I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR'S REPORTS IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Speakers are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the MPO staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. The speaker shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a pmticular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
V. ITEMS REQUIRING POLICY COMMITTEE ACTION A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held on June 20, 2016.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-08, adopting the proposed FY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
C.Discussion with possible action on the proposed amendment of the Highway MTP/TIP to revise funding on projects 0086-14-081 and 0086-14-065 to facilitate programing of grade separations along Loop 20/U.S. 59 from US 59 to Jacaman for engineering, Right-of-Way acquisition, and construction as proposed by Webb County. VI. REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1 Report on Feasibility Study of a possible Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) on Vallecillo Road. 2. Status ofthe RMA's FASTLANE Grant. 3. Status ofthe Loop 20 project. B. Status report by TxDOT on public and private acreage Right-of-Way on the US 59/ Loop 20 Project. C. Status report by TxDOT on the Fast Lane Grant application submitted for the Main Lanes on Loop 20 over IH 35.
C.Discussion with possible action on the proposed amendment of the Highway MTP/TIP to revise funding on projects 0086-14-081 and 0086-14-065 to facilitate programing of grade separations along Loop 20/U.S. 59 from US 59 to Jacaman for engineering, Right-of-Way acquisition, and construction as proposed by Webb County. VI. REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1 Report on Feasibility Study of a possible Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) on Vallecillo Road. 2. Status ofthe RMA's FASTLANE Grant. 3. Status ofthe Loop 20 project. B. Status report by TxDOT on public and private acreage Right-of-Way on the US 59/ Loop 20 Project. C. Status report by TxDOT on the Fast Lane Grant application submitted for the Main Lanes on Loop 20 over IH 35.
D. Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-09, adopting the proposed revision(s) ofthe 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which are as follows: I . Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-12 and 12-15, entitled Categ01y 7 and 10 Roadway Projects, respectively, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects; Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results; Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations and Table 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects by: a. Adding project CSJ 0086-14-081 intended to provide for the constructing and engineering of the ITS portion of an interchange facility over IH35, from 1.400 miles west ofiH 35 to 0.600 miles west ofMcPherson Road, with an estimated project cost of$1 ,000,000. Proposed project letting date is FY 2017 (January 2017). b. Adding project CSJ 0922-33-175 intended to provide funds for PS&E (including right-of-way mapping) for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road Project from FM 1472 to IH35 with an estimated project cost of $1,634,277. Proposed letting date is FY 2017 (February 2017). c. Revising project CSJ 0922-33-165 intended to provide for construction, engineering, and contingencies for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road Project, from FM 14 72 to 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $22,936,054 in local funds to $21,437,521 in Category 7 funds and $5,359,380 in local funds. Proposed letting date is FY 2019 (September 20 18). d. Revision of CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide for the construction, engineering and contingencies for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road project, a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts fi·om $28,193,851 in local funds to $17,152,535 in Category 7 funds and $3,430,507 in local funds. Proposed letting year is FY 2023. VII. ADJOURNMENT
I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR'S REPORTS IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Speakers are required to fill out a witness card and submit it to the MPO staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. The speaker shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a pmticular issue, they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them and the presiding officer may limit the public comments further in the interest of an orderly meeting. Speakers may not pass their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks will be permitted.
V. ITEMS REQUIRING POLICY COMMITTEE ACTION A. Approval of the minutes for the meeting held on June 20, 2016.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-08, adopting the proposed FY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
C.Discussion with possible action on the proposed amendment of the Highway MTP/TIP to revise funding on projects 0086-14-081 and 0086-14-065 to facilitate programing of grade separations along Loop 20/U.S. 59 from US 59 to Jacaman for engineering, Right-of-Way acquisition, and construction as proposed by Webb County. VI. REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1 Report on Feasibility Study of a possible Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) on Vallecillo Road. 2. Status ofthe RMA's FASTLANE Grant. 3. Status ofthe Loop 20 project. B. Status report by TxDOT on public and private acreage Right-of-Way on the US 59/ Loop 20 Project. C. Status report by TxDOT on the Fast Lane Grant application submitted for the Main Lanes on Loop 20 over IH 35.
C.Discussion with possible action on the proposed amendment of the Highway MTP/TIP to revise funding on projects 0086-14-081 and 0086-14-065 to facilitate programing of grade separations along Loop 20/U.S. 59 from US 59 to Jacaman for engineering, Right-of-Way acquisition, and construction as proposed by Webb County. VI. REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1 Report on Feasibility Study of a possible Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) on Vallecillo Road. 2. Status ofthe RMA's FASTLANE Grant. 3. Status ofthe Loop 20 project. B. Status report by TxDOT on public and private acreage Right-of-Way on the US 59/ Loop 20 Project. C. Status report by TxDOT on the Fast Lane Grant application submitted for the Main Lanes on Loop 20 over IH 35.
D. Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2016-09, adopting the proposed revision(s) ofthe 2015-2040 Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which are as follows: I . Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary and Table 12-12 and 12-15, entitled Categ01y 7 and 10 Roadway Projects, respectively, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects; Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects; Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results; Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations and Table 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects by: a. Adding project CSJ 0086-14-081 intended to provide for the constructing and engineering of the ITS portion of an interchange facility over IH35, from 1.400 miles west ofiH 35 to 0.600 miles west ofMcPherson Road, with an estimated project cost of$1 ,000,000. Proposed project letting date is FY 2017 (January 2017). b. Adding project CSJ 0922-33-175 intended to provide funds for PS&E (including right-of-way mapping) for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road Project from FM 1472 to IH35 with an estimated project cost of $1,634,277. Proposed letting date is FY 2017 (February 2017). c. Revising project CSJ 0922-33-165 intended to provide for construction, engineering, and contingencies for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road Project, from FM 14 72 to 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $22,936,054 in local funds to $21,437,521 in Category 7 funds and $5,359,380 in local funds. Proposed letting date is FY 2019 (September 20 18). d. Revision of CSJ 0922-33-166 intended to provide for the construction, engineering and contingencies for the Hachar-Reuthinger Road project, a 5 lane rural roadway, from 0.1 miles east of Beltway Parkway to IH 35 West Frontage Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts fi·om $28,193,851 in local funds to $17,152,535 in Category 7 funds and $3,430,507 in local funds. Proposed letting year is FY 2023. VII. ADJOURNMENT