Video index
Items I - IV
Citizen comments
XVI.59.A.1. D iscussion with possi ble action to provide meani ngful/p u b l i c com ment engagement via zoo m or webex p latforms; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
X.8. 2020-0-111 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, pursuant to Section 2.11 of the City Charter, amending the Public Health COVID-19 Emergency Ordinance and extending the Emergency Declaration of Local Disaster, through October 19, 2020; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
XVI.59.D.1. Discussion with possible action t o provide assistance t o local establishments with TABC licenses to avoid closure; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-S ponsored by Cou ncil Mem ber Dr. Marte A. Marti nez)
XVI.59.A.3. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to create and s u p port an Ed u cational P u b l i c Health I n itiative t o cou n teract t h e i m pact o f COV I D- 1 9 i n our com mu n ity with P SAs , com m u n ity outreach , social media pl atforms, events d i rected to d ifferent age groups to reduce the spread of COVID- 1 9 , i m prove physica l and menta l health, i m p rove fitness & n utriti o n , i m p rove our i m m u ne system , prepare students a n d staff for school return protoco ls; a n d a n y other matters i ncident thereto .
Items VII.1. - VII.9.
X.7. 2020-0-110 Amending the City of Laredo's fiscal year 2019-2020 Solid Waste Fund by appropriating a draw down of $12,000,000.00 to purchase the Ponderosa Landfill. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Fund.
XI.12. 2020-0-104 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 4, Block 178, Western Division, located at 1007 San Dario Ave., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-51-2020 District VIII
XIII. 56. Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the City Manager for the position of City Attorney in accordance with the City Charter of the City of Laredo, Article IV, Section 4.02, and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.19. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Garros Services, LLC ("Garros") for the management and operation of a third refrigerated inspection facility located adjacent to the Colombia Solidarity Bridge for the inspection by Government officials of goods entering the United States from Mexico. Garros will build, maintain, and operate the new refrigerated facility at no cost to the City of Laredo; the term of the agreement is ten (10) years with right of first refusal for two additional five (5) year terms; Garros will pay the City 12.5% of each inspection fee collected; and Garros is obligated to pay the City a minimum revenue guarantee in the amount of nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred sixty one dollars and twelve cents ($965,961.12) over the term of the Agreement.
XII.23. Consideration for approval to award an annual construction contract FY20-ENG-008 to Midas Contractors, LLC., Laredo, Texas, in the amount not to exceed $300,000.00 and ALC Construction Co. , Inc., Laredo, Texas, in the amount not to exceed $300,000.00 (Total $600,000.00) for the Concrete Construction and Repair Projects as needed; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all related contract documents contingent upon receipt and approval of insurance and bond documents. The term of this contract shall be for a period of twelve (12) months beginning as of the date of its execution. If the pricing remains the same and there is mutual agreement from both parties the contract shall automatically renew for another twelve (12) month period contingent on funding availability. Funding will be determined as projects are needed.
XII.50. Authorizing the City Manager to execute required documents related to the purchase of assets and the surface only of real property, more commonly known as the Ponderosa Regional Landfill, from 359 P4 L. L.C. and Regional Land Management Services, LTD in a total amount not to exceed $24,000,000 for the purpose of expanding the City of Laredo's Solid Waste Landfill and operations, including an agreement to transfer Regional Land Management Services, L TD's current Texas Commission on Environment Quality permit to the City of Laredo. The tract of land is described as being located on the south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 359, and containing approximately 501.465 acres of land, more or less, being out of Porcion 32, A. Trevino, Abstract 296; Porcion 33, J.D. Trevino, Abstract 3084, Porcion 34, J.A. Diaz, Abstract 762, Porcion 35, J.M. Diaz, Abstract 546 and Survey 2384, S. F.13440, Abstract 3256, Webb County, Texas. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Operations Fund and the Solid Waste 2019 CO Issue.
XIII.53. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XIII.54. Discussion with possible action to consider a first request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073(b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Gustavo Sotelo. Human Resources and Police Department recommend extension. Total number of days out as of August 21, 2020 is 249 days.
XIII.55. Discussion with possible action to establish an Employee of the Quarter Program for City of Laredo employees; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.A.2. Discussion with poss ible action to mod ify Parkland Ded i cation O rd i na nce to be used wit h i n the cou ncil district of develop ment or reg ional park with i n the same d i strict; and any other matters i n cident thereto .
XVI.59.B.1. D iscussion with poss i ble action to d i rect management to have Economic Develo pment Department staff explore the poss i b i l ity of esta b l is h i ng a small business revo lving loan fu nd through a U S E DA (Economic Deve lopment Ad m i n istratio n ) grant oppo rtun ity ; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVI.59.B.2. D iscussion with poss ible action to d i rect management to work with the local workforce board (Workforce Sol utions For South Texas) to explore state fu n d i ng poss i b i l ities for h i g h demand j o b skills tra i n i n g ; a n d any other matters i n cident thereto .
XVI.59.B.3. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to d i rect management to d eve lop and present to cou ncil a state leg islative agenda for the fi rst City Council meet i ng in Octo ber; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVI.59.F.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total Estimated Project Cost ~$10 , 0 00.00.
XVI.59.C.2. Discussion with possible action to name the Hike/Bike trail to "ProMike Bikeway" from Springfield to Eden Lane parallel to the AEP easement and behind the Mary Help of Christian School; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.C.3. Discussion with possible action to cease and desist all future construction of sports venue expenditures until the pandemic has passed; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.C.1. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to conduct an i n q u i ry, as per the charter, regard i n g the use of federa l and city fu nds by the Laredo F i re Fig hters U n i o n , a l i a s " L a U n ion", a n d or t h e F i re Pac, t o t h e advantage o f certa i n elected officials, the legalities or illegalities thereof, the self-reporting requirements of the City to both federal and state officials; and any other matters incident thereto.
Sep 08, 2020 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Items I - IV
Citizen comments
XVI.59.A.1. D iscussion with possi ble action to provide meani ngful/p u b l i c com ment engagement via zoo m or webex p latforms; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
X.8. 2020-0-111 An Ordinance of the City of Laredo, Texas, pursuant to Section 2.11 of the City Charter, amending the Public Health COVID-19 Emergency Ordinance and extending the Emergency Declaration of Local Disaster, through October 19, 2020; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
XVI.59.D.1. Discussion with possible action t o provide assistance t o local establishments with TABC licenses to avoid closure; and any other matters incident thereto. (Co-S ponsored by Cou ncil Mem ber Dr. Marte A. Marti nez)
XVI.59.A.3. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to create and s u p port an Ed u cational P u b l i c Health I n itiative t o cou n teract t h e i m pact o f COV I D- 1 9 i n our com mu n ity with P SAs , com m u n ity outreach , social media pl atforms, events d i rected to d ifferent age groups to reduce the spread of COVID- 1 9 , i m prove physica l and menta l health, i m p rove fitness & n utriti o n , i m p rove our i m m u ne system , prepare students a n d staff for school return protoco ls; a n d a n y other matters i ncident thereto .
Items VII.1. - VII.9.
X.7. 2020-0-110 Amending the City of Laredo's fiscal year 2019-2020 Solid Waste Fund by appropriating a draw down of $12,000,000.00 to purchase the Ponderosa Landfill. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Fund.
XI.12. 2020-0-104 Amending the Zoning Ordinance (Map) of the City of Laredo by rezoning Lot 4, Block 178, Western Division, located at 1007 San Dario Ave., from B-1 (Limited Business District) to B-3 (Community Business District); providing for publication and effective date. ZC-51-2020 District VIII
XIII. 56. Discussion with possible action on the recommendation by the City Manager for the position of City Attorney in accordance with the City Charter of the City of Laredo, Article IV, Section 4.02, and any other matters incident thereto.
XII.19. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Garros Services, LLC ("Garros") for the management and operation of a third refrigerated inspection facility located adjacent to the Colombia Solidarity Bridge for the inspection by Government officials of goods entering the United States from Mexico. Garros will build, maintain, and operate the new refrigerated facility at no cost to the City of Laredo; the term of the agreement is ten (10) years with right of first refusal for two additional five (5) year terms; Garros will pay the City 12.5% of each inspection fee collected; and Garros is obligated to pay the City a minimum revenue guarantee in the amount of nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred sixty one dollars and twelve cents ($965,961.12) over the term of the Agreement.
XII.23. Consideration for approval to award an annual construction contract FY20-ENG-008 to Midas Contractors, LLC., Laredo, Texas, in the amount not to exceed $300,000.00 and ALC Construction Co. , Inc., Laredo, Texas, in the amount not to exceed $300,000.00 (Total $600,000.00) for the Concrete Construction and Repair Projects as needed; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all related contract documents contingent upon receipt and approval of insurance and bond documents. The term of this contract shall be for a period of twelve (12) months beginning as of the date of its execution. If the pricing remains the same and there is mutual agreement from both parties the contract shall automatically renew for another twelve (12) month period contingent on funding availability. Funding will be determined as projects are needed.
XII.50. Authorizing the City Manager to execute required documents related to the purchase of assets and the surface only of real property, more commonly known as the Ponderosa Regional Landfill, from 359 P4 L. L.C. and Regional Land Management Services, LTD in a total amount not to exceed $24,000,000 for the purpose of expanding the City of Laredo's Solid Waste Landfill and operations, including an agreement to transfer Regional Land Management Services, L TD's current Texas Commission on Environment Quality permit to the City of Laredo. The tract of land is described as being located on the south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 359, and containing approximately 501.465 acres of land, more or less, being out of Porcion 32, A. Trevino, Abstract 296; Porcion 33, J.D. Trevino, Abstract 3084, Porcion 34, J.A. Diaz, Abstract 762, Porcion 35, J.M. Diaz, Abstract 546 and Survey 2384, S. F.13440, Abstract 3256, Webb County, Texas. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Operations Fund and the Solid Waste 2019 CO Issue.
XIII.53. Discussion with possible action on ongoing audits and/or irregularities identified by the Internal Auditor including the potential assignment of other and/or additional auditing duties; and any other matters incident thereto.
XIII.54. Discussion with possible action to consider a first request for an extension of Injury Leave with pay in accordance with 143.073(b) of the Texas Local Government Code for Patrol Officer Gustavo Sotelo. Human Resources and Police Department recommend extension. Total number of days out as of August 21, 2020 is 249 days.
XIII.55. Discussion with possible action to establish an Employee of the Quarter Program for City of Laredo employees; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.A.2. Discussion with poss ible action to mod ify Parkland Ded i cation O rd i na nce to be used wit h i n the cou ncil district of develop ment or reg ional park with i n the same d i strict; and any other matters i n cident thereto .
XVI.59.B.1. D iscussion with poss i ble action to d i rect management to have Economic Develo pment Department staff explore the poss i b i l ity of esta b l is h i ng a small business revo lving loan fu nd through a U S E DA (Economic Deve lopment Ad m i n istratio n ) grant oppo rtun ity ; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVI.59.B.2. D iscussion with poss ible action to d i rect management to work with the local workforce board (Workforce Sol utions For South Texas) to explore state fu n d i ng poss i b i l ities for h i g h demand j o b skills tra i n i n g ; a n d any other matters i n cident thereto .
XVI.59.B.3. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to d i rect management to d eve lop and present to cou ncil a state leg islative agenda for the fi rst City Council meet i ng in Octo ber; and any other matters i ncident thereto .
XVI.59.F.1. Discussion with possible action to instruct City Manager to authorize staff to install speed humps at the following locations under the Special Provision of the Speed Hump installation Policy and to authorize the use of asphalt type speed humps instead of speed cushions which is currently required under the policy and any other matters incident thereto. City Council District IV Priority Funds will be used for this project. Total Estimated Project Cost ~$10 , 0 00.00.
XVI.59.C.2. Discussion with possible action to name the Hike/Bike trail to "ProMike Bikeway" from Springfield to Eden Lane parallel to the AEP easement and behind the Mary Help of Christian School; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.C.3. Discussion with possible action to cease and desist all future construction of sports venue expenditures until the pandemic has passed; and any other matters incident thereto.
XVI.59.C.1. D iscussion with poss i b l e action to conduct an i n q u i ry, as per the charter, regard i n g the use of federa l and city fu nds by the Laredo F i re Fig hters U n i o n , a l i a s " L a U n ion", a n d or t h e F i re Pac, t o t h e advantage o f certa i n elected officials, the legalities or illegalities thereof, the self-reporting requirements of the City to both federal and state officials; and any other matters incident thereto.
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