I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. CITIZEN COMMENTS: · Speakers are required to fill out witness cards, which must be submitted to MPO Staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. Speakers shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a specific issue, they should select not more than three (3) representatives to speak on their behalf. The presiding officer may further limit public on the interest of order or time. Speakers may not transfer their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks shall be permitted.
B. Receive public testimony and adopt Resolution No MPO 2019-08 amending the FY 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as follows: 1. Removing Subtask 3.2, entitled the MPO Certification Preparation Project, intended to review all current MPO Plans, Programs, Programs, and procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations in preparation for the Federal Certification Review scheduled for April of2020. FHWA has relayed that the Certification Review process has changed and will no longer necessitate external professional services. MPO Staff will be working with Federal Highway Administration, Texas Transportation Institute, and TxDOT District Staff to prepare for the review. 2. Adding Subtask 5.3, intended to accomplish a Comprehensive Operational Analysis of the transit system's fixed route bus and American's with Disability's (ADA) demand-response services. The analysis will evaluate the system's current structure and performance, and will develop recommendations to address current and future service needs.
Receive public testimony and approve a motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of $24,480 with Nelson NYGAARD for the development of the Active Transportation Plan.
Discussion with possible action on the future possible re-designation of IH-35 south of Victoria Street (also known as the "Four Block area") and the re-routing of US- 83. (Dr. Marte Martinez).
Discussion with possible action on the name change from Laredo Urban Transportation Study (LUTS) to Laredo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LAMPO). Note: A name change will require a future MPO By-Laws amendment.
Discussion with possible action on the organization and number of Policy Committee member appointments. Discussion of vacant TxDOT appointment to be eliminated or transferred to the City or Webb County. Discussion of a nine member committee versus a five member committee with alternates. Note: A change in member appointments will require a future MPO By-Laws amendment.
REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required). A. Status report by the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA).
I. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. CHAIRPERSON TO CALL ROLL III. CITIZEN COMMENTS: · Speakers are required to fill out witness cards, which must be submitted to MPO Staff no later than 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. Speakers shall identify themselves at the microphone. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a specific issue, they should select not more than three (3) representatives to speak on their behalf. The presiding officer may further limit public on the interest of order or time. Speakers may not transfer their minutes to any other speaker. Comments should be relevant to City business and delivered in a professional manner. No derogatory remarks shall be permitted.
B. Receive public testimony and adopt Resolution No MPO 2019-08 amending the FY 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as follows: 1. Removing Subtask 3.2, entitled the MPO Certification Preparation Project, intended to review all current MPO Plans, Programs, Programs, and procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations in preparation for the Federal Certification Review scheduled for April of2020. FHWA has relayed that the Certification Review process has changed and will no longer necessitate external professional services. MPO Staff will be working with Federal Highway Administration, Texas Transportation Institute, and TxDOT District Staff to prepare for the review. 2. Adding Subtask 5.3, intended to accomplish a Comprehensive Operational Analysis of the transit system's fixed route bus and American's with Disability's (ADA) demand-response services. The analysis will evaluate the system's current structure and performance, and will develop recommendations to address current and future service needs.
Receive public testimony and approve a motion authorizing the award and execution of a contract in the amount of $24,480 with Nelson NYGAARD for the development of the Active Transportation Plan.
Discussion with possible action on the future possible re-designation of IH-35 south of Victoria Street (also known as the "Four Block area") and the re-routing of US- 83. (Dr. Marte Martinez).
Discussion with possible action on the name change from Laredo Urban Transportation Study (LUTS) to Laredo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LAMPO). Note: A name change will require a future MPO By-Laws amendment.
Discussion with possible action on the organization and number of Policy Committee member appointments. Discussion of vacant TxDOT appointment to be eliminated or transferred to the City or Webb County. Discussion of a nine member committee versus a five member committee with alternates. Note: A change in member appointments will require a future MPO By-Laws amendment.
REPORT(S) AND PRESENTATIONS (No action required). A. Status report by the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA).