Discussion with possible action on: a.i.1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2018). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts. a.i.2. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2020). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts.
Receive public testimony, initiate an additional 10 day public review and comment period, and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-02, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), conditional to receipt of no significant comment: 1. Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-183 intended to provide for the construction a direct connector interchange (DC#5), from 0.50 miles south of US59-SL20 to 0.50 miles east of IH35/US59-SL20, with an estimated total project cost of $35,121,000. Proposed project letting date is FY 2019 (August, 2019). 2. Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-900, also identified as the River Vega Multi-Use Hike and Bike Trail, intended to provide for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to the LCC Campus, with an estimated total project cost of $815,798. Proposed project letting date is October 2018 (FY 19). 3. Revision of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $14,785,990 in State funds to $4,901,198 in State funds, and $9,884,792 in federal funds. Proposed letting date will remain in fiscal year (FY) 2018, however the letting month is being moved from September of 2017 to August of 2018. 4. Revision of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $19,691,424 in State funds to $3,938,285 in State funds, and $15,753,139 in federal funds. Proposed letting date will remain in fiscal year (FY) 2020, however the letting month is being moved from September of 2019 to August of 2020. 5. Administrative Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-093 intended to construct a grade separation at the Calton Road/Santa Maria intersection. Purpose of the amendment is to move letting date from August 2017 (FY 17) to October 2017 (FY 18).
Receive public testimony, initiate an additional 10 day public review and comment period and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-03, adopting the following proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), conditional to receipt of no significant comment: 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary, Figure 12-1, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects, Table 12-11, entitle Category 2 Roadway Projects, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects, Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results, Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations; and, Figure 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects by: a) Adding project CSJ 0086-14-077 for the construction of the Airport Overpass at the International Airport. The estimated project construction cost is $14,785,990. Estimated letting date is August of 2018 (FY 2018). b) Adding project CSJ 0086-14-078 for the construction of the Jacaman Overpass, 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. The estimated project construction cost is $19,691,424. Estimated letting date is August of 2020 (FY 2020). c) Adding project CSJ 0018-06-136 for the construction of a railroad grade separation and widening of the main-lanes from Shiloh Dr. to 0.25 miles north of US 59/ IH 69W. The estimated construction cost is $54,000,000. Estimated letting date August 2021 (FY 2021) d) Adding project CSJ 0018-06-183 for the construction of direct connector interchange (DC#5), from 0.50 miles south of US 59-SL20 to 0.50 miles east of IH35/US59-SL20. The estimated construction cost is $30,000,000. Estimated letting date is August 2019 (FY 2019) e) Adding project CSJ 0018-05-089 for the replacement of an existing bridge, from 0.50 miles south of Uniroyal Interchange to 1.0 miles north of the Uniroyal Interchange. The estimated construction cost is $65,000,000. Estimated letting date is September of 2021, (FY 2021) f) Adding of project CSJ 0922-33-900, also identified as the River Vega Multi-Use Hike and Bike Trail, intended to provide for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to the LCC Campus, with an estimated total project cost of $815,798. Proposed project letting date is October 2018 (FY 19. g) Revising project #4/0086-14-058 by adding identifier CSJ 0086-14- 072 and removing the Airport and Jacaman Road overpasses. Said projects will be identified separately as projects CSJ 0086-14-077 and CSJ 0086-14-078 respectively. 2. Amending Table 12-11 such that it will be identified as Roadway Project and will include all roadway project summaries previously listed in Tables 12-11, 12-12, 12-13, 12-14, 12-15, entitled Category 2, 7,8,9, and 10 Roadway Projects, respectively. 3. Remove Tables 12-11, 12-12, 12-13, 12-14, 12-15, entitled Category 2, 7,8,9, and 10 Roadway Projects respectively Table 12-12 , entitled Category 7 Roadway Projects,
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-04, adopting the proposed re-approval of the Public Participation Plan (PPP).
Discussion with possible action regarding the remaining 8 million dollars in Category 2 funds.
Discussion with possible action on: a.i.1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2018). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts. a.i.2. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2020). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts.
REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Presentation by El Metro on transit funding needs including but not limited to: new buses and the automated fare card system.
Discussion with possible action on: a.i.1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2018). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts. a.i.2. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2020). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts.
Receive public testimony, initiate an additional 10 day public review and comment period, and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-02, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), conditional to receipt of no significant comment: 1. Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-183 intended to provide for the construction a direct connector interchange (DC#5), from 0.50 miles south of US59-SL20 to 0.50 miles east of IH35/US59-SL20, with an estimated total project cost of $35,121,000. Proposed project letting date is FY 2019 (August, 2019). 2. Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-900, also identified as the River Vega Multi-Use Hike and Bike Trail, intended to provide for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to the LCC Campus, with an estimated total project cost of $815,798. Proposed project letting date is October 2018 (FY 19). 3. Revision of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $14,785,990 in State funds to $4,901,198 in State funds, and $9,884,792 in federal funds. Proposed letting date will remain in fiscal year (FY) 2018, however the letting month is being moved from September of 2017 to August of 2018. 4. Revision of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise funding amounts from $19,691,424 in State funds to $3,938,285 in State funds, and $15,753,139 in federal funds. Proposed letting date will remain in fiscal year (FY) 2020, however the letting month is being moved from September of 2019 to August of 2020. 5. Administrative Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-093 intended to construct a grade separation at the Calton Road/Santa Maria intersection. Purpose of the amendment is to move letting date from August 2017 (FY 17) to October 2017 (FY 18).
Receive public testimony, initiate an additional 10 day public review and comment period and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-03, adopting the following proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), conditional to receipt of no significant comment: 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary, Figure 12-1, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects, Table 12-11, entitle Category 2 Roadway Projects, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects, Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results, Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations; and, Figure 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects by: a) Adding project CSJ 0086-14-077 for the construction of the Airport Overpass at the International Airport. The estimated project construction cost is $14,785,990. Estimated letting date is August of 2018 (FY 2018). b) Adding project CSJ 0086-14-078 for the construction of the Jacaman Overpass, 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. The estimated project construction cost is $19,691,424. Estimated letting date is August of 2020 (FY 2020). c) Adding project CSJ 0018-06-136 for the construction of a railroad grade separation and widening of the main-lanes from Shiloh Dr. to 0.25 miles north of US 59/ IH 69W. The estimated construction cost is $54,000,000. Estimated letting date August 2021 (FY 2021) d) Adding project CSJ 0018-06-183 for the construction of direct connector interchange (DC#5), from 0.50 miles south of US 59-SL20 to 0.50 miles east of IH35/US59-SL20. The estimated construction cost is $30,000,000. Estimated letting date is August 2019 (FY 2019) e) Adding project CSJ 0018-05-089 for the replacement of an existing bridge, from 0.50 miles south of Uniroyal Interchange to 1.0 miles north of the Uniroyal Interchange. The estimated construction cost is $65,000,000. Estimated letting date is September of 2021, (FY 2021) f) Adding of project CSJ 0922-33-900, also identified as the River Vega Multi-Use Hike and Bike Trail, intended to provide for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to the LCC Campus, with an estimated total project cost of $815,798. Proposed project letting date is October 2018 (FY 19. g) Revising project #4/0086-14-058 by adding identifier CSJ 0086-14- 072 and removing the Airport and Jacaman Road overpasses. Said projects will be identified separately as projects CSJ 0086-14-077 and CSJ 0086-14-078 respectively. 2. Amending Table 12-11 such that it will be identified as Roadway Project and will include all roadway project summaries previously listed in Tables 12-11, 12-12, 12-13, 12-14, 12-15, entitled Category 2, 7,8,9, and 10 Roadway Projects, respectively. 3. Remove Tables 12-11, 12-12, 12-13, 12-14, 12-15, entitled Category 2, 7,8,9, and 10 Roadway Projects respectively Table 12-12 , entitled Category 7 Roadway Projects,
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-04, adopting the proposed re-approval of the Public Participation Plan (PPP).
Discussion with possible action regarding the remaining 8 million dollars in Category 2 funds.
Discussion with possible action on: a.i.1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-077 intended to provide for construction of an interchange at the international airport. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2018). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts. a.i.2. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-078 intended to provide for construction of an interchange from 0.50 miles south of Jacaman Road to 0.50 miles north of Jacaman Road. Purpose of amendment is to remove the project from the 2017-2020 STIP (FY 2020). Proposed letting date will be determined in accordance with “ready to let” definition once more information is made available regarding ROW and Utility coordination efforts.
REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required) A. Presentation by El Metro on transit funding needs including but not limited to: new buses and the automated fare card system.