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Items I - III
IV.A. Approval of the minutes for the virtual meeting held on July 20th, 2020.
IV.B. A Motion to accept the ranking of tirms that submitted proposals in response to the BID INIVITATION issued for the development of the MPO Website Redesign Project, approve the selection of SGS Technologie L.L.C.. and authorize execution of a contract in the amount of $13,080.
IV.C. Discussion with possible action on the repair of IH 35 Del Mar Access Road and underpass surface. (CM . Altgelt).
IV.D. Motion to add TxDOT Director of Transportation Planning & Development , Humberto Gonzalez Jr, P.E. into the vacant At-Large position on the MPO Policy Committee. (CM. David Salazar)
IV.E. Discussion with possible action on Hachar-Reuthinger.
V.A. Status report by the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA).
Aug 17, 2020 MPO
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Items I - III
IV.A. Approval of the minutes for the virtual meeting held on July 20th, 2020.
IV.B. A Motion to accept the ranking of tirms that submitted proposals in response to the BID INIVITATION issued for the development of the MPO Website Redesign Project, approve the selection of SGS Technologie L.L.C.. and authorize execution of a contract in the amount of $13,080.
IV.C. Discussion with possible action on the repair of IH 35 Del Mar Access Road and underpass surface. (CM . Altgelt).
IV.D. Motion to add TxDOT Director of Transportation Planning & Development , Humberto Gonzalez Jr, P.E. into the vacant At-Large position on the MPO Policy Committee. (CM. David Salazar)
IV.E. Discussion with possible action on Hachar-Reuthinger.
V.A. Status report by the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA).
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