I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. CITIZEN COMMENT Speakers are required to fill out witness cards, which must be submitted to MPO Staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. Speakers shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a specific issue, they should select not more than three (3) representatives to speak on their behalf. The presiding officer may further limit public comment in the interest of order or time. Speakers may not transfer their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks shall be permitted.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2019-03, adopting the the proposed amendment(s) of the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-198 intended to provide for the widening of IH 35, by constructing a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to the inside of IH 35 north/south bound, from 0.38 miles south of US59/IH 35 INT. to 0.80 miles north of US59/IH 35 INT., with an estimated total project cost of $5,911,775. The proposed project letting date is FY 2020. 2. Addition of project CSJ 0086-14-084 intended to widen I-69W by providing for the construction of a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to 1-69 W east/west bound, from World Trade Bridge GSA facilities to IH 35, with an estimated total project cost of $18,207,550. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. 3. Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-076 intended to widen FM 1472 by providing for the construction of a right turn lane on 1-69W/FM 1472 intersection, from Big Bend Boulevard northbound to Killam Industrial Boulevard northbound, with an estimated total project cost of $4,167,927. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. 4. Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-181 intended to construct and improve seventeen (17) bus stops located throughout the transit fixed route network, with an estimated total project cost of $250,000. The proposed project letting date is FY 2021. 5. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-149 for the construction of a pedestrian trail at Chacon Creek. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 6. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-076 for the construction of the re-alignment at the intersection of FM 1472 and Flecha Lane/Las Cruces Drive. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 7. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-093 for the construction of an overpass on Calton Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 8. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-177 for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to LC Campus. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 9. Revision of the TIP Introduction to include updated Safety, Bridge, Pavement, and Roadway System Performance targets.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2019-04, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary, Figure 12-1, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects, Table 12-11, entitled roadway Projects, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects, Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results, Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations; and, Figure 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects as necessary to incorporate the following revisions: a) Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-198 intended to provide for the widening of IH 35, by constructing a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to the inside of IH 35 north/south bound, from 0.38 miles south of US59/IH 35 INT. to 0.80 miles north of US59/IH 35 INT., with an estimated total project cost of $5,911,775. The proposed project letting date is FY 2020. b) Addition of project CSJ 0086-14-084 intended to widen I-69W by providing for the construction of a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to 1-69 W east/west bound, from World Trade Bridge GSA facilities to IH 35, with an estimated total project cost of $ 18,207,550. The proposed letting date is F Y 2020. c) Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-076 intended to widen FM 1472 by providing for the construction of a right turn lane on 1-69 W/FM 1472 intersection, from Big Bend Boulevard northbound to Killam Industrial Boulevard northbound, with an estimated total project cost of $4,167,927. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. d) Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-181 intended to construct and improve seventeen (17) bus stops located throughout the transit fixed route network, with an estimated total project cost of $250,000. The proposed project letting date is FY 2021.
Presentation by Susan Chavez from TxDOT, on the National Highway System (NHS) with discussion and possible action.
Report by TxDOT in collaboration with City Traffic, on accident data and proposed lighting alternatives for Cuatro Vientos Road, with discussion and possible action. (Mayor, CM. Altgelt)
I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. CITIZEN COMMENT Speakers are required to fill out witness cards, which must be submitted to MPO Staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. Speakers shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a specific issue, they should select not more than three (3) representatives to speak on their behalf. The presiding officer may further limit public comment in the interest of order or time. Speakers may not transfer their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks shall be permitted.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2019-03, adopting the the proposed amendment(s) of the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): 1. Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-198 intended to provide for the widening of IH 35, by constructing a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to the inside of IH 35 north/south bound, from 0.38 miles south of US59/IH 35 INT. to 0.80 miles north of US59/IH 35 INT., with an estimated total project cost of $5,911,775. The proposed project letting date is FY 2020. 2. Addition of project CSJ 0086-14-084 intended to widen I-69W by providing for the construction of a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to 1-69 W east/west bound, from World Trade Bridge GSA facilities to IH 35, with an estimated total project cost of $18,207,550. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. 3. Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-076 intended to widen FM 1472 by providing for the construction of a right turn lane on 1-69W/FM 1472 intersection, from Big Bend Boulevard northbound to Killam Industrial Boulevard northbound, with an estimated total project cost of $4,167,927. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. 4. Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-181 intended to construct and improve seventeen (17) bus stops located throughout the transit fixed route network, with an estimated total project cost of $250,000. The proposed project letting date is FY 2021. 5. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-149 for the construction of a pedestrian trail at Chacon Creek. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 6. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-076 for the construction of the re-alignment at the intersection of FM 1472 and Flecha Lane/Las Cruces Drive. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 7. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-093 for the construction of an overpass on Calton Road. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 8. Revision of project CSJ 0922-33-177 for the construction of a hike and bike trail from Anna Park to LC Campus. Purpose of amendment is to revise the estimated letting date from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to FY 2020. 9. Revision of the TIP Introduction to include updated Safety, Bridge, Pavement, and Roadway System Performance targets.
Receive public testimony and approve Resolution No. MPO 2019-04, adopting the proposed amendment(s) of the 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP): 1. Amending Table 12-10, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Summary, Figure 12-1, entitled Roadway and Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects, Table 12-11, entitled roadway Projects, Figure 13-1, entitled Natural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-2, entitled Cultural Resources and Federally Funded Projects, Figure 13-3, entitled Low Income Areas and Federally Funded Projects, Table 13-1, entitled Federally Funded Projects Environmental Assessment Results, Table 13-3, entitled Federally Funded Projects and Environmental Justice Populations; and, Figure 13-4 entitled Colonias and Federally Funded Projects as necessary to incorporate the following revisions: a) Addition of project CSJ 0018-06-198 intended to provide for the widening of IH 35, by constructing a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to the inside of IH 35 north/south bound, from 0.38 miles south of US59/IH 35 INT. to 0.80 miles north of US59/IH 35 INT., with an estimated total project cost of $5,911,775. The proposed project letting date is FY 2020. b) Addition of project CSJ 0086-14-084 intended to widen I-69W by providing for the construction of a third lane to the inside and adding a concrete barrier to 1-69 W east/west bound, from World Trade Bridge GSA facilities to IH 35, with an estimated total project cost of $ 18,207,550. The proposed letting date is F Y 2020. c) Addition of project CSJ 2150-04-076 intended to widen FM 1472 by providing for the construction of a right turn lane on 1-69 W/FM 1472 intersection, from Big Bend Boulevard northbound to Killam Industrial Boulevard northbound, with an estimated total project cost of $4,167,927. The proposed letting date is FY 2020. d) Addition of project CSJ 0922-33-181 intended to construct and improve seventeen (17) bus stops located throughout the transit fixed route network, with an estimated total project cost of $250,000. The proposed project letting date is FY 2021.
Presentation by Susan Chavez from TxDOT, on the National Highway System (NHS) with discussion and possible action.
Report by TxDOT in collaboration with City Traffic, on accident data and proposed lighting alternatives for Cuatro Vientos Road, with discussion and possible action. (Mayor, CM. Altgelt)