillig") Livermore, California utilizing the Virginia State contract with Gillig from Livermore, California . Funding is available through the 2019 PPFCO Bond Funds . 55. Consideration to authorize the Co-Interim City Managers to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) BAE Diesel-Electric Hybrid bus in the amount of $668,410.00 from Gillig L.L.C. ("Gillig") Livermore, California utilizing the Virginia State Contract. with Gillig from Livermore, California. Funding is available through the 2019 PPFCO Bond Funds.
Discussion with possible action on the Detox Facility/Wet Outdoor Homeless Campus; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVII. ADJOURN AS THE LAREDO MASS TRANSIT BOARD AND RECONVENE AS THE LAREDO CITY COUNCIL 56. GENERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Request by Mayor Pete Saenz 1. Status report on the street paving project; and any other matters incident thereto. B. Request by Council Member Nelly Vielma 1. Discussion with possible action to authorize Co-Interim City Managers to direct staff to purchase a Remote Video Surveillance System, floating fishing pier, and a playground shade structure at Bartlett Park; and any other matters incident thereto . District V Priority Funds will be used for this project. C. Request by Council Member George Altgelt 1. Discussion with possible action to reconsider the naming of City Hall in memory of the late Aldo Tatangelo, and rather naming City Council Chambers in his memory; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion and possible action to amend the Ethics Ordinance; and any other matters incident thereto. D. Request by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. 1. Discussionwith possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to expand the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ) in District II; and any other matters incidents thereto. (Co-Sp onsored by Council Member Vid al Rodrigue z) E. Request by Council Member Vidal Rodriguez 1. Discussion with possible action to instruct Co-Interim City Managers to waive the recreation membership fee for retired City employees; and any other matters incident thereto. 2. Discussion with possible action to reconsider not using the Comprehensive Plan when working on other government entitie projects; and any other matters incident thereto . 3. Discussion with possible action on Vision Zero including the Parade Route regarding the unlawful possession/rental in City right-of-way and easements; and any other matters incident thereto. F. Request by Mayor Pro-Tempore Alberto Torres, Jr. 1. Status updates with possible action on the Municipal Waterpark ; and any other matters incident thereto . 2. Discussion with possible action on incorporating cell phone charging stations at City Recreation Centers ; and any other matters incident thereto. 3. Discussion with possible action on authorizing the Co-Interim City Managers and El Metro Administration to negotiate a donation of land from Laredo College (about 2.5 acres) for the construction of a Transit Hub. The tract of land will be dedicated for public transportation and mobility purposes , specifically for the construction of a transit hub. Land will be used as local match for available Texas Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and any other grant opportunities. Application for funding will be submitted as a joint application by both El Metro (urban public transportation service) and El Aguila (rural provider). The El Metro/ Palomino Hub will allow better inter-agency connectivity, improved operational efficiencies and quality of service for Laredo College Students, Rio Bravo residents , El Cenizo residents and for all City of Laredo residents. (Co-Sponsored by Council Member Rudy Gonzalez, Jr. and Council Member Mercurio Martinez, Ill)
47. Discussion with possible action for Council to consider the removal of District II appointee Martha Victoria Valdez from the Municipal Civil Service Commission due to excessive absences. XVIII. ADJOURN