Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2018-01 for the proposed amendment(s) to the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): I. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-082 intended to provide for the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the Jacaman and Airport overpasses. Proposed work has an estimated cost of 4.6 million dollars. Rationale: State is taking over PS&E design cost of the future 1H 69 intersections using strategy 111 funds. These funds do not need an independent CSJ for design only; it uses the construction CSJ to allocate design funds. Consequently there is no longer a need to have a design only CSJ. All 4.6 million in project funds are being transferred to project temporarily identified as CSJ 0922-33-933 intended to provide for the construction of a FAST lane at World Trade Bridge. Please note that only the CSJ is being canceled, not the funding.
Receive public testimony adopting Resolution No. 2018-02, amending the FY 2018 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) in order to: I. Amend Subtask 2.2, entitled 2013-2045 Travel Demand Model Update Project by reducing the allocated funds by$10,000 and reallocating said funds to Subtask 4.2. The Travel Demand Model project is nearing completion and amended budget will adequately provide for project closeout; and, 2. Unifying Subtask 4.2 and Subtask 4.3, the FAST Act Compliance Project and the 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Update, due to project activity overlap and federal requirement time constraints.
Motion to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) between the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Texas Department of Transportation and El Metro (the Laredo Public Transportation Operator) as required by 23 CFR 450.314, intended to provide specific provisions for cooperatively developing and sharing information related to the development of financial plans, the TIP, MTP, and performance based data and targets.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2018-03, adopting and supporting the Texas Department of Transportation's 2018 targets for the five Safety Performance Measures, as listed below: 2018 Safety Targets Number of Fatalities (FARS/CRIS/ ARF DATA) Rate of Fatalities (FARS/CRIS/ ARF DATA) Number of Serious Injuries (FARS/CRIS DATA) Serious Injury Rate (CRIS DATA) Total Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries (FARS/CRIS DATA) 2014 3,536 1.45 17,133 7.05 1,893 2015 3,516 1.36 17,096 6.62 2,023 2016 3,775 1.44 17,578 6.71 2,304 2017 3,801 1.45 17,890 6.68 2,224 2018 Target 3,891 1.46 18,130 6.64 2,309 2018 Target as a 5 year Average: 3,704 1.43 17,565 6.74 2,151
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of$46,400 with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the development of the update of the 2015 Kansas City Southern Railroad Quiet Zone Study.
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of$335,000 with COM Smith for the development of the Laredo Metropolitan Plan Update and FAST Act Compliance Project.
Discussion with possible action on the letting date for Calton Railroad Grade Separation project (0922-33-093) which is proposed to move from November 2017 (FY 2018) to August (FY 2018).
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding studies, alignment and status of the outer loop.
Discussion and possible action on a set-back development policy on Loop 20, Mines Road and other major arterials
Presentation by Danny Magee, TxDOT, on a phased Mines Road digital signage implementation project.
Letting date for the Zacate Creek Hike & Bike Trail (CSJ 0922-33-170) has been moved from November 2017 (FY 2018) to April 2018 (FY 2018).
Status report by Mr. Joe Medina on discussions with the Muller family in relation to the River Bank Road Project.
Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). l. Status update on the Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) Feasibility Study. 2. Presentation on the RMA's role in the region. VI. ADJOURNMENT
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2018-01 for the proposed amendment(s) to the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): I. Removal of project CSJ 0086-14-082 intended to provide for the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the Jacaman and Airport overpasses. Proposed work has an estimated cost of 4.6 million dollars. Rationale: State is taking over PS&E design cost of the future 1H 69 intersections using strategy 111 funds. These funds do not need an independent CSJ for design only; it uses the construction CSJ to allocate design funds. Consequently there is no longer a need to have a design only CSJ. All 4.6 million in project funds are being transferred to project temporarily identified as CSJ 0922-33-933 intended to provide for the construction of a FAST lane at World Trade Bridge. Please note that only the CSJ is being canceled, not the funding.
Receive public testimony adopting Resolution No. 2018-02, amending the FY 2018 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) in order to: I. Amend Subtask 2.2, entitled 2013-2045 Travel Demand Model Update Project by reducing the allocated funds by$10,000 and reallocating said funds to Subtask 4.2. The Travel Demand Model project is nearing completion and amended budget will adequately provide for project closeout; and, 2. Unifying Subtask 4.2 and Subtask 4.3, the FAST Act Compliance Project and the 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Update, due to project activity overlap and federal requirement time constraints.
Motion to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U) between the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Texas Department of Transportation and El Metro (the Laredo Public Transportation Operator) as required by 23 CFR 450.314, intended to provide specific provisions for cooperatively developing and sharing information related to the development of financial plans, the TIP, MTP, and performance based data and targets.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2018-03, adopting and supporting the Texas Department of Transportation's 2018 targets for the five Safety Performance Measures, as listed below: 2018 Safety Targets Number of Fatalities (FARS/CRIS/ ARF DATA) Rate of Fatalities (FARS/CRIS/ ARF DATA) Number of Serious Injuries (FARS/CRIS DATA) Serious Injury Rate (CRIS DATA) Total Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries (FARS/CRIS DATA) 2014 3,536 1.45 17,133 7.05 1,893 2015 3,516 1.36 17,096 6.62 2,023 2016 3,775 1.44 17,578 6.71 2,304 2017 3,801 1.45 17,890 6.68 2,224 2018 Target 3,891 1.46 18,130 6.64 2,309 2018 Target as a 5 year Average: 3,704 1.43 17,565 6.74 2,151
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of$46,400 with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the development of the update of the 2015 Kansas City Southern Railroad Quiet Zone Study.
Receive public testimony and approve a Motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of$335,000 with COM Smith for the development of the Laredo Metropolitan Plan Update and FAST Act Compliance Project.
Discussion with possible action on the letting date for Calton Railroad Grade Separation project (0922-33-093) which is proposed to move from November 2017 (FY 2018) to August (FY 2018).
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding studies, alignment and status of the outer loop.
Discussion and possible action on a set-back development policy on Loop 20, Mines Road and other major arterials
Presentation by Danny Magee, TxDOT, on a phased Mines Road digital signage implementation project.
Letting date for the Zacate Creek Hike & Bike Trail (CSJ 0922-33-170) has been moved from November 2017 (FY 2018) to April 2018 (FY 2018).
Status report by Mr. Joe Medina on discussions with the Muller family in relation to the River Bank Road Project.
Status report on the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA). l. Status update on the Transportation Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) Feasibility Study. 2. Presentation on the RMA's role in the region. VI. ADJOURNMENT