I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR'S REPORTS Discussion and possible action on possible Category 2 formula funding changes.
APPOINTMENTS TO MPO POLICY COMMITTEE Mayor's appointment of Hon. George Altgelt to replace Hon. Roque Vela, Jr. effective April 7,2016.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-01, adopting the proposed Limited English Proficiency Plan.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-02, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, with an estimated total project cost of 4.482 million dollars. Projected letting date is August of 2016. 2, Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide the development of the schematic, environmental document and preliminary engineering for a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Estimated cost for said phases of the project is $300,000
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-03, adopting the proposed revision(s) of the 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-11, entitled Roadway projects, and Figure 12-1, entitled Federally funded Roadway, Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects, by: a. Adding project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, with an estimated total project cost of 4.482 million dollars. Projected letting date is August of 2016. b. Adding of project CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide the development of the schematic, environmental document and preliminary engineering for a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Estimated cost for said phases of the project is $300,000. 2. Amending Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects; Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results; and Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations in order to reflect all currently approved 2015-2018 TIP projects.
Receive public testimony and initiate a ten-day public review and comment period for the following proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Revision of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, in order to: a. Change the scope of work to add language providing for the design and partial reconstruction of the existing outside lane. b. Increase project funding from 4.482 million to 5.782 million dollars.
Receive public testimony and initiate a 10 day public review and comment period for the proposed revision(s) of the 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-11, entitled Roadway Projects by: a. Revision of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, in order to: i. Change the scope of work to add language providing for the design and partial reconstruction of the existing outside lane. ii. Increase project funding from 4.482 million to 5.782 million dollars. The additional project cost is proposed for funding thru Category 7 funds.
G. Discussion with possible action on Hachar Road. H. Discussion with possible action on Mines Road.
Presentation by TxDOT, Laredo District, on the funding (current and future projected) available to TxDOT, Laredo District and the Laredo MPO and the application of said funding to projects in the Laredo District.
Status on Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on railroad issues (U.S. Border Communities Ongoing DOT Efforts Could Help Address Impacts of International Freight Rail).
Presentation by Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) on the Mines Road Study-Long Term Strategy.
I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR'S REPORTS Discussion and possible action on possible Category 2 formula funding changes.
APPOINTMENTS TO MPO POLICY COMMITTEE Mayor's appointment of Hon. George Altgelt to replace Hon. Roque Vela, Jr. effective April 7,2016.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-01, adopting the proposed Limited English Proficiency Plan.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-02, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, with an estimated total project cost of 4.482 million dollars. Projected letting date is August of 2016. 2, Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide the development of the schematic, environmental document and preliminary engineering for a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Estimated cost for said phases of the project is $300,000
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-03, adopting the proposed revision(s) of the 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-11, entitled Roadway projects, and Figure 12-1, entitled Federally funded Roadway, Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects, by: a. Adding project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, with an estimated total project cost of 4.482 million dollars. Projected letting date is August of 2016. b. Adding of project CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide the development of the schematic, environmental document and preliminary engineering for a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Estimated cost for said phases of the project is $300,000. 2. Amending Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects; Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results; and Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations in order to reflect all currently approved 2015-2018 TIP projects.
Receive public testimony and initiate a ten-day public review and comment period for the following proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Revision of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, in order to: a. Change the scope of work to add language providing for the design and partial reconstruction of the existing outside lane. b. Increase project funding from 4.482 million to 5.782 million dollars.
Receive public testimony and initiate a 10 day public review and comment period for the proposed revision(s) of the 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-11, entitled Roadway Projects by: a. Revision of project CSJ 2150-04-067 intended to provide the design and construction of one additional travel lane (northbound) on FM 1472, from Killam Industrial Boulevard to 0.3 miles north of Mueller Boulevard, in order to: i. Change the scope of work to add language providing for the design and partial reconstruction of the existing outside lane. ii. Increase project funding from 4.482 million to 5.782 million dollars. The additional project cost is proposed for funding thru Category 7 funds.
G. Discussion with possible action on Hachar Road. H. Discussion with possible action on Mines Road.
Presentation by TxDOT, Laredo District, on the funding (current and future projected) available to TxDOT, Laredo District and the Laredo MPO and the application of said funding to projects in the Laredo District.
Status on Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on railroad issues (U.S. Border Communities Ongoing DOT Efforts Could Help Address Impacts of International Freight Rail).
Presentation by Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) on the Mines Road Study-Long Term Strategy.