Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-08 for the proposed amendment(s) to the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-082 intended to provide for the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the Jacaman and Airport overpasses. Proposed work has an estimated cost of 4.6 million dollars. Rationale: All 4.6 million in project funds are being transferred to project temporarily identified as CSJ 0922-33-933 intended to provide for the construction of a FAST lane at World Trade Bridge.
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion to: accept the ranking of firms that submitted proposals in response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) issued for the development of the 2020-2045 Laredo Metropolitan Plan Update, and FAST Act Compliance Project, approve the selection of a professional service provider, and authorize Staff to enter into negotiations.
Discussion with possible action to place digital signage on FM 1472 (Mines Road) intended to notify the driving public of congestion and allocation of funding for implementation.
Discussion with possible action on the letting date for Calton Railroad Grade Separation project (0922-33-093) which is proposed to move from November 2017 (FY 2018) to August (FY 2018).
Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment Project: 1. Report by the City of Laredo Real Estate Division on the status of Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment project's Right of Way (ROW) acquisition. 2. Report by CEC representative on the status of the Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment project's: plans and specification updates, Army Corp of Engineers permitting and request for additional funding.
Report by MPO Director on the relative competiveness of the City of Laredo's Infra Grant application.
Report by the TxDOT on the meeting had by the City and TxDOT to discuss the "wish lisf/recommendations resulting from the Texas Transportation Institute's (TTI) Mines Road study, pertaining to proposed City of Laredo facility improvements intended to improve the function of Mines Road.
Letting date for the Zacate Creek Hike & Bike Trail (CSJ 0922-33-170) has been moved from November 2017 (FY 2018) to January 2018 (FY 2018).
Status report by Mr. Joe Medina on discussions with the Muller family in relation to the River Bank Road Project.
G. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1. Status update on the financing for the Vallccillo Road Project. VI. ADJOURNMENT
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2017-08 for the proposed amendment(s) to the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-082 intended to provide for the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the Jacaman and Airport overpasses. Proposed work has an estimated cost of 4.6 million dollars. Rationale: All 4.6 million in project funds are being transferred to project temporarily identified as CSJ 0922-33-933 intended to provide for the construction of a FAST lane at World Trade Bridge.
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion to: accept the ranking of firms that submitted proposals in response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) issued for the development of the 2020-2045 Laredo Metropolitan Plan Update, and FAST Act Compliance Project, approve the selection of a professional service provider, and authorize Staff to enter into negotiations.
Discussion with possible action to place digital signage on FM 1472 (Mines Road) intended to notify the driving public of congestion and allocation of funding for implementation.
Discussion with possible action on the letting date for Calton Railroad Grade Separation project (0922-33-093) which is proposed to move from November 2017 (FY 2018) to August (FY 2018).
Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment Project: 1. Report by the City of Laredo Real Estate Division on the status of Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment project's Right of Way (ROW) acquisition. 2. Report by CEC representative on the status of the Flecha/Las Cruces Realignment project's: plans and specification updates, Army Corp of Engineers permitting and request for additional funding.
Report by MPO Director on the relative competiveness of the City of Laredo's Infra Grant application.
Report by the TxDOT on the meeting had by the City and TxDOT to discuss the "wish lisf/recommendations resulting from the Texas Transportation Institute's (TTI) Mines Road study, pertaining to proposed City of Laredo facility improvements intended to improve the function of Mines Road.
Letting date for the Zacate Creek Hike & Bike Trail (CSJ 0922-33-170) has been moved from November 2017 (FY 2018) to January 2018 (FY 2018).
Status report by Mr. Joe Medina on discussions with the Muller family in relation to the River Bank Road Project.
G. Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). 1. Status update on the financing for the Vallccillo Road Project. VI. ADJOURNMENT